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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
When Gibson and Bista came to a room in the cabin, they found a treasure chest randomly stacked there. It was full of gold. At the bottom of the treasure box, there was the logo of the Whitebeard Pirates.
” What do you want to say? ” Bista asked, looking at the surprised Gibson.
” This … this … these things are not mine at all! By the way, that guy …” Gibson turned his head immediately, looking for something, but did not find the target.
” Captain Vista, please believe me! These things really don’t belong to me! They are my partners. They were on the way here, and they said that they robbed a small pirate group and grabbed the spoils! I didn’t have any at the time. Think too much, so let him put things here! What I said is true, if I knew that they robbed your Whitebeard Pirates, I would have arrested them long ago and gave them to you! How could I let you So check? ” explained Gibson’s sweaty Bista.
” This … After you go to Xuanyue Island, explain it to your father in person! Mr. Gibson, you are also a respectable person, so you don’t need us to do it, right? ” Bista said with a chuckle.
If he didn’t see the slaves in the cabin, he would really believe the other party, and he wouldn’t be too embarrassed for the other party, but now … Isn’t it just an opportunity?
Seeing Bista’s expression, Gibson immediately knew what the other party was playing. Fortunately, Bista didn’t plan to kill him now, but took him back to Xuanyue Island. In this case, he would have a chance to survive. , as for the cargo on board … he was completely disillusioned.
When Bista brought Gibson back to Xuanyue Island, Reina was already waiting at the port.
” Who are you? Are you very courageous? Dare to rob our things in the waters of Xuanyue Island? I think you have the guts to grow hair? ” After seeing Gibson, Reina didn’t remember who the other party was for a while. , but it did not prevent him from venting the anger in his heart.
The corner of Gibson’s mouth twitched involuntarily, and then he said with a sad face: ” Deputy Commander Reina, I really don’t know that it belongs to our Whitebeard Pirates! If you know, you will lend me a hundred courage, and I will too. I dare not ask for it! ”
” Yo ~ It seems that there is still an inside story? It doesn’t matter, I like listening to people like you tell stories. After the story is told, it can be hung on the flagpole to dry, which is also a bright spot! ” Reina sneered and said.
Gibson was scared to pee on the spot, so he had to look at Bista for help, hoping he could help and say good things.
But Bista didn’t even look at him, but walked towards the main building.
When the group came to the banquet square, Whitebeard was already there waiting for them. For the guys who dared to rob them, there was no need to use the conference room, so Whitebeard felt that he was eating on the side of the banquet square. Settle things aside.
” Dad … I’ve been wronged! ” Before everyone spoke, Gibson just knelt down on the ground, crying to Whitebeard as he knelt forward.
” This Nima … talent! ” Seeing Gibson’s appearance, even Reina had to write a word.
” Huh? Who are you? ” Whitebeard was also taken aback by Gibson and asked in surprise.
” Dad, it’s me! The old name in the warehouse industry, the Hidden Master Gibson ! I’m here to celebrate the annual banquet for you! ” Gibson cried.
” Oh ~ it’s you! How did you come here? ” Whitebeard was stunned, and after thinking about it carefully, he asked.
Gibson hurriedly recounted what had happened before, and cursed and swore: ” I really don’t know that the pirates they said robbed were our Whitebeard Pirates! If they knew, I would not dare to give me the courage. Hide it! ”
Whitebeard looked at Bista and asked with his eyes if he was telling the truth.
Bista nodded, indicating that the other party was not lying, and he should have really didn’t know about it in advance.
But Bistan still had those slaves in mind, so he wanted to talk to Whitebeard about it, but Reina over there said first: ” I don’t know? Are you going to fool this matter if you don’t know? You What about playing? Do you know where this place is? ”
” Deputy Captain, I really didn’t know beforehand! But I am also responsible. I will bear all the losses of your regiment, whether it is the cost of injury medicine or other expenses, I will bear it all! How? ” Gibson hurriedly Said to Reina.
“The cost of the wound medicine? Are you kidding me? We have killed two companions! Even if we cut you off, we can’t get it back! If nothing else, who is your so-called partner? ” Reina looked unhappy asked.
” It’s gone. When the thing was discovered, I went to look for it as soon as possible, but I didn’t see the other person at all. They should have done it on purpose, just to frame me! ” Gibson said bitterly.
” Then I don’t care, it’s your business! ” Reina shook his head and said ruthlessly.
At this time, Bista also walked in front of Reina and said something in a low voice. Gibson’s eyelids jumped when he saw it.
