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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
When Gibson returned to his own territory, he finally had a sense of security. On his own territory, he finally had the courage to complain about the Whitebeard Pirates and Reina.
” Sir, what should we do now? Are those Baileys still going to be sent to the Whitebeard Pirates? ” Gibson’s younger brother knew that the boss was in a bad mood, but the matter was more urgent now, so he had to ask clearly.
” Crack! ” Gibson slapped his younger brother in the face with a backhand, and roared angrily: ” Send, send! Send a fart! Damn Whitebeard Pirates, one day I will make them pay the price! ”
” Yes, yes …” The beaten brother quickly apologized, and then turned to leave, he didn’t dare to stay here any longer.
” Wait …” At this moment, Gibson suddenly spoke again and said: ” Let someone prepare the equivalent gold … No, it’s better to give it directly to Bailey, save what they said! After preparation , send someone to Xuanyue Island! Be better! ”
” Yes, my lord! ” The younger brother lowered his head, his face full of haze, but he dared not show it to Gibson.
I asked him just now, he said no, but now he has made his attitude a little better. From this aspect, the younger brother can be sure that Gibson can’t afford to offend the Whitebeard Pirates at all, and any revenge is just hilarious.
The strength of these so-called underground emperors is no longer on the same level as the four emperors.
After receiving the arrears from Gibson, Reina happily put all Bailey into the inventory. Since the doctor got the minerals, he has been researching continuously, and the resources are also consumed quite a lot.
However, Reina heard that there is still some progress. At least the dark moon has been improved a lot. When the doctor has eliminated all the toxins, Reina plans to go to Uzo to find Amao and Agou to get some fur tribes. return.
Ah Mao and Ah Gou were Inu Arashi and Cat Viper who were on the boat with Oden back then. Now they are both the kings of Uzo, so Reina estimated that if he used to ask them for someone, it should not be a problem.
After coming out of the warehouse, Reina saw Senor emerge from the ground before walking far, which shocked him.
” What are you doing here? Is Lucian feeling better recently? ” Reina asked in surprise, looking at Senor who was a little embarrassed.
” That … I’m here to help the doctor get things! ” Senor said a little embarrassedly: ” Lucian ‘s situation has improved a lot. The doctor on the island said that if he continued to cultivate, it would soon become normal. people! ”
” That’s good, call me when you’re free, and I’ll accompany you to see Lucian! ” Reina smiled and nodded and replied.
The doctor was in the inner space of Xuanyue Island recently, and he didn’t know what he was doing. Joze, Binz, Bista and others were called by him. Although Reina knew he was inside, he didn’t know what they were doing. something.
Anyway, wait until the end, after the doctor is done, he will definitely tell him.
” Okay, thank you Mr. Reina! ” After hearing Reina’s words, Senor quickly thanked him.
After a while, Reina had just arrived home when Senor knocked on the door of his house.
” So soon? ” Reina was stunned, he didn’t expect the other party to come to him so quickly.
Senor smiled a little embarrassedly. Just now, he went back to the doctor to ask for a leave of absence, saying that Reina would help to see Lucian, and the doctor agreed without saying a word.
The Whitebeard Pirates basically know about Senor and Lucian. There is no way. Every day, no matter the wind or the rain, he will push Lucian out for a walk. He takes care of Lucian as well. Everyone sees it.
So even if he is a member of the Don Quixote family, everyone is still quite friendly to him.
” Let’s go! Let’s go and see! ” Seeing Senor’s appearance, Reina smiled and patted him on the shoulder, and walked towards his residence first.
” Huh? ” As soon as he entered the door, Reina saw a woman in her forties who was wiping Lucian’s body. This work was originally done by Senor.
” Recently, the doctor needs me to help me with some things. If I’m not at home, I don’t worry about Lucian alone, so the doctor asked Frank to send me a big sister to help me take care of Lucian ! ” like, Senor explained with a smile.
” Ah! That’s it, I said how could you let someone take care of Lucian, but what is the doctor doing? It seems that Joz, Bista, Binz, and the others have all been called over? ” Rainer nodded, asked with a smile.
“The doctor plans to install a thruster on Xuanyue Island! ” Senor replied with a smile.
” What? Thruster? What does he want to do? ” Reina, who was walking towards Lucian, immediately stopped, looked at Senor in a dumbfounded way, and asked.
” I don’t know, but the doctor seems to have said so! He said that Xuanyue Island was a ship, a ship that can move freely on the seabed! ” Senor also said with a great sigh.
When the Doctor found him, he told him what to do.
His trust in the Doctor was also quite moved. You must know that he is not a member of the Whitebeard Pirates now, but the Doctor told him all such core secrets.
Although Reina really wanted to go to the doctor to find out, but he also knew that this was not the time to do this. Senor came to him to see a doctor for Lucian.
” Good afternoon, Lucian! I’m Reina. We met before. Today I’m here to show you your body. If you hear it, just blink or move your fingers! ” Reina stepped forward, said with a smile.
