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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Oh? Are you the fur tribe? I heard Reina say that you can transform into a moon lion at night? Can you let me see it? ” The doctor who was called out by Frank from the laboratory, saw the fur tribe, the light in his eyes Make them all a little scared.
” Goo la la la … Don’t scare these children. If they want to transform into a moon lion, they must be in the full moon! ” Seeing this, Whitebeard said to the doctor with a big laugh.
” Oh? Only when the moon is full? Do you know the reason? Why can’t you transform into an ordinary moon? ” The doctor pushed his glasses and asked curiously.
” This … we don’t know! And we must be trained to transform into a moon lion form, otherwise we will lose consciousness and become a killing machine! ” Pedro shook his head and said.
” Really? It’s really interesting … By the way, I forgot to introduce, I’m the chief scientist of the Whitebeard Pirates, Miscina Ahsie ! You can call me Doctor! ” Dr Ahsie wiped his body After wiping his hands, he smiled and extended his hand to Pedro.
” Hello, Doctor! I’m the head of the Fur Tribe, Pedro! ” Pedro also shook hands with the Doctor.
” Then we know each other now! Is it possible to conduct research directly? ” The doctor asked Pedro with shining eyes.
” Now? ” Pedro hesitated for a moment, then nodded to the fur clan and Garrett behind him and said, ” Follow the doctor to the laboratory first, and I’ll come over here to talk to Daddy! ”
” It seems that you still have things to do now! It’s okay … so, in order not to delay the research, how about I draw you a tube of blood? Then I will go back to research myself first, and you will come to me after the work is finished. ! ” When Dr. Sière saw this, he knew that his request was too much, so he said with a smile.
” Thank you, Doctor, we won’t be delayed for long! ” Pedro said, rolling up his sleeves and showing his arms.
Seeing this, Dr. Sière took out a syringe from behind him, sucked a tube of Pedro’s blood, and left with satisfaction.
” Hahaha … Don’t mind! That’s how the doctor is. Once he starts his research, he is very devoted! But don’t think he is that kind of crazy scientist, and don’t worry about safety. The doctor won’t do strange human experiments! ” Frank seemed to be frightened by the doctor when he saw the fur tribe, and quickly explained with a smile.
Pedro shook his head and said he didn’t mind. Instead, he looked at Whitebeard with some worry. He was afraid that the other party would not pay attention to what he said. If something happened to Reina, it would be bad.
” Don’t worry! There will be no problem. That kid is more concerned with his own life than anything else. If there is any problem, he will never mess around! When he comes back, I will let Marco come back. Check it out for him! ” Whitebeard said with a smile, seeming to see Pedro’s concern.
Hearing Whitebeard’s words, Pedro was finally relieved.
” Frank, arrange a place for the guests of the fur tribe to rest, and take them to the Doctor’s place tomorrow! ” Seeing this, Whitebeard instructed Frank directly.
Now when Reina is away, Frank can also take care of Xuanyue Island very well. Although he is not very strong, Liquid Crystal has now become an indispensable member of the Whitebeard Pirates.
The next morning, after having breakfast with Pedro and the others, Frank set off for the laboratory where Dr.
” Wait, no matter what you see, don’t be surprised and ignore it! Just follow me! ” Frank explained to them as he walked.
” Eh? Why? Is it because there are organs or dangers on the road? ” Pedro did not speak, but the little bunny Garrot asked curiously while eating carrots.
” It’s not dangerous, but you also know that the laboratory is very important, so there will be some defensive measures … and … how to say? I can’t explain it clearly, you will understand when you see it! ” Frank caught Grabbing his head, he said with a wry smile.
No return, Pedro and others are not nervous. They are either members of the Knights or the Musket Team. They are all well-trained fighters, and they have successfully mastered the moon lion form, so they are considered strengths. good.
Inside Whitebeard, as long as the Whitebeard Pirates can’t deal with them, they really don’t have to worry about anything.
Soon, the group came to the location of the small empty island. The small empty island that was supposed to be beautiful has completely turned into a forest at this time.
” Pedro … here … it feels so terrifying here? ” Seeing the eerie forest in front of him, the little rabbit Garrett immediately came behind Pedro, seeking protection.
Since it was transformed by Perona and Olga, it has basically become a forbidden place on Xuanyue Island, and ordinary people will not come here at all.
