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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” So what? That’s why you asked me to come here? ” Reina asked Marco helplessly, looking at Olga and Perona who were at a loss.
” Otherwise? I can’t do anything about them! ” Marco shrugged and replied.
In fact, the matter is very simple. An experiment by the doctor accidentally caused the trees on the empty island to grow wildly, and as a result, they directly covered Xuanyue Island.
Originally this is not a big deal, just cut down the trees that grow over it!
But the problem lies with Olga and Perona. The two little guys refuse Frank and his people to cut down trees on the grounds that the forest is their territory.
In desperation, Frank had to find Marco, hoping that Marco could help.
But at this time, Reina just contacted Xuanyue Island, so Marco naturally pushed the matter to him.
” You two … I’ll cause trouble again … I won’t take you to the sea in the future! Let you accompany the doctor in the laboratory every day! See if you can’t stand it! ” Reina glared at the two guys, Said: ” Now go and restore the forest to me! ”
Looking at the two little girls who were holding their heads, Marko chuckled and asked, ” What’s going on this time? ”
” Go get Binz and Ain! They have the right to know about this! ” Reina sighed and said.
” Okay! ” Marko nodded, and immediately asked the people around him to find Ain and Binz.
” Wait … By the way, call Senor over as well! ” Reina added immediately after seeing the other party reporting to leave.
After a while, the three of them came to the conference room and saw that Marco and Reina were both here. Although they were a little puzzled, they didn’t ask any further questions.
” First of all, I called you here because the things I encountered this time have something to do with you! ” Reina asked them to find a place to sit down, and said: ” First of all, the navy called the king down to the Qiwuhai! I After getting the news, they rushed over immediately, Ain and Binz should know what your teacher’s purpose is! ”
Hearing Reina’s words, Ain and Ain, who had just finished, stood up directly.
” Sit down, don’t get excited! ” Reina waved his hand, let the two sit down, and said, ” But when I went, Qiwuhai had already gathered at the naval headquarters, and I didn’t receive any news from your teacher, so I quietly sneaked into the Marine Headquarters Marine Fando and overheard their meeting with the king under the Qiwuhai! ”
Reina’s words made several people, including Marco, dumbfounded. They sneaked into Marin Fando, and were still eavesdropping on the meeting between the senior navy and the king’s Qiwuhai? Are you sure this is not a dream?
Reina said it simply, but none of the people present were Xiaobai. Naturally, they knew how risky it was to sneak into Marin Vando as a pirate, not to mention eavesdropping on the meeting of the Navy’s high-level officials.
” From their meeting, I learned that they intend to use Zefa’s hatred for Weibull to attract Zefa, and then lure me to appear, and then force the Whitebeard Pirates to rescue me after catching me. , and then start a full-scale war against our Whitebeard Pirates! ” Reina ignored their surprise, but said something that shocked them.
” What? The Navy intends to start a full-scale war with us? Did you tell Dad about this? ” Marco was the first to react. If the Navy didn’t tell Whitebeard about the change in their attitude, then he would probably get hit. The navy’s trap.
” Nonsense, of course I told Big Brother right away! ” Reina rolled her eyes and replied.
Ain and Binz, on the other hand, looked a little sad and dedicated their whole body to the teachers of the Navy. In the end, they were actually used by the Navy.
” So after I got the news, I set off as soon as possible and went to Judiciary Island to find Zefa! ” Rayner looked at Binz and the two and said softly: ” Because according to the Navy’s intelligence, Zefa is hidden on Judiciary Island! But still Before I could find Zefa, the navy realized that someone had eavesdropped on their intelligence, so they went ahead and executed the plan! ”
” Then teacher …” Ain opened his mouth and asked.
” Faced with the siege of the Admiral and Qiwuhai … he didn’t even have a chance to escape … In the end … his body was taken away by the Navy! ” Reina sighed and replied, ” Sorry, after learning about their After the plan, I was not sure that I would be able to retreat with Zefa, so for the sake of the Whitebeard Pirates … I didn’t take action! ”
” Teacher! ” Ain and Binz cried out in pain, and their faces were filled with tears.
” Ain! ” After crying for a while, Binz suddenly stood up and said to Ain who was beside him: ” I plan to go directly to Marivendo! The teacher’s body cannot be left in the navy! Are you going? ”
” Go! ” Ain’s answer was simple and powerful.
