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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Facing Reina’s question, Ace suddenly realized that they all knew.
Even in Ace’s point of view, like Whitebeard and Reina, they have always seen their purpose very clearly, that is, they are constantly advancing towards their own purpose.
That’s why I’m not so interested in the final island.
” Deputy captain, then why did you rub the text of the four road signs? ” Ace asked in confusion.
” Idiot, what if you want to see it someday? It’s not bad to keep it in your hand anyway! ” Reina shrugged and said with a smile: ” And the next One Piece wants to go to the final island, he must take it from me. It’s up to him to get what he wants, so doesn’t it mean that we are screening the candidates for One Piece? ”
Cat Viper and Ace both looked at Reina speechlessly, but he didn’t expect him to pay this attention.
” Okay, the things are still here! Let’s go! ” Reina patted the text of the road sign, turned around and said.
Cat Viper’s face darkened as he looked at Reina and said, ” Deputy Captain … You didn’t come here just to make sure that this thing was here or not, did you? ”
” Although you are acting so weird, the most important thing here is it, and I naturally need to come and see it! ” Reina pouted and said, ” But now it doesn’t seem to be a problem with the text of the road sign, so … who are you ? What don’t you want me to know? ”
” This … no … we don’t want you to know anything, it’s just … it’s just …” Cat Viper didn’t say anything after only a long time.
” Forget it, I’m too lazy to care about you guys, remember to choose someone to come back to Xuanyue Island with me tomorrow! ” Reina said as he walked towards the outside of the cave.
When Reina came outside, he found that even Duke Inuarashi was in the whale forest, which made Reina even more suspicious.
” Why did you come here? ” Reina asked after seeing Duke Inuarashi.
” It’s going to be night soon, so I came over and asked the old cat to go to the city hall. It’s time for me to rest! ” Duke Inuarashi replied with a smile.
He must have come up with an excuse, so Reina didn’t say much, but was thinking carefully, what are they hiding from themselves, or what are they afraid of finding out?
The next day, Cat Viper and Inu Lan each sent three fur warriors, and asked them to follow Reina to Xuanyue Island to assist with doctoral research.
” Don’t take that kind of pills if they’re fine. When the doctor researches the third-generation pills, I’ll send someone to deliver some to you, you know? ” Before leaving, Reina once again instructed Cat Viper and Inulan, don’t worry about it. Don’t take any pill.
Although he had already taken back the first-generation pill in Inu Lan’s hands, he still gave him a second-generation pill, which meant that he and Cat Viper had a second-generation pill each.
” Don’t worry, we won’t mess around, the deputy captain pays attention to safety on the road! ” Duke Inu Lan said with a smile.
” Okay, I’ll go first! ” Rainer said, waving at them, then jumped straight off the elephant’s back.
Ace and the remaining six fur tribes looked at each other in dismay.
” How do you usually get down? ” Ace asked in a low voice.
” We have our own passage! ” The fur tribe beside Ace whispered back.
” Then we’d better take the passage! ” Ace said without hesitation.
After Ace and the others had all left, Cat Viper breathed a sigh of relief and said, ” Finally gone! ”
” Okay, it’s all right now! What about Pedro? Where did you hide him? ” Duke Inuarashi finally put his heart down and asked.
” It’s okay, I hid him in a tree hole in the whale forest, and there was enough food for him! I’ll call him out later! ” Cat Viper nodded and replied.
” Really? So what happened to Pedro, you don’t want me to see him so much? ”
A voice sounded behind the two of them.
” Of course it’s because of … the vice-captain? ”
Cat Viper was only halfway through his words, and suddenly turned his head to see Reina who was standing there smiling with a pair of icy wings roaring back.
” Stupid dog, it’s all your fault! ” At this time, Cat Viper knew that everything was over, and Reina actually killed a carbine. Now that he heard their conversation, he would definitely find Pedro.
Duke Inulan also knew that he shouldn’t have asked that sentence, so when he saw Reina who had canceled the sworn state, he just sighed and didn’t say anything more.
It didn’t take long for Cat Viper to bring Pedro to the city hall, where Reina was already waiting for them.
” Teacher! ” Pedro shouted excitedly when he saw Reina.
” Pedro …” Reina sighed, he finally knew why Cat Viper and Inuarashi didn’t let him meet Pedro.
When he came to Zou, he met Pedro who was still a child. The little guy has a good understanding and is willing to work hard, so Reina took the time to teach him a lot of fighting methods.
