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Looking at Reina who was leaving, Ace and the others were at a loss. He didn’t know the fur tribe kneeling on the ground. Yiang’s Cat Viper and Duke Inulan stood aside with ugly expressions and didn’t speak.
” Don’t leave yet? What are you doing here? Do you want someone to poke my spine in the future? Saying that I, Reina, can’t even protect myself? ” Reina turned around and said when he saw Ace still stunned.
” Deputy Captain … It’s not that we deliberately lied to you! It’s just … This is where Pedro went to others, and BIGMOM let it go back, it’s already a lot of face, we can’t bother you any more to get ahead of us! ” Inu Lan The Duke clenched his fist, released it again, and turned to Reina.
” Humph! Lao Tzu’s people can’t move without reason! ” Reina’s words directly stunned all the fur tribes.
Especially the little rabbit Garrott who stood in front of Pedro before stuck out his tongue and whispered to Wanda beside him, ” Sir Reina, how scary! ”
As for the members of the Musket Team next to Duke Inuarashi, they even laughed bitterly.
The Duke of Inuarashi told them that Reina was very protective, and they had no idea, but now they have a full understanding.
The other party is the same Four Emperor Pirates as them, and he is also the captain! To dare to say such a thing, I can only say … It’s really domineering.
Over there, Ace whispered to Garrett, what happened, and after knowing the reason from the little rabbit Garrett’s mouth, he could also smile wryly.
In this case, Reina’s choice is definitely to fight the opponent first to find a way to get back to the game. No matter whether he fights or not, at least let people know that his people can’t move, and if they move, they will attract revenge. .
This is what Reina has always asked the members of the Whitebeard Pirates to do.
Because only in this way, there will be a deterrent, and others will be afraid of you!
According to what Reina told them, no matter whether they have fought or not, they should scare others first, if the situation is not right, they will run away and come back home to pull people. They are the number one pirate group in the world. What are they afraid of?
Even if the Roger Pirates are still there, the current Whitebeard Pirates are not afraid of them, let alone the BIGMOM Pirates.
So after learning about the situation, Ace followed behind Reina without a word. He knew that Reina would definitely go to Cake Island. If he didn’t find this place, he would definitely be unhappy for a long time.
” Inu Lan, Cat Viper, let your people go to Xuanyue Island by themselves, do you know the place? After you go, go directly to the doctor, or go to Marko, I’ll go back after I’m done! ” Reina head Walking away without returning, he said.
” Teacher …” Pedro got up and looked towards Reina, gritted his teeth, and said, ” I’ll go with you! ”
” No, you just stay here! ” Reina paused, shook his head, and replied.
Pedro, who had just taken a step, immediately stopped in place, Reina wouldn’t let him go, and he didn’t dare to go against it now, so he had to stand there and watch Reina leave.
Over there, Cat Viper glanced at Duke Inuarashi, sighed, and said, ” Could it be that … it’s our fault? ”
” No! We are different from the vice-captain. He represents the Whitebeard Pirates, the head of the Four Emperors, and the world’s No. 1 Pirates! Unlike us! Even if we all add up, we are not from the BIGMOM Pirates. Opponent, in the past, except for death, nothing else! ” Inu Lan shook his head and replied.
” Then what should I do now? Being scolded by the co-captain makes me feel bad! ” Cat Viper rolled his eyes and said.
” I’ve been scolded less before? Anyway, it’ll be fine when the deputy captain is out of anger. It’s not the first time, and you’re not used to it? ” Dog Lan rolled his eyes and replied.
” Hahaha … Yeah! I really miss the past! ” Looking at Reina and Ace who were far away, the cat pit viper smashed its mouth and seemed to be caught in the memory.
As for the members of the Musket Team and the members of the Knights, they looked at each other in dismay.
” That Duke, Boss Cat Viper … what should we do now ? ” The six people who were chosen to go to Xuanyue Island were asked, and now they really don’t know what to do.
“What are you doing, looking for more people, take a boat to Xuanyue Island yourself! Do you want me to take you there? ” Cat Viper, whose memories were interrupted, replied a little unhappily.
” Boss, let me go with them! ” Pedro turned around and said.
” You go? You used to be more angry with the co-captain, so wait a moment! After the co-captain is not so angry, you will apologize! ” Cat Viper shook his head and said.
Pedro was silent and didn’t answer, but the little rabbit Garret quietly looked at Pedro, not knowing what he was thinking.
The next day, Cat Viper received news that Pedro had left and only left a letter at home telling them that he had followed the fleet to Xuanyue Island.
At the same time, on Duke Inulan’s side, Wanda also saw the letter left by Garrot, saying that she secretly followed Pedro to Xuanyue Island. She was afraid that Reina would be angry when she saw Pedro, so Said to go to protect Pedro.
