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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Looking at the warship that was getting farther and farther away, Reina sighed and let go of a large amount of Bailey!
Ace on the side looked a little dumbfounded, their Whitebeard Pirates didn’t seem to be so poor yet!
” You! Don’t you know that firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive! ” Reina gave Ace a slightly resentful look and said.
He knew that now his image would be completely ruined.
If he hadn’t been able to lower the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates, he would have wanted to put it away and let others come to trouble him, and then he would charge a high fee.
Fortunately, the speed of the hard shell is not slow, so the event of finding the elephant is not long.
” This … how are we going to get up? ” Looking at the huge elephant legs in front of him, Ace asked in surprise.
” Climb up! Or else? Do you still want me to take you up? ” Reina pouted and said.
The corners of Ace’s mouth twitched unconsciously. Although he didn’t think so at first, being rejected like this made him feel a little speechless.
” Okay, young man, just crawl slowly by yourself! I’ll take a step first! ” Reina smiled slightly, and directly used the moon step to fly towards Zou on the elephant master.
” I must practice moonwalking when I go back! ” Looking at Reina who was leaving, Ace couldn’t help but make up his mind!
When Reina quickly mounted the back of the elephant, the first thing that caught his eye was their simple fortifications.
” Huh? No one is on duty! They have been safe for too long! ” Looking at the fortifications that were supposed to be guarded, Reina shook his head and jumped directly over.
After crossing the fortifications, there is a forest, and through the forest is the city of the fur tribe. Reina is not unfamiliar because he has been here.
However, before he walked in the forest for a long time, he found that there were fur tribes approaching him.
” Ah ~ is it Wanda? ” Reina looked up, looked at the dog girl who was running towards him, and asked with a smile.
” Is it Reina-sama? Why are you here? ” Reina called Wanda, a fur beast race, responsible for diplomacy and defense, and belonged to Duke Inuarashi. Reina had known each other when he came over. .
” I’m here to find Inu Lan and Cat Viper. They didn’t leave, right? ” Reina asked with a smile.
” No, both adults are here, but … it’s daytime, the Duke is in the city, and the Boss Cat Viper is sleeping in the Whale Forest! Now one of them manages the day and the other manages the night! ” Wanda said a little embarrassedly.
” Hahaha … these two guys … have they reached this point now? Really … go to wake up the cat viper, the old friend is here, and they dare to sleep! ” Reina said with a big laugh.
” Okay, I’ll let the boss of the cat pit viper be notified immediately! ” Wanda said with a smile when he heard it.
If someone else came, she would never bother Boss Cat Viper, but Reina was different. Even if Duke Inuarashi and Boss Cat Viper met, they would have to call out the co-captain obediently, that’s why Wanda would Promised so readily.
After a while, under the leadership of Wanda, Reina came to the city of the fur tribe, and in the center was their city hall, where Inulan was also waiting for Reina.
” By the way, Wanda, I have a companion. He climbed up by himself. I guess it will take some time. When that time comes, you will have someone go to the gate to meet him! ” After seeing the dog Lan, Reina remembered, Ace I haven’t come yet, so I said to Wanda beside me.
” That guy in Red Panda … is out of office again? I see! Garrot, go to the gate, if a human comes over, ask if it’s your friend Reina, and if so, bring it here! ” Wanda nodded, and said to the fur tribe of rabbits who had been following him.
” Yes! ”
” Wait! Is that how you distinguish humans? What if it’s an enemy? Too careless! ”
The rabbit-type fur clan known as Garrot nodded and was about to leave, but was stopped by Reina.
” My companion has the logo of our Whitebeard Pirates on the back, wearing a cowboy hat that must have a crying face and a smiling face. It’s easy to recognize what you see! ” Reina said towards Garrett.
” Go, distinguish carefully, don’t shoot at will! ” Wanda said after seeing Garret looking at him and nodding.
” This is a member of our Musketeer team, and she is responsible for transmitting the message between the Duke and the Boss Cat Viper! ” Wanda explained with a smile when she saw that Renner had been looking at Garrett.
” You two guys, have you reached the point where you need a messenger now? ” Reina asked Inu Lan who came to greet him while smiling.
” Ahaha … You know how annoying that stinky cat is, so I don’t even want to see him now! ” Inu Lan said with a smile.
” Hmph, do you think I really want to see you? If it wasn’t for the vice-captain, I wouldn’t be too lazy to come here! ” At this moment, a chubby figure quickly approached here, with a few furry men behind him. clan.
” Yo ~ Cat Viper, didn’t Wanda just say you were sleeping? Are you here so soon? ” Reina greeted Cat Viper with a smile.
” Isn’t this the deputy captain here? ” Facing Reina, Cat Viper immediately put on a smile and replied.
