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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
After coming out of Senor’s house, Reina went directly through the passage and came to the interior space of Xuanyue Island. The approximate space inside has been completely completed, but some buildings and plants have not been completely completed, so apart from the construction team Besides, no one has come in yet.
Soon, Reina came to the bottom of the inner space, where he really saw Dr. Sière. In addition to the doctor, Joz, Bista, Binz and others were also here.
” Reina? Didn’t your kid go to see Senor’s wife? Why did you come here? ” The doctor greeted Reina with a smile.
” I’ve read it! Lucian’s condition is good and he’s recovering very well. I guess after a while, maybe he’ll be able to speak! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Oh? That’s not bad! Senor can be considered to be able to make it through! ” Bista replied with a smile.
Everyone can see Senor’s hard work. He really likes Lucian from the bottom of his heart. No matter what she becomes, he is the man who holds her in his hand.
So everyone was very happy for Senor after hearing that Lucian’s health had improved. After all, this was a very big thing for Senor.
” Speaking of doctors … what are you … doing? ” Reina asked curiously after stepping forward.
” I’m asking Binz to help me give birth to this seed! I don’t know if the vitality of this big tree is too strong. Even with Binz’s help, its growth rate is very slow! ” The doctor pointed to the open space in the middle and said.
Reina stepped forward to take a look, and found that there was only a small sapling there, and there was no so-called big tree at all.
He still knew very well about Binz’s abilities. As long as it was a plant, he could give birth to it, but he didn’t expect that there would be a plant that he couldn’t get.
” What kind of plant is this? Isn’t it the mutant plant you brought back? ” Reina asked curiously.
” No, this was given to me by King Neptune of Fishman Island. As long as it grows, it will not only provide us with an underwater protective cover, but also provide enough oxygen. Unfortunately, the growth is too slow. I heard that The one on Fishman Island has grown for I don’t know how many years! ” Dr. Sière said regretfully.
Binz on the side was constantly twisting his body, but the growth rate of the small sapling was quite slow, but compared to natural growth, it was still countless times faster.
” Hu ~ hu ~ What the hell is this thing? It’s … it’s really exhausting! ” After a while, Binz fell directly to the ground, gasping for breath.
” Hahaha! Don’t worry, just use it as a training exercise! ” Reina said with a smile when he saw Binz’s exhausted appearance.
Binz, who was lying on the ground, rolled his eyes. He no longer had the strength to complain to Reina.
” By the way, Doctor, I heard Senor say, are you planning to install a thruster on Xuanyue Island? What’s going on? ” Reina just remembered the purpose and asked quickly.
” Ah! You said that! It’s our idea! When this tree grows up and can protect us from diving, then we will turn Xuanyue Island into a boat and go wherever we want! ” Ah Dr. Sie said with a smile.
” But … is it really possible? Going under the sea? ” Reina asked with a frown.
” I don’t plan to use propellers to advance on the seabed. The propellers are used on the sea surface. In addition to the big flag that Frank and the others made last time, they are just used as sails! If you are on the seabed, I plan to install some outer ships. , the space left here is prepared for the outer ship! When the time comes, it will move directly on the seabed! ” Dr. Ahsie said with a smile.
” This … can it work ? ” Reina asked tentatively.
In his impression, this kind of technology does not seem to be what Dr. Sière is good at!
” Haha … There are indeed many technical difficulties, but isn’t this tree yet to grow? Take it slow! ” Dr. Ah Xie said with a smile.
Reina nodded. When he saw Dr. Sière calling Joz and the others, he thought it had already started!
” Doctor, the outer ship will not be done now, should I continue the work on my side? ” Joz asked when he heard the conversation between Reina and Ahsie.
” Of course I did! Why didn’t I do it? ” asked Dr. Sière in surprise.
” Didn’t you just say that there are still many technical difficulties? ” Joz asked in surprise.
” Yeah! I’ve already broken it! That’s why I asked you to do it! If I don’t try it, how do I know if my assumption is right? ” The doctor said with a natural expression.
But Reina and the others are a black line. This has not been tested yet, so let’s try it on Xuanyue Island. If there is a problem … it will be bad.
” Don’t worry, I have done a good job of protection, even if I fail, there will be no problem! ” Dr. Ahsie said confidently.
” That’s fine, you just need to do a good job of protection, don’t sink Xuanyue Island! Our funds are not enough for me to build another Xuanyue Island! ” Reina wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.
After coming out of Xuanyue Island, Reina thought about it carefully and decided to go to Whitebeard’s place. Although he believed in Dr. Sière, this kind of scientific researcher sometimes gets crazy, but even his own pit. A ruthless character, so Reina thinks it’s best to talk to Whitebeard, and if there is something, he can rescue him in time.
But after he finished talking to Whitebeard, Whitebeard laughed and said, ” Goo la la la … Don’t worry, I agree, the doctor told me before, and the worst result is the lower level. The interior space is flooded, he is ready for isolation, there will be no problem! ”
” It turns out that, since I have made complete preparations, then I don’t bother to ask, but big brother … I plan to go to the fur tribe! ” Reina said after thinking about it.
