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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
The group came to the entrance in the middle of the forest, where Olga was already waiting.
” Idiot father slept late last night and hasn’t woken up yet! I didn’t expect you to come so early, come first! Let me introduce you! ” Olga smiled and said to Pedro and the others.
Although the current Olga has not used pure gold for a long time, the influence of pure gold on her is still there, so the current Olga still looks like a slim girl.
” Excuse me! ” Pedro said in his heart. Frank said just now that the girl in front of her was called the Great Demon King, and she liked to play pranks the most.
Although there is no danger, no one likes to be tricked, so seeing the other party being so polite, Pedro immediately became vigilant.
” Okay, Olga! I’ll leave it to you. They are all very important guests of the co-captain. Don’t mess around! Otherwise, after the co-captain comes back, you and I will not be able to explain it to you! ” Frank was also worried . The admonished again.
” Understood ~ I don’t need to say so many times! ” Olga rolled her eyes, turned and walked into the laboratory.
Pedro bowed his thanks to Frank, and then followed Olga and walked into the laboratory.
” This is the experimental area, and this is the living area. If you live here, you can only move in the living area. Don’t rush into the experimental area. If no one leads you, there will be big problems ! ” Erjia introduced the situation in the laboratory to Pedro and others.
” Hey ~ It looks like there are still people living here? ” Little Rabbit Garret stuck out his head, looked towards the living area, and said.
Olga heard the words and looked sideways, only to see Binz drinking in the tavern in the living area. Recently, he was brought by Dr. Tiantian to spawn the seeds of the big underwater tree. It looks like everyone is old. Several years later, the doctor is now busy with his research on fur tribes, so he has a chance to rest.
” That’s right, he’s Binz, and there’s another named Ain, who is currently an assistant in the laboratory! The two of them usually live with us! ” Olga nodded and said.
” Since that’s the case, we’re here to serve as assistants to the doctor, so please ask the lady to arrange a place for us as well, and we live here too! ” Pedro nodded and said after hearing this.
Olga glanced at Pedro in surprise. How dare this leopard-like person still have such courage?
You must know that when they came over, they were frightened by Perona once, and she didn’t give them a good face. How dare you stay here now?
” What are you here for? ” At this time, Olga asked Pedro and the others curiously.
” This …” Pedro was stunned for a moment, wondering if the matter they came over was considered a secret, but thinking that the other party was the daughter of the Doctor, he had always told her that it was okay, so he told the matter again.
” Ah? Are you the fur tribe that Reina said? ” Olga looked at Pedro in surprise and asked.
” Miss knows us? ” Pedro asked in surprise.
” I know! When my father made that kind of pill, Reina said that it is very similar to you. If you get this