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When Ace finally climbed to the back of the elephant, he found that a little girl like a rabbit appeared in front of him, eating carrots and looking at him curiously.
” Excuse me? Is this Zou? ” Ace asked politely.
” Yeah! ” Garret looked at Ace curiously, nodded, and said, ” Are you the companion of Lord Reina? ”
” Huh? Did the deputy captain ask you to pick me up? ” Ace nodded and replied with a smile.
” But … he said that you will wear a hat and have the logo of the Whitebeard Pirates on your body. I didn’t see any of these! ” Garrott nodded and said.
Hearing this, Ace smiled, put on the cowboy hat from behind and turned to reveal the Whitebeard Pirates tattoo on his back, saying, ” This is it! ”
He had been crawling too hard just now, so he put his hat behind his back, so Garret naturally couldn’t see it.
” En! Karuqiu! I’m Garret from the fur tribe, welcome you! Lord Reina has already gone to the city hall! ” Garret nodded immediately after confirming, and said with a smile.
” Ah ~ hello, I’m the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Fire Fist Ace! Thank you for coming to pick me up, please take care of me! ” Seeing the other party being so polite, Ace immediately bowed back.
” Hee hee hee … You’re really interesting, isn’t it Ace? Let’s go! ” It was the first time that Garret saw such an interesting human being. After smiling, he turned and walked towards the city.
Along the way, the two talked and laughed, and Garret also heard a lot of things about the outside from Ace’s mouth, which made her very longing.
” Does Garrett want to leave here and go outside too? ” Ace naturally saw the little rabbit’s thoughts and asked with a smile.
” Yeah! I also want to go out and be a great fighter like Pedro! ” Garott said, nodding.
” Pedro? ” Ace was taken aback and asked, ” Who is he? ”
” Pedro is the head of the knights group. He is very powerful. He once left Zou and went out to go out! ” Speaking of his idol, Garrot was even more adored.
” Ah ~ that’s it! But you can go out by yourself soon? ” Ace asked inexplicably.
” No way! Wanda doesn’t allow me to go out! ” The little rabbit shook his head and said sadly.
” Hahaha … It doesn’t matter, maybe because Garrett is still young, when you grow up, you will definitely become a powerful fighting force! ” Ace said with a smile.
” Really? Do you think so too? Can you tell me about the outside world? ” Garret asked happily.
” Of course! ” Ace said with a smile.
So the two walked and talked until they came to the city hall.
” Yo ~ Ace, you’re here? Sit down! ” Reina, who had just explained with Cat Viper and Inuarashi, watched as Garrot walked in with Ace.
” Deputy captain! ” Ace nodded towards Reina, then looked at the fur tribes in the city hall with some curiosity.
” I’m here to introduce to you, these two are the current managers of the fur tribe, Duke Inuarashi and the Boss Cat Viper, you can call them that! ” Reina pointed to Inuarashi and Cat Viper, and introduced Ace.
Inu Lan and Cat Viper also nodded towards Ace as a greeting.
” As for him! It’s the captain of the second division on our ship, Fire Fist Ace! ” Reina then pointed at Ace again, wanting to introduce the two of them.
” Huh? ” Inu Lan and Cat Viper looked at Ace in surprise.
” You are Fire Fist Ace? ” Inu Lan asked softly after looking at Ace carefully.
Ace nodded and replied, ” Yes! ”
“I really didn’t expect that after Captain Roger disbanded the pirate group, he actually did this thing! ” Inu Lan said with a sigh.
Hearing his father Roger’s name, Ace’s eyes immediately narrowed, he looked at Inu Lan, and asked, ” Are you on his boat back then? ”
” Amao and Agou are the same as Izang, they all went aboard with Oden! Later, Roger asked Oden to translate ancient texts, so he asked the big brother to borrow Oden! Amao and Agou also boarded with Oden. Roger’s ship, only Izo stayed! ” Reina nodded and explained to Ace.
” That’s right, we followed Mr. Otian to your father’s boat back then. He was a great man! ” Cat Viper also nodded and said.
” Humph! ” But Ace snorted coldly and replied, ” My father is only one person, and that is Whitebeard! ”
Cat Viper and Inu Lan heard the words, looked at each other, and suddenly laughed.
Those who have arrived at the final island, naturally know that Roger regretted that he went too early, so when they parted, Roger said that it might be his son who will go to the final island again in the future.
But now it seems that Roger should be disappointed.
” Pfft hahaha … how about it? As I said, Ace didn’t inherit Roger’s will! ” Reina happily clapped her palms and said with a big laugh.
” It looks like this! If Captain Roger knew about it, he would definitely say … This is something that can’t be helped! Who let him die too early? ” Inu Lan wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and said with a smile .
Back then, whether it was Roger or Oden, they were both first-class heroes, but it was a pity that they died young, otherwise the sea today would definitely not be so peaceful.