” These children … it’s so messy! Pedro doesn’t need its protection! And the deputy captain really wants to do it, we can’t add up to him alone, let alone on Xuanyue Island, where there are old people. Daddy’s site! ” Inu Lan shook his head helplessly and said.
” Lord Duke … Will Garret be all right? ” Wanda asked worriedly.
” Don’t worry, if they arrive at Xuanyue Island, there will be no problem! ” Duke Inu Lan said with a smile: ” Although the deputy captain is very angry, it is precisely because he treats us as his own that he will Angry! ”
” Yeah! ” Wanda nodded and said, ” But it really scared me at the time. I didn’t expect Lord Reina to burst out with such a terrifying aura! ”
” This is scary? When the deputy captain is on full fire, that’s called horror! But when you say that … I also feel it, it seems that this time is indeed a bit strange! ” Duke Inu Lan said with a chin.
Wanda was shocked, looked at Duke Inu Lan, and said, ” Lord Duke, do you feel it too? When Lord Reina’s eyes turned red, although his breath was strong, he felt a little unstable, as if his emotions were all overwhelmed. Affected! ”
As fur tribesmen, they are very sensitive to emotional senses, so Wanda noticed it at the time.
As for the more powerful Cat Viper and Inuarashi, because they were more familiar with Reina, they knew what Reina looked like when she opened the writing wheel, but did not notice Reina’s emotional fluctuations.
” Wait … I’ll write a letter to Dad, and then you will catch up with the fleet and let them bring the letter over there! ” After thinking about it, Inun Lan said.
” Ah? ” Wanda was stunned for a moment and said, ” But they have already set off, shouldn’t they be able to catch up? ”
” Ah ~ I forgot! It’s so nerve-racking! What should I do now? ” Duke Inuarashi also showed a troubled expression.
In the end, they still contacted the fleet that had already departed, because when Garrett left, he brought a phone bug with him, so Duke Inulan told her that he did not tell Father Whitebeard after Xuanyue Island, Reina unusual situation.
On the other side, Reina and Ace set off towards the cake island, and also noticed that the writing wheel has begun to affect his mood, but he has not yet collected enough points for the evolution to use the writing wheel, which makes Lei Na couldn’t help but feel a little anxious.
If he can’t use Shaker, his combat power will be greatly reduced, especially when he has to face such a powerful opponent as BIGMOM this time, it will be even more troublesome.
” Deputy Captain … What’s the matter with you? Are you worried? ” Ace, who went to sea with him, also felt that Reina’s mood these days seemed to be bad.
” It’s okay … Forget it, don’t go to Cake Island yet, let’s go back to Xuanyue Island! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Ah? ” Ace was taken aback and asked in surprise, ” Is there really no problem? ”
In his opinion, under normal circumstances, it is impossible for Reina to just let it go, but now that he has walked halfway and turned around, this has never happened.
” I feel … this time the operation will not be too smooth! Another time, I will go to Cake Island! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Okay! ” Ace nodded without saying much.
He thought it was Reina who saw something, so he knew that the past should not be the best choice this time.
However, although they turned around and left in time, because they had already traveled the normal distance, before they could return to Xuanyue Island, the fur tribesmen arrived at Xuanyue Island first.
” Huh ? It’s the fur tribe, why are you here? ” Frank received the notice and received the fur tribe at the port.
” Your Excellency Reina asked us to come here! I don’t know if Daddy is on the island, I want to see Daddy first! ” Pedro, as the leader of the knight group, naturally connected with Frank.
” No problem, let’s go. I’ll take you there first. Dad should be in the banquet square at this time! If you guys are a few more days late, he may be going to sea! ” Frank said with a smile.
” That’s really lucky! ” Little Rabbit Garrot said happily.
Soon, the group came to the banquet square under the leadership of Frank, and saw the white beard who was drinking while watching the members play Pirate Monopoly.
” Dad! ” Pedro and the fur tribe saluted Whitebeard.
” You’re here? Where’s that kid Reina? Not with you? ” Whitebeard asked with a smile.
” Well, the teacher has other things to do, let’s come over first! ” Pedro nodded and replied: ” He said to let my compatriots assist the doctor with the experiments! ”
” Frank, go and inform the doctor that the guests of the fur tribe are here, let him come over! ” Whitebeard said to Frank when he heard the words.
” Yes, Dad! ” Frank replied with a smile.
After Frank left, Pedro hesitated, stepped forward and said, ” Dad, I have something to tell you! ”
” Huh? Gollum … what’s the matter? ” Whitebeard asked after taking a swig of wine.
So Pedro told Whitebeard what happened in Zou, and also said the feeling of Duke Inuarashi.
” So what the Duke meant, let me tell you, the teacher’s writing wheel … is there something wrong with it? ” Pedro said seriously.
” Really? When he comes back, I will ask and see, thank you for your hard work! ” Whitebeard said with a frown when he heard the words.

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