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At night, under the bright moonlight, Xuanyue Island seemed extremely quiet. Except for the watchers on the surrounding watchtowers who were still watching the surroundings vigilantly, everyone had already fallen asleep.
At the edge of the empty island forest, Binz and Ain were sitting there looking at the sea in the distance.
” What? Or decided to go to Malin Fandao? ” At some point, Reina appeared behind the two of them, startling them.
” Mr. Rayner! ” Ain and Binz quickly got up, but Rayner saw confusion in their eyes.
” I want to avenge your teacher again, but I know in my heart that you can’t do anything but die in the past, right? ” Reina asked as he walked over to the two of them and sat down.
Both were silent and did not speak.
” So what do you want to do now? ” Reina asked, looking at the sea in the distance.
” If you don’t know … I’ll give you a piece of advice … Do you want to listen? ” Seeing that the two of them didn’t answer, Reina chuckled and said, ” When my wife died in the Deep Sea Prison, I had nothing but revenge. I don’t want anything! So I just killed the past, and you know what the ending will be! ”
” Later I learned to wait for an opportunity … I turned into a poisonous snake and kept my eyes on them. As long as they showed flaws, I would go up and take a bite. Maybe one or two bites won’t kill him, but one day, he will be bitten to death by me! You guys What do you think? ”
The two looked at Reina in surprise. They didn’t expect Reina to say such a thing.
” I understand! ” Ai Yin was silent for a while, then suddenly said, ” We will wait for the opportunity to punish the murderer of the teacher! ”
” Ain …” Binz on the side looked at his companion in surprise. In his opinion, Ain should not let go easily.
” Mr. Reina is right. It’s a trivial matter for the two of us to die, but the teacher’s revenge … must be avenged! ” Ain said firmly.
” It’s good to have a purpose! If you don’t have a purpose in life, you will become very decadent. Since you have a purpose, you will keep moving towards it, even if you only advance a little bit every day, but one day, you will be able to achieve it. Your purpose! ” Seeing this, Reina got up and said to the two with a smile.
” Thank you, Mr. Rainer! ” Ain and Binz bowed to Rainer.
” Don’t thank me, the doctor asked me to come, he is a little worried about the two of you! ” Reina waved his hand and left with a smile.
Early the next morning, just as Reina was about to set sail to join the Moby Dick , Xuanyue Island received a call from Jinbei. They had decided that the entire Sun Pirates would come and join the Whitebeard Pirates. The regiment officially became the 50th pirate group under the Whitebeard Pirates.
But this took Reina by surprise.
Because according to the plot, this time should be the top war period, after the destruction of the Whitebeard Pirates, Jinbei should bring the Sun Pirates to join the BIGMOM Pirates.
In this way, in the future, the famous saying that Jinping said to BIGMOM ” I am the crew of the future One Piece, how can I be afraid of your mere four emperors? ”
But now Jinbei took the Sun Pirates and chose to join the Whitebeard Pirates. Would Jinbei say such things to Whitebeard in the future?
In that case … Reina believes that Luffy is really going to lose a crew member.
And with Jinpei’s respect for Whitebeard, he shouldn’t do such a thing. If he wants to leave, the Whitebeard Pirates will not let him go.
But as a pirate, there must be rules. If Jinbei drank the Yizi wine and became the adopted son of Whitebeard, then when he quits in the future, he will not experience any disaster. He wants to leave calmly, afraid of fear. It is impossible.
So after letting the liaison staff contact the Moby Dick , Reina also chose to stay and wait for Jinbei’s arrival.
A few days later, Jinbei brought his Sun Pirates to Xuanyue Island, but Reina didn’t go to greet him, instead, it was Marco.
” Captain Marko! ” Jinpei greeted him enthusiastically after seeing Marko, but found that Marko looked at him strangely.
” What’s wrong? ” Marco asked Jinping, who was a little uncomfortable, and asked in surprise.
After Marco hesitated for a while, he asked Jinbei in a low voice, ” Did you offend that guy Reina? ”
” Huh? No! How could I possibly offend him? ” Jinbei was stunned, then shook his head and replied.
” It’s fine if you don’t. You know, he’s a shrewd guy. If you offend him, say it as soon as possible. Then you can just fool him with any treasure! Otherwise, that guy will always hold grudges! ” Marco nodded and said.
” But … I really didn’t offend him! ” Jinping replied with a wry smile.
” Then why Reina doesn’t seem to agree with you joining us? ” Marko asked, looking at Jinbei.
” Ah? ” Jinbei was really surprised and asked in disbelief: “The vice-captain doesn’t agree with our Sun Pirates joining the Whitebeard Pirates? Why? ”
” Didn’t I ask you? Are you still asking me? ” Marco replied speechlessly.