” You still want to take revenge for Oden? ” Reina asked after being silent for a while.
” Of course, as the master’s bodyguard, the hatred of Lord Oda … We will not forget it! Now we are waiting for that day to come! ” Obviously, Inu Arashi and Cat Viper also knew about the day and the moon.
” Then wait! It won’t be long! What you’ve been waiting for … is about to appear! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Haha … Did the vice-captain see something? ” Inu Lan pushed his glasses and asked.
” Of course! Wait with peace of mind! At that time, that guy … you will be shocked! ” Reina said with a smile: ” By the way, what about the little guy Pedro? ”
” Haha … Pedro is now the head of the Knights Group and is in charge of guarding the Whale Forest, so he didn’t come here. Deputy Captain … Is there anything you can do with him? ” Cat Viper asked with a smile.
” Is there anything, but I haven’t seen him for a long time. Isn’t this a rare visit? So I asked if I didn’t see him! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Ah! He is my right-hand man now! When he was behind the co-captain’s butt, he seemed to be still in front of him! ” Cat Viper said with a smile.
” Really? I originally wanted to take her to Xuanyue Island, but it seems that he can’t leave! Okay, then you can arrange a few people to go back with me! ” Reina nodded and replied.
” Is the deputy captain leaving now? How many days will you stay? ” Quan Lan asked in surprise.
” You just want me to go? ” Reina asked, his face darkened.
” This … Of course not, don’t I want to stay with you for a few more days? ” Dog Lan quickly said with a smile.
” It won’t be used for a few days, but I won’t be leaving tonight, so prepare a place for me! ” Reina replied with a smile: ” After staying for a long time, I guess you will be annoying me! ”
” Is that possible? It’s too late for us to welcome you! Inuarashi, it’s up to you to arrange accommodation for the vice-captain! ” Cat Viper commanded Duke Inuarashi.
” Why are you in command of me? I will make arrangements for the deputy captain of course, you don’t need to talk too much! ” Duke Inuarashi usually has a very good personality, but once he talks to Cat Viper, his tone changes immediately. I thought they had some kind of hatred.
” It’s daytime, I won’t let you arrange it, that’s fine … Leave it to me, you go to bed! ” Cat Viper didn’t give any face to Quanlan, and roared at him.
” You bastard! Woo! Woo! ” Anxious Inu Lan barked at the cat and pit viper twice, looking at Reina inexplicably, didn’t he say that the fur tribe was a human, not an animal? What do you mean by calling twice?
The cat and pit viper over there was not to be outdone. Seeing that the two were about to fight again, the fur clan behind them hurried out to persuade them, and it was difficult for them to separate.
” I think I know why you have to bring guards when you go out. Emotions are not for protecting you, but for persuading you! ” Reina shook her head and sighed: ” Forget it, kitten, go back to sleep too, I don’t want many people, so give me two of each of you! ”
” Humph! For the sake of the vice-captain’s face, I won’t care about you anymore! Let’s go! ” Hearing that, Mao Pitviper immediately took his chivalrous team out of the stage. After only Inu Lan was left, the scene became much more harmonious.
” You are busy here, so I won’t bother you much, Wanda, you and that little rabbit take us out for a walk! ” After chatting with Canu Lan for a while, Reina got up and said.
” Okay, Wanda and Garrett, let’s walk around with Vice Captain Reina! Don’t go there with that stupid cat, it’s just for fun! ” Inu Lan nodded, facing Wanda and Garrett instructed.
” Yes, Your Excellency! ” Wang Da and Garrett stepped forward and bowed.
After Reina and the others left, Inu Arashi turned around and said to the members of the Musket Team behind him: ” Go and inform Cat Viper, don’t let the vice-captain see Pedro, or something big will happen! ”
” Huh? Why? Lord Duke! ” the members of the Musket Team asked in confusion.
” You don’t know, the vice-captain is the most careful person, and is extremely protective of his shortcomings! At the time, he had a good relationship with Pedro, and he also guided Pedro for a period of time. Pedro has always been a disciple of the vice-captain! But now Pedro Luo came back from the sea, but he lost an eye and lost a lot of life! If the deputy captain finds out, it will be bad! ” Duke Wenlan shook his head and said with some worry.
” This … why didn’t your Excellency Reina go and avenge Pedro? ” The members of the Musket Team asked in surprise.
In their opinion, isn’t it a good thing that someone helps them get ahead? Why is Duke Inuarashi so taboo?
” You should know, who shot Pedro, right? If the deputy captain knew that BIGMOM had played such a heavy hand on Pedro, he would have to find trouble with BIGMOM , and it might be the Four Emperors War. Come on, we can’t be so selfish! That’s why that stupid cat asked me to arrange the co-captain! ” Duke Inuarashi shook his head and said.

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