” Let’s go, it’s inconvenient to talk here, and … there are still some things that need to be said after my companion arrives! ” Reina nodded and walked towards the city hall.
Wen Lan and Cat Viper heard the words and immediately followed, but behind them, there were several fur tribesmen.
” By the way … Since when did the two of you become like this? ” Walking in from outside the city hall, in just a few meters, Inuarashi and Cat Viper never stopped arguing, if not for the fur clan behind them. I’m afraid it’s already a fight at this time.
” Humph! ” Hearing Reina’s words, the two snorted coldly at the same time, and turned their heads to the other side.
” Forget it, I’m too lazy to care about you. I’m here this time because I want to tell you something and see if the two of you can help! ” Reina said with a hand on his forehead, with some headache.
“The vice-captain can just talk to me if he has something to do. He must be in trouble with Inu Arashi (Cat Viper)! ” The two pointed to each other at the same time and said in unison.
” What? Who do you say can’t be done? “*2
Sure enough, because of this, the two quarreled again, and then the fur tribes behind them began to persuade them in various ways.
” I said … You two didn’t do this on purpose, did you? Want to drive me away? ” Reina rubbed her chin, looked at the two of them, and asked with narrowed eyes.
Inu Arashi and Cat Viper, who were still arguing, shuddered at the same time, and then quickly separated, as if nothing had happened just now.
” I don’t know what the vice-captain’s coming this time … what’s the matter? ” Inu Lan looked at Reina cautiously, and then asked.
Reina will take out a black ball with a metallic texture, and a slightly red plain ball, and throw them to Inu Arashi and Cat Viper respectively, saying: ” This is what we found in an adventure. The metal that can mutate, the doctor made this pill through research! After taking it, as long as you feel the moonlight, you can transform, and the strength of its growth is very exaggerated! ”
” Can you transform when you feel the moonlight? ” Inu Lan and Cat Viper changed their expressions at the same time, looking at Reina in surprise.
The rest of the fur tribes behind the two also looked surprised. Even if they were in the form of a moon lion, they had to ask for a full moon. After taking this thing, they could actually transform under ordinary moonlight?
” Yes! But the flaws of this kind of thing are too great! First of all, it is extracted from metal. You should know that ordinary metals cannot be eaten by living things, and the side effects of this mutant metal are even greater! It cannot see light, As long as it is stimulated by a strong light source, it will explode! ”
” Quanlan is the first-generation product, which basically completely retains the ability to mutate, but the side effects are the same. If you eat it, you will die! The second-generation product is in the hands of Cat Viper, and the side effects have been greatly reduced, although It can still stimulate the human body to transform, but the strength has dropped a lot! And if you eat too much … the same thing will die! ”
Reina nodded and said.
The two looked down at the pills in their hands, and then the Cat Viper raised his head and asked, ” Then what is the purpose of the deputy captain here … ? ”
” I didn’t ask you to test the medicine, don’t look like a generous sacrifice! It’s just that the doctor encountered some bottlenecks when he was studying the third generation. Didn’t I think that you could transform into a moon lion form? So I came here to find out. You guys, I hope you can arrange for a few fur tribesmen who are skilled in using moon lions to return to Xuanyue Island with me to assist doctoral research! ”
” Of course, if the doctor can develop a product that completely eliminates side effects, I will provide you with some for free! Because the raw material for making this is mutated metal, our storage capacity is not much! ” Reina explained with a smile.
” Can you guarantee safety? ” Inu Lan asked.
” Nonsense, it’s just for you to assist in the research, not for you to be the test objects. Can I just catch a few pirates and bring them back as the test objects? Do I need to use your people? ” Reina rolled his eyes and said.
” Hee hee hee … that’s fine, I’ll ask when the time comes, see who wants to go! ” Hearing the words, Cat Viper immediately said with a smile: ” Deputy captain, can you give me this thing? ”
” What do you want? Although the things in your hand have improved a lot, you won’t die if you eat one, but the strength you can increase is also limited. For you who can transform into a moon lion, it is completely dispensable! ” Lei Na rolled his eyes and asked.
” Deputy captain … How much combat power can I increase with this one? ” Inu Lan also asked with the first generation pill in his hand.
” I guess … it won’t be worse than you transformed into moon lions, maybe even stronger! ” After thinking about it, Reina said: ” At least in terms of defense, it is stronger than you transformed into moon lions! ”
” What? ” All the fur tribes were surprised, they didn’t expect Reina to say that.
You must know that after they turned into moon lions, strength and normal form are completely two concepts.
” Deputy captain, I want to keep this too! ” Inu Lan said immediately after hearing Reina’s words.
” What are you all doing? The thing in your hand is similar to ore, and you will die if you eat it! You keep it for suicide? Or do you plan to use it and you will never see the light for the rest of your life? ” Reina rolled his eyes and said.

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