Jinbei frowned and thought about it carefully, then said tentatively, ” I heard that Mr. Reina rescued me this time, did he cost a lot of money? So I’m a little upset? ”
” That shouldn’t be the case. It was Doflamingo who rescued you this time. He just kidnapped Doflamingo’s cadres and forced him to find the World Government! So he shouldn’t have spent much money! ” Mal Ke shook his head and replied.
” Why is that? ” Jinbei and Marco felt a little strange now.
To say that Reina usually doesn’t like Jinping, it’s okay to reject them, but everyone can see that Reina still likes Jinping, otherwise he wouldn’t have given him a ” fat blue ” alone . nickname.
So now Reina refused to join the Sun Pirates, which made them a little confused.
” Forget it, I’ll go and ask directly! If Mr. Reina has any dissatisfaction with me, I can change it! ” Jinbei said with a smile.
A group of people came to the conference room talking and laughing, and Reina was already waiting for them here.
” Fat Lan, I heard that you want to join our Whitebeard Pirates? ” As soon as Jinbei entered the door, he heard Reina’s question.
” That’s right! Boss Tiger wanted to bring the Sun Pirates to join the Whitebeard Pirates! But later, because of the matter of the King’s Qiwuhai, I couldn’t do it! Now I don’t have the title of King’s Qiwuhai anymore. So I came here on purpose! ” Jinping nodded and said seriously.
Reina nodded and said, ” Yes! Even though the eldest brother is not here now, I can promise you now! But … you can’t! ”
” Why? ” Sure enough, Jinpei asked in confusion after hearing Reina said he couldn’t do it.
When Marco told him about this before, he thought it was Reina joking, but now when it was officially discussed in the conference room, Reina couldn’t be joking.
He said this, then it can only prove one thing, that is, Reina is really against him joining the Whitebeard Pirates.
Aladdin and the others from the Sun Pirates looked at each other in dismay. If Jinpei couldn’t join, they would definitely not join either!
If this incident caused a crack in their relationship with the Whitebeard Pirates, or even affected Fishman Island, it would really be worth the loss.
” You’re too stupid, in case you’re deceived in the future … I’m afraid you won’t be able to explain it to us! ” Reina pouted and said.
Everyone was very puzzled about the reason Reina said.
” I … I’m too stupid? ” Jinbei was even more confused and asked, ” Mr. Rainer, I was deceived … What do you mean? ”
” I’m asking you … if you join other pirates in the future … how do you deal with yourself? ” Reina looked at Jinbei and asked with a smile.
” Me? Join another pirate group? How is this possible? ” Jinbei shook his head and said.
All over the world, their murlocs are rarely joined by other pirates. For those who want to become pirates, the Sun Pirates are their first choice, and of course Aaron’s murloc. Pirates.
But speaking of them, they were all split from the Sun Pirates, which also represented the two attitudes of the murlocs towards humans.
As the captain of the Sun Pirates, the possibility of Jinbei joining other pirates is very slim, especially now that if he joins the Whitebeard Pirates, it is even more impossible to join other pirates.
” What? You don’t believe me? ” Reina said with a chuckle. ” If you’re so sure, there’s no problem with me, but if you want to quit then … I won’t agree! ”
Hearing Reina’s words, Jinpei and the Sun Pirates hesitated.
They knew that Reina had the ability to see the future. Now that the other party said so, he must have seen something, so they hesitated instead.
” Hahaha … how is it? Blue Fatty … I’ll just say it! You are not suitable for our Whitebeard Pirates! Now give you a chance to let Aladdin represent the Sun Pirates and join our Whitebeard Pirates. Tuan! As for you … just go back to Fishman Island and wait! ” Reina laughed when she saw Jinbei’s hesitant look.
Jinpei and Aladdin looked at each other, and they didn’t know what to do now.
” That … Mr. Reina, let’s discuss it first! ” Jinbei touched the back of his head a little embarrassedly and said.
” Okay, find a place to live by yourself. It’s not the first time for you to come to Xuanyue Island, but the Moby Dick is on its way back. Before Big Brother comes back, you must give me an accurate answer! ” Reina put away Smile, said seriously.
” Okay! ” Jinbei nodded and said, ” We’ll make a decision soon! ”
After Jinping left, Marco asked Reina, ” Who is it that can snatch Jinping away from us? ”
He didn’t doubt Reina’s words in the slightest, he just felt puzzled.
It’s not the first day that Jinpei and the others have known each other. If anyone in this world has the best relationship with Fishman Island, it must be their Whitebeard Pirates.

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