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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Ace … Are you really the son of the legendary One Piece, Roger? What kind of person is your father? ” Walking in the city of the fur tribe, Garrett looked curiously at Ai next to him. asked.
” Yeah! But he was executed before I was born, so I, like you, don’t know what kind of person he is! ” Ace shook his head and replied.
This is now, Ace has taken a lot of light on Roger’s affairs. If someone asked him this before, he would never answer.
” Eh? I’m sorry, I didn’t know! ” Garrett was stunned and said apologetically.
” It doesn’t matter, he’s him, I’m me! I’m not the same as him! ” Ace said with a wave of his hand.
Seeing Ace and Garrot talking and laughing, the corners of Reina’s mouth turned up unconsciously, and the little guy finally stepped out of the shadow he set for himself.
” Your Excellency Reina, there is a famous restaurant in front of us. Would you like to go to eat some? ” Wanda pointed to the restaurant not far ahead and asked Reina with a smile.
” Okay, you can arrange it! ” Reina nodded and said.
So the group of four entered the restaurant and began to enjoy dinner.
” Let’s go, let’s go to the whale forest over there! ” Lena said softly, looking at the big tree that looked like a whale’s tail when he came out of the restaurant.
” This … The Duke said let’s not go over! ” Before Wanda could speak, Garrett looked embarrassed and said.
” Don’t worry! Cat Viper is also fighting against Inu Lan. If I go over, he won’t have any opinion! ” Reina smiled and waved his hand.
Wanda chuckled lightly, nodded, and said, ” Boss Cat Viper is still a very good person. Don’t look at him fierce, but apart from him and the Duke, he’s not that scary! ”
” Really? But shouldn’t the two of them be good friends? They used to be partners who sailed together! ” Ace asked inexplicably.
” This problem … it has to start with their master , Kozuki Oden ! ” After thinking about it, Reina said as he walked, ” Their relationship was really good at the beginning, but then Oden was killed by Kaido … ”
” I see … But after so many years, do they still have the ability to take revenge? Kaido is not that easy to deal with! ” After listening to Reina’s story, Ace was silent for a while before speaking.
” Of course! ” Reina nodded and said, ” By the way, you have been to Wano Country, right? ”
” Yeah! Before joining the Whitebeard Pirates, I did reach the country of Wano, but then when I wanted to go again, my father wouldn’t let me! ” Ace said a little depressedly.
” It’s really not the time you should go, just wait! When the time is right, I’ll let you know! Wano Country … that land is not owned by Kaido! ” Reina narrowed his eyes and said. .
He has not forgotten his original hatred, although later on the Golden Emperor Gilder Tezzolo ‘s Grand Desolo, he pitted the Beasts Pirates once, and also taught the three big beasts of the Beasts Pirates. Kanban, but against Kaido … To be honest, he wasn’t sure either.
Among the four emperors, what he hates most is Kaido, a super physical existence, because contrary to Kaido, Reina is the worst at protracted battles.
It’s not that he didn’t think about it. He took the Whitebeard Pirates to find Kaido, but Oden was already dead at that time, and it was completely pointless to start the Battle of the Four Emperors, and the BIGMOM Pirates at that time had always been Eyeing them on the side, they didn’t dare to fight with all their strength.
So it slowly dragged on.
While talking, several people walked towards the whale forest. Although Garrett was not very willing, she didn’t object anymore when she saw that Wanda didn’t say much.
But not long after entering the whale forest, Reina found that a fur tribe found them, and did not come out to meet, but turned and ran away.
” They are …” Reina asked Wanda in surprise, pointing to the fur clan who ran towards the center of the forest without looking back.
“I guess I knew we were coming, so I went to inform the boss of the cat and pit viper! ” Wanda said with a smile.
” What’s the good news about this? Didn’t he know when we passed? ” Reina said indifferently.
” What? ” In the center of the forest at this time, Cat Viper heard his subordinate’s report, froze for a moment, and asked, ” You said the vice-captain is coming this way? I knew that stupid dog was useless. , this little thing can’t be done well! Where’s Pedro? Is it hidden? Forget it, tell him, don’t come out without my order! Come on, let’s go meet the vice-captain! ”
Soon, before Reina arrived in the middle of the forest, he saw Cat Viper and a group of fur tribes coming over.
” Kitten, why are you here? ” Reina asked with a smile when she saw Cat Viper.
” Why doesn’t the deputy captain go shopping in the city? What are you doing in the forest? ” Cat Viper said with a smile: ” There’s nothing fun here! ”
” I’m not here to play, I want to see that thing! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
He felt something was wrong, but he didn’t know what was wrong, so he planned to try it out, so after he finished speaking, he kept smiling and staring at Cat Viper without speaking.