” No! ” But before the two could leave, Reina stopped them directly and said, ” When you came here, it was Zefa who wanted me to take care of the two of you! You don’t want to be pirates, and I didn’t embarrass you either. But let you follow the doctor! Now … you are going to die, if Zefa finds out, will he be willing? ”
” But … but …”
” No but! ” Reina interrupted Binz directly and said, ” You can leave here if you want! As long as you cut off your relationship with Zefa’s master and apprentice, then you are not Zefa’s disciples, and I have no obligation to help. Let him take care of you! ”
” It is impossible for us to sever our relationship with the teacher, and we must also take back the teacher’s body! ” Ain said in a deep voice.
” That’s fine! As long as I can defeat me, then I can’t stop you! ” Reina nodded and said.
” You … how could we have beaten you? This matter has nothing to do with you at all … and please don’t interfere with Mr. Reyna! ” Binz said with a little exasperation.
” Don’t talk nonsense anymore, if you can beat me, I’ll go, but if you can’t beat it … just stay here for me! ” Reina snorted coldly, and was too lazy to continue explaining.
Just when Binz and Ain had no choice, when they were about to make a move, Senor on the side said, “You two, can you listen to me? In fact, both of them know in their hearts that this is Mr. Reina’s good for you. Right? It’s just that I can’t express my feelings for your teacher for a while! I think it’s better for the two of you to go back to rest first, after calming down, discuss with Mr. Reina, how about that? ”
Marco over there followed and comforted him: ” Your teacher said this for the merits of his life in the Navy, and there are people such as Garp and Sengoku, they will definitely not let Zefa’s body be trampled, You should be able to rest assured about this! ”
Binz and Ain didn’t speak, just like Senor said, they all understand the truth, but this doesn’t mean that they don’t do it if they know it!
Seeing that the two did not continue arguing about going to Marivendo to die, Reina slowly sat down and continued: ” Because of the opposition to the Navy and Shichibukai’s actions against the Whitebeard Pirates, Jinbei has been sent to the Undersea Prison by the Navy! ”
” What? Jinbei? ” Marko was taken aback, looked at Reina, and said, ” If Jinbei lost his life because of this incident, Dad would not stand by! ”
” I know if you don’t tell me! ” Reina rolled her eyes and said, ” No, when I came back, I stopped by Dressrosa! ”
Senor gave a wry smile and said, ” That’s why Mr. Reina asked me to come here! It seems that there is some bad news to tell me! ”
Reina nodded and said, ” That’s right, your young master, Don Quixote Doflamingo, was originally a Celestial Dragon, and he also holds some kind of secret from the Celestial Dragon, so he has enough capital and a world government. Make a deal, so I thought of letting him rescue Jinpei! ”
” This … Young Master won’t agree? ” Senor hesitated and said.
” Yeah! I was also afraid that he would not agree, so I brought down all your cadres, and also captured a little girl protected by Torrepol! Torrepol’s identity is already very high in your family. Right!? He was still protecting a little girl, so I took her away! ” Reina said with a smile.
But listening to Reina’s words, Senor was speechless for a moment. He knew that what Reina took was the sugar, and he also knew what the sugar meant to the Don Quixote family.
” Then when Doflamingo came back, I started making deals with him, and he agreed to my request … but … that little girl was a little annoying. I was going to wait for Jinbei to come out and throw her in the Dahai punished her once, but I didn’t bother to care about her for your sake, but she insisted that you betray them! ”
Reina spread his hands and said, ” You know, I can’t explain this kind of thing. The more I explain it, the more I don’t believe it! ”
Senor sighed and didn’t say anything. Who made Reina catch the sugar? He also threatened her with things like throwing him into the sea. If he were himself, he would think that someone had betrayed her and told the information about Sugar.
But he was sure that he never told Reina any information about the Don Quixote family, he could only say … This was a misunderstanding.
” So … I don’t know if they consider you a traitor! ” Reina looked at Senor and said apologetically, ” Or … when you go back to Dressrosa, I will go with you? ”
” No … No need, I believe the young master will definitely believe me! ” Senor waved his hand quickly and said.
If Reina really accompanies him, then he really can’t explain it.
And now that Lucian’s situation is getting better and better, Senor doesn’t want to leave Lucian now, at least he has to wait until Lucian fully recovers before talking about it.
Seeing that Senor had his own plans, Reina nodded and said nothing more.
” So has Jinbei been released now? ” Marco asked, still a little worried about Shipin’s side.
” Should have gone back to Fishman Island! But his status as the king of Qiwuhai has been deprived, and I don’t know where the navy and the world government will find someone to replace him. ” Reina nodded and replied.

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