” Huh? Fur tribe? What are you doing there? ” Whitebeard asked in surprise.
” Remember the dark moon that the doctor researched last time? ” Reina said with a smile: ” Don’t you think it’s appropriate to use it on the fur tribe? ”
” You mean … moon lion? But the side effects of this drug are too strong! Even with the improvement of the doctor, it is still not suitable for human consumption! ” Whitebeard shook his head and said.
” I know, so it’s not that I want to find a few fur tribesmen and let the doctor see if I can continue to improve it! Otherwise, if I continue to let him go on like this, Xuanyue Island is afraid that in the end, I don’t know that it will become What it looks like, the most important thing is that we don’t have that much money to support him! ” Reina sighed and said.
Their Whitebeard Pirates are no longer poor, not to mention the bounty criminals they have captured, the sea area they control, the amount of filial piety given to them every year is not small, this is still the case that the Whitebeard has dropped a lot.
If they are the same as Kaido and BIGMOM , they can receive more.
But even under this circumstance, they still feel that they cannot supply the Doctor.
Rayner finally knew why they said that scientists were burning money.
Just like the doctor, in fact, many of his inventions and researches, if they are exchanged for money, he believes that he will soon be able to exchange a lot, and even make more money than their entire Whitebeard Pirates.
But the problem is that many of his inventions were originally made to help them. The secrets belonging to their pirate group cannot be shared at all, so this also makes the doctor’s inventions impossible to cash out, so all the costs can only be relied on. Whitebeard Pirates.
Rayner also believed that if it wasn’t for the world government, no one could afford Vega Punk, the scientist who was known as the world’s number one.
Because many of his scientific researches are more dangerous than those of a doctorate and cannot be disclosed at all, so the high cost of his research can only be borne by the world government.
Reina had the idea of looking for some more researchers before, but now there is basically no such idea.
Unless they can find another way to make a fortune.
But their Whitebeard Pirates don’t do a lot of business, such as human trafficking, which is quick to get money, they won’t intervene, and they’re not allowed.
” Gu la la la … Well, you go! See if the cats and dogs are okay! After so many years, they don’t come to see me! ” Whitebeard immediately laughed when he saw Reina’s stingy look .
” Okay, I see! ” Reina nodded and replied.
” By the way, take Ace with you this time! ” Whitebeard said after thinking about it.
” Ace? Why? ” Reina asked, taken aback.
” Let him go out for a walk! ” Whitebeard said with a smile.
” Okay! ” Reina nodded thoughtfully and replied.
Early the next morning, Reina and Ace appeared at the port.
” Then please go with me this time! ” Reina smiled and explained to Ace where they were going.
” Hehe … the vice-captain is too polite! ” Ace jumped on the hard shell’s back first and said with a smile.
” Then we’re off! ” Reina smiled and climbed onto the hard shell.
Upon receiving Reina’s order, the hard shell slowly sank, and then quickly moved forward.
Reina had left the life cards of Inuarashi and Cat Viper at the beginning, so he could rely on the life cards to find Uzo.
Because Wuzuo is on the back of the elephant, and the elephant is always moving, so without the life card, it is impossible to find Wuzuo!
Of course, the existence of that kind of luck is not to mention.
A few days later, Reina and Ace hadn’t found Uzo yet, but they met a naval warship on the road. Because the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates was hanging on the hard shell, the warship was directly facing him from a distance. opened fire on them.
” Huh? Seeing us and firing directly? It seems to be the navy of the New World! ” Reina said with a smile after comforting Hard Shell and letting him leave quickly.
” Do you need me to solve it? ” Ace asked, looking up at the warship in the distance.
” No, there is no need to entangle with them! There are so many such warships in the navy! ” Reina shook his head and said.
But seeing them flee, the warship seems to be even more proud, not only catching up quickly, but also shouting at them, but the distance is too far, Reina can’t hear what the other party is shouting.
” What do they seem to be talking about? ” Reina turned her head to look at Ace and said.
” It is estimated that don’t run away, stop and let us arrest or something! ” Ace shrugged and replied.
” Oh … do you want to listen to them? ” Reina asked after thinking about it.
Ace’s face darkened, and he asked, ” Is the vice-captain going to go to Marinfando or to the Deep Sea Prison? ”
” Ah ~ I’m going to listen to what they’re trying to say! Are we not bored now? Why don’t we grab the warship and sell it on the next island? ” Reina said after thinking about it.
Ace finally understood when he went to sea, why there were rumors on the island that the deputy captain had been poor and crazy recently, and now even the naval warships wanted to make up their minds for the sake of it?
” Cough … You don’t know how much the doctor can spend. If you don’t get some money back, Xuanyue Island will not be able to eat! ” Reina saw Ace’s thoughts from his expression and quickly explained. one sentence.
Ace nodded sullenly. In fact, he wanted to say, didn’t he just extort billions of billions from that underground emperor? Why is there no money now?
And if they really ran out of money, Whitebeard would have taken them out to rob them long ago.

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