He didn’t take Lucian as a vegetable at all, as if the other party was a normal person.
However, the route sitting on the bed did not blink or move his fingers. According to Senor, the route’s fingers are now occasionally able to move.
But Rayner was not in a hurry. He massaged Lucian’s arm while talking to her, but after he finished speaking, he would add something, move your fingers or wink if you hear it.
” You may not know, I’m actually a pirate too! A pirate like your husband Senor! Haha … isn’t that weird? But don’t worry, we’re not ordinary pirates, and we Instead of robbing civilians for a living, the Xuanyue Island where your husband takes you to live is actually not much different from an ordinary island.
He’s no longer a pirate, that’s right! Just for you, he probably gave up being a pirate! So you have to get well soon, so that you can bully him every day and order him not to be a pirate! How about it? Is it interesting? If you feel good too, just blink or move your finger! ” Rainer said, putting down Lucian’s arm, and he was going to go to the other side to continue massaging her other hand.
But at this time, Senor looked at Lucian with a ghostly expression.
” Ray … Mr. Reina … She … she … Lucian just blinked! ” Senor pointed to the route excitedly and said to Reina.
” Don’t get excited, Mr. Senor, your wife, Miss Lucien, is recovering now, so her consciousness is sometimes awake, so it’s not surprising to hear us! What you do every day now , just chat with her and help her do a restorative massage! ” Reina naturally saw it long ago, and replied with a smile.
” Yes, yes … I know, just like you did, talk to her? ” Senor’s words trembled with excitement.
” You don’t have to be like me. You are his husband. You can say whatever you want with her. You can talk about the two of you. You can talk about your vision for the future. It’s up to you! ” Reina grinned. grinned and said with a smile.
” Phew ~~ I see! So is there anything else she needs to pay attention to? ” Senor suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked.
” No, her condition is improving rapidly. Maybe one day you are talking to her, and she will answer you a word! ” Reina said with a smile.
And after Reina finished speaking, they all saw that a smile slowly appeared on the face of the route.
” Lucian … I see, thank you Mr. Reina! ” Senor took a step forward, grabbed Lucian’s hand, and said gratefully to Reina.
” If she does speak one day, you don’t have to worry. She hasn’t spoken for a long time and may not be able to say it at first, but you have to tell Lucian not to worry, time is the best medicine! ” Reina nodded, said.
” I understand! ” Senor’s eyes were dripping with tears, and he was so happy.
” Okay, Lucian, you are the same, I know you can hear what I say, so don’t worry, let’s take it slow, one day you can become normal people, you and your husband are still young, even in the future If I want another child, I don’t think it’s a problem! ” Reina whispered to Lucian.
Seeing the other party closing his open eyes, Reina knew that the other party should be shy.
Don’t look at what Lucian looks like now, when he became a vegetable a few years ago, he was not as old as he is now.
” Hahaha … Well, look, isn’t she fully able to communicate? When she is conscious, you can accompany her to talk more, and you can let her do more small movements such as moving her fingers and blinking her eyes. It ‘s good for her recovery! ” Reina told Senor with a big laugh when she saw Lucian’s shy look.
” Okay, I remember! Thank you so much, Mr. Reina! ” Senor was about to kneel down to Reina.
His gratitude to Reina was indeed very great.
Now Lucian seems to be getting better and better, and these are all thanks to Reina.
” You’d better stay with him more, I’ll talk to him about the doctor, don’t always ask you for help! ” Reina nodded and said.
” It’s alright … The doctor didn’t ask me to do anything else, just help him do experiments. It’s neither dangerous nor hard! I have received so much help and care from you here, so I can help the doctor. It doesn’t matter, and I believe Lucian will not object! Right? ” Senor looked at Lucian and found that she had opened her eyes, but she seemed to want to express something, which he did not understand.
” Don’t worry, although we are all pirates, the doctor is a scientist. He is only interested in scientific research. He is recently remodeling the island. Your husband Senor’s abilities are a little special, so he can help the doctor. , that’s why the doctor came to him! He didn’t go out to sea to rob us! As I said, your husband is no longer a pirate! ” Renner knew that Lucian was worried, so he sent Senor Tell Lucian something about what to do now.
“That ‘s right! Lucian, I’m no longer a pirate! I’m just helping the doctor with experiments. The doctor is a very powerful scientist. When I have time, I’ll take you to see the doctor! ” Senor also hurried nodded and said.
” Next time you want to go out, you can tell Lucian what you want to do first. Don’t worry, our Whitebeard Pirates are different from your original one. You can tell Lucian about everything, so that she will be at ease. And you can’t lie to her in the future, you know? Otherwise, if she is sad, it will not be good for the treatment! ” Reina nodded and said.
” Yes! I will never deceive Lucian about anything again! ” Senor nodded and said seriously.
” Yeah! I’ve told you what I have to say, so just do as I say! I have to go to the doctor’s side to see, he won’t destroy Xuanyue Island for me! ” Reina smiled and patted He tapped Senor on the shoulder and said.

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