” Deputy captain, why are you looking at me like this? That thing can’t be known by too many people, so they should all stay here! I’ll take you there! ” Cat Viper wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.
” Why … why are you so nervous? I didn’t say anything else! ” Reina stepped forward, came to the Cat Viper, and asked.
” Tight … nervous? No, I’m not nervous! ” Cat Viper took a step back and said with a smile.
” Really? Look into my eyes! ” Reina smiled and opened the three-gou jade writing wheel.
Seeing Reina’s vision turned into a scribble eye, Cat Viper immediately closed his eyes and stepped back, as if he didn’t dare to look at all.
” Hehe … Still said no? ” Reina smiled and closed the wheel.
In fact, his Sharinyan does not have the effect of hypnotizing or penetrating people’s hearts, but after all, he has a reputation, and if Sharinyan keeps staring at it, there is indeed a delusional illusion, which is why everyone has such a misunderstanding.
In addition to Cat Viper and the Knights, Wanda, Garrett, and Ace were dumbfounded, and they had no idea what was going on.
” Deputy captain, let me tell you the truth! It’s our own business, and it’s not like letting you know, so … I’ll take you to find the text of the road sign! ” Cat Viper said with an embarrassed expression.
“The text of the road sign? ” Ace, who was beside him, was shocked when he heard the words of Cat Viper, and looked at Cat Viper in disbelief.
He knew that if he wanted to go to the final island, he had to have four pieces of road sign text, but he didn’t know where the four pieces of road sign text were. He just heard from Marco and the others that Reina had rubbings of four road sign texts. Knowing that there is a red road sign text on Xuanyue Island.
But I don’t know that there is still a piece of text for such an important road sign.
” Forget it, I’m too lazy to care about you! Let’s go, I’ll go see things first, Ace, come with you too! ” He stared at Cat Viper for a while, seeing that the other party was not dodging, Reina chuckled lightly He shook his head and said.
After the three of them walked for a while, they came to a cave. Inside the cave was the mark of the Kozuki clan of Wano Kingdom, and a red road sign text.
” You must protect this thing, don’t say it out, otherwise … even if you hide in Zuowu, I’m afraid it will not be peaceful! ” Reina stroked the text on the side of the road, sighed, and said.
” It’s natural. If I didn’t say it out of my mouth just now, the only people who knew about this place would be me and that stupid dog! But the Knights, Wanda, and Garret can be trusted. After I go back, I’ll make them forget what they just said. What you heard! ” Cat Viper nodded and said.
” I’m afraid you will blunder and tell more people in the future! In short … the less people know about this kind of thing, the safer you are! ” Reina shook his head and said: ” But if it is really leaked out accidentally, it will be It doesn’t matter if people come to the door and you hand them over! There are almost no people who can interpret this thing now, so don’t worry! Not to mention that the last piece of road sign text is in our hands! ”
” Hehe … I understand, the deputy captain can rest assured that we will not risk the lives of all our compatriots for this dead thing! ” Cat Viper nodded and said.
He naturally understood what Reina meant. This kind of thing, if you don’t collect four pieces, it is not very useful to hold it, and now people who can understand ancient writing are basically dying out, so as Reina said, in the future If you want to give birth to a new One Piece, the right time and place are indispensable.
Of course, if the Whitebeard Pirates wanted to take this position, it would be much simpler. Reina already had four rubbings of the text of the road sign in his hand, and he even got it before Roger.
It’s a pity that neither Whitebeard nor Reina seems to be very interested in the position of One Piece.
Otherwise, it is really hard to say what the world will be like.
In fact, Ace has never understood this question. Obviously they already know how to go to the final island. Why didn’t Dad and Reina go?
Even if they don’t care about the title of One Piece and the treasures on the island, are they not curious at all?
It’s just that he has always buried this question in his heart, never asked Whitebeard or Reina.
But now, he felt he could ask.
” Deputy captain … why don’t you and dad go to the final island? ” Ace hesitated for a long time before asking.
” Huh? ” Reina was taken aback, obviously he didn’t expect Ace to ask this question at this time.
” Hahaha … This guy has been there before, you ask him, do you want to go again? ” Reina said with a smile.
Cat Viper immediately shook his head and said, ” It ‘s useless to go! It’s not the right person, the right time, if you go, you don’t go! ”
” Do you know now? ” Reina asked with a smile.
” So … you and dad both know what’s on the island of the end? ” Ace asked in surprise.
” No, we don’t know … but it doesn’t hinder anything! What big brother wants is relatives, what I want is freedom, and the final island … has nothing to do with it! As for the so-called One Piece title! What do you think? Does it matter? Do you think Big Brother needs that? ” Reina said with a smile.

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