Frank swallowed, stood at the edge of the forest, and shouted inwardly: ” Miss Olga, Miss Perona! I’m Frank! I’m here with the guests of the fur family, and this is what Mr. Reina invited. Assisted with doctoral research! ”
After shouting, he immediately retreated with that cautious voice. After waiting for a while, he found that there was no ghost coming to lead the way. He had to smile bitterly and said: “I guess they are still sleeping, let’s go, let’s go in! ”
Pedro frowned, but Frank walked ahead, so he had to follow into the forest.
After entering the forest, it was even more eerie and terrifying. If it weren’t for the broad daylight now, Pedro would probably be even more terrifying, and the little bunny Garrot didn’t even dare to open his eyes.
” Woo ~~~”
” Hala Hala Hala …”
” Woo ~~~”
A gust of cold wind blew, followed by a really strange sound.
” What? What sound is this, Pedro, can you hear it? What is it? ” Little Rabbit Garrett is quite sensitive to sound, so she heard it as soon as it appeared.
” It’s okay, this is …”
” Ah ~~~~”
” Ghost … it’s a ghost! Help! ”
Frank wanted to explain, but before he could speak, he was interrupted by a scream from Garrett.
” Wait … Be careful, don’t shoot! ”
After screaming, the little ghost seemed to want to see exactly who broke into its territory, so it flew over slowly, but the nervous Garrot jumped up and swiped at the ghost with a single claw.
Blue lightning flashed, and Garret passed through the ghost and landed on the ground.
” Galot ~ are you okay? ” Pedro and the rest of the fur tribe immediately took a defensive posture back to back. As the fur tribe, it was their home ground in the forest.
” I’m sorry … I shouldn’t be messing around, if I can … let me be a carrot in the next life! ” Garrett kneeled on the ground and said decadently.
” Bastard, what nonsense are you talking about! ” Pedro roared at Garrett with a condensed gaze.
” Don’t worry, there’s no danger, she’ll be fine in a while! ” At this time, Frank finally had the space to interject and stood in front of You Long, saying, ” Miss Perona, these are the guests invited by Vice-Captain Reina. , is the fur clan who is assisting the doctoral research, please don’t shoot! ”
After Frank finished speaking, the little ghost in the air seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then floated away with a cry of ” Hala, Hala …” .
” What is this? ” Pedro asked after the ghost floated away and Garrot recovered after a while.
” Ah ~ those things … it’s so annoying! ” Garret also said with a blushing face and a look of dissatisfaction.
Thinking about what she just said, she felt ashamed.
” Sorry, Miss Garrett moved too fast just now. I didn’t have time to stop it. It’s my fault! I apologize to everyone again, please forgive me! ” Frank hurriedly saluted.
Seeing Frank say this, whether it’s Pedro and Garrot or the rest of the fur tribe, it’s hard to say anything more.
” These are passive ghosts! Any creatures touched by them will become very passive! Before they don’t take the initiative to attack, as long as they don’t touch them, there is no problem! ” Frank wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled wryly explained.
” Eh? Is it actually a real ghost? It’s amazing that there is such an existence! ” Garrett said in disbelief.
” Ha ha ha ha ha ha … my ghost is amazing, right? ” At this moment, a burgundy sun umbrella and a gothic princess dress Perona floated over from the air.
At this time, she is in a ghost state, so she can float in the air.
” Miss Perona, these are the guests invited by the deputy captain … So …” Frank stepped forward and said after seeing the other party.
” Hmph ~ You’re the most boring person, you know that you will use Reina to scare me! Go, Olga has opened the door, you can go directly! I’m leaving! ” Perona knew that she couldn’t Continued to play, so he left directly angrily.
” She … she … is she also a ghost? ” Watching Perona float away directly, even from the branches, Garrett immediately asked curiously.
” Ah! She is Miss Perona, who is called Princess Mononoke, and Miss Olga, who is called the two great demon kings of Xuanyue Island! ” Frank said with a wry smile.
” Huh? Why? She should be someone who ate some kind of devil fruit, right? ” Pedro asked inexplicably: ” With the strength of your pirate group, a mere ability person shouldn’t be a problem, right? ”
” Miss Olga is the daughter of Dr. Sière. Miss Perona used to be the subordinate of King Qiwuhai Moonlight Moria, but she was rescued by the deputy captain, so she brought it back to Xuanyue Island! ” Frank He explained with a wry smile.
” So it is! ” Pedro finally knew why, even a real-power steward like Frank was polite to the little girl just now, she is her own!

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