Since then, Pedro has always been a disciple of Reina, although Reina did not teach him a lot, but it is also a bond between the two.
” What’s wrong with your eyes? ” Rayner asked softly.
” Teacher … This is because my skills are inferior to others and I lost to others! ” Pedro said with his head lowered.
” Oh? You’ve been out to sea? ” Reina asked, looking at Pedro.
” Yeah! I also want to be a good pirate like my teacher, so I went to sea! ” Pedro nodded and replied.
” Then why did you come back? ” Rainer asked, changing his sitting position to make himself more comfortable.
But when he heard Reina’s question, Pedro was speechless.
” Deputy Captain …”
Cat Viper was about to say something when he saw Reina raised his head and stared at him with a pair of writing wheel eyes and asked, ” Did I let you answer? ”
The momentum of Reina began to gather, and the furs of the entire city hall were almost standing up. This was how they felt the danger.
Ace and the six fur tribesmen, who were moving downward in the passage, also suddenly stopped. After looking at each other, they turned around and ran in the direction they came down from.
” What’s the matter? You Zou still have such a strong person? ” Ace asked while running.
” No, it’s not the full moon now, including the Duke and the Boss Cat Viper, no one has such a powerful aura! ” a fur tribe said anxiously.
” Tell me … Pedro! Why did you come back? ” In the city hall, Reina unconsciously opened the wheel, looked at Pedro, and asked.
” Because … I’m a loser! I don’t want to die … so I’m back! ” Pedro said after being silent for a while.
” Very good! Since the other party gave you the feeling of being on the verge of death, he let you escape like a coward … Then …”
” No, Pedro is not a coward! ”
Just when Reina raised his hand, the little rabbit Garret suddenly rushed out, but in front of Pedro, he said to Reina.
Reina took a deep breath, then covered his eyes with one hand and closed the writing wheel.
He felt that because of the excessive use of Sharinyan recently, not only has his strength begun to decline, but it has even begun to affect his mood.
” Teacher … Are you okay? ” Pedro noticed Reina’s abnormality, stepped forward and asked.
” It’s okay …” Reina shook his head, rubbed his head, and said, ” Tell me, what happened to your eyes? Who did it? ”
” This … is just an ordinary pirate. Although he took my eyes, I also took his life! ” Pedro was silent for a while, then said.
This is what the boss of the cat and pit viper arranged for him to say, just in case, but he didn’t expect it to be used.
” Oh? Really? When did you kill BIGMOM ? Why didn’t I hear about it? ” As soon as Reina’s words came out, several people’s expressions changed.
” You … you know? ” Pedro asked in shock, somewhat incredulous.
” Not from the truth? ” Reina rubbed his temples and said with a frown.
” Yes! I set up my own pirate group after I went out to sea. Later, I found out that the BIGMOM pirate group also had a road sign text, so I wanted to steal it! In the end … it failed, and all the members were killed. Now , it’s only me … BIGMOM sensed your traces from my fighting moves, so … so let me go! ” Pedro hesitated, but said it anyway.
” Oh? She didn’t embarrass you? What’s with your eyes? ” Reina asked, looking at Pedro.
“The eyes were really blinded by the opponent in the battle to break through! ” Pedro said with his head lowered.
” Humph! Charlotte Lingling is not such a talkative person, even if she sees traces of me in your courtship, she can’t just let you go! Still not telling the truth!? You know my ability, Still want to lie to me? ” Reina said in a deep voice.
When Pedro heard the words, he immediately knelt down and said, ” Teacher … Now that the teacher knows, why ask again? I just don’t want the teacher to have a conflict with the BIGMOM Pirates! ”
” Humph! The BIGMOM Pirates? You know it’s mine, but taking your eyes is not enough to take away your vitality, right? Humph! I see your appearance, at least you have been taken away for decades, let me talk about the specifics. ! ” Reina Zhi remembered the fact that Pedro was drained of his vitality by BIGMOM , and he can’t remember how many years he was drained.
” Five … Fifty years! ” This time Pedro dared not lie and replied directly.
” Very good! Fifty years … how many fifty years are there in life? ” Reina snorted coldly, and said no more, he already felt that Ace and the others were approaching fast.
” Deputy captain ~ what happened? ” Ace ran over and asked in surprise: ” I felt a powerful force just now! ”
” It’s me, it doesn’t matter! Let’s go, let’s go back! ” Reina shook his head and brought Ace directly to Xuanyue Island, without even looking at Pedro who was kneeling on the ground.

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