” Yo ~ that’s not bad! You still dare to sell people in our Xuanyue Island waters? It’s not a loss to be the emperor of the underground world, but you really didn’t take our Whitebeard Pirates seriously! ” Reina listened to Bista’s words , said immediately yin and yang strangely.
” This matter has become what it is now, and I can’t make too many excuses for myself! I also asked the deputy captain to show me the way. I don’t know what to do to let me go! ” Gibson didn’t struggle anymore, Said directly.
” Well, my two dead companions don’t have 100 million Bailey’s burial expenses at home, isn’t that much? ” Rayner looked at Gibson and asked.
The corners of Gibson’s mouth twitched. Although he really wanted to refute, he knew that he was talking too much now, so he had no choice but to nod his head honestly to express his approval.
” In addition, you are in the waters of our Xuanyue Island, doing things that our Whitebeard Pirates expressly stipulated that they cannot do, so it is no problem to detain your cargo ship, right? ” Reina said again.
” No problem! ” Gibson resigned, nodded and replied.
” In the end, it’s about robbing us. As the emperor of the underground world, you have a bit of weight in your words, so we agree with your words, but things can’t pass like this. First of all, the intelligence of your so-called partner must be Tell us, and you also need to compensate us for the equivalent of gold! Is there a problem? ” Reina asked after thinking about it.
” No … no problem! ” said Gibson, nodding.
Things that can be solved with Bailey are not things.
As long as the Whitebeard Pirates let him go, he would be willing to spend more than Bailey.
” Very well, don’t say that I won’t give you a way to survive. For the above three points, I will give you half a month. If you do this, it will be over. If you can’t do it … No matter where you hide, I will find you, and then put You sink to the bottom of the sea! ” Rayner looked at Whitebeard after saying that, and when he saw Whitebeard nodded, he waved his hand and let Gibson be released.
” Don’t get out yet? ”
Hearing Rayner’s words, Gibson hurriedly ran towards the port with his men.
” Reina, when did we sacrifice our two companions? Didn’t they all come back? ” Bista asked in confusion after Gibson left.
” Undead, you come out with these two hundred million Baileys? What a fool! ” Reina said with a pouted lip.
Bista’s face darkened. It turned out that what Reina said just now was a lie.
” Frank, is the port ready? ” At this time, Reina asked Frank beside him.
” Don’t worry, co-captain, it’s already been arranged! ” Frank replied with a smile.
” What else have you arranged? ” Bista asked in surprise.
” Hehe! We are pirates. We entered the pirate den and wanted to leave so easily? Do you want to eat shit? ” Reina pouted and said.
” Captain Bista, their cargo ship has been impounded by us, so if they want to go to sea, they must buy our ship! I have provided them with three kinds of boats, ordinary small wooden boats, worth five million Baileys! Small triangles A sailboat, worth ten million baileys! ”
“The last one is their own cargo ship, which is worth a billion baileys! Of course, I have already emptied all the things on the cargo ship! The supplies they need to go to sea need to be purchased separately! ” Frank smiled. said.
” You … your own boat, sell him a billion baileys? How could he buy it? Buy a small sailboat at most, so that’s enough to leave! ” Bistan suddenly felt that he couldn’t understand his companion.
” No, they will definitely spend a billion to buy it! Because … the vice-captain only gave them half a month, if they can’t get Bailey for the vice-captain, then what awaits him … is the vice-captain’s ruthless revenge. Yes! ” Frank said with a weird laugh.
” Are you … demons? ” After listening to Frank’s explanation, Bista couldn’t say anything in surprise.
Even he had some sympathy for Gibson.
” Humph! Dare to take action against our Whitebeard Pirates, no matter whether what he said is true or false, we must teach him a lesson. This time, he didn’t kill him, it’s already a lot of face! ” Reina said. He pouted and said.
When Reina said this, Zhou Ei’s captain also laughed. As for Whitebeard … he had already left, and if he hadn’t been required to come forward, he might not have come out.
” But is there really no problem doing this? The other party said that he is also one of the emperors below! ” Some members also raised their concerns.
” The emperor of the underground world? We need him, he is the emperor, we don’t need him, he is the fat to be slaughtered! This point … he knows very well! So all he can do is play a little behind his back. It’s just a means, our real enemies are only the navy and the other three emperors! Because only they can threaten us in the morning! ” Reina shook his head indifferently and replied.
On the other side of the port, after tearing down a debt of up to 1.5 billion Bailey, Gibson finally got his own cargo ship and some supplies enough for them to leave the waters under the jurisdiction of the Whitebeard Pirates.
Originally, he also wanted to go to the next island to replenish supplies, but he was afraid of any other moth, so he planned not to stay until he left the Whitebeard Sea Area.
Only after leaving here can he feel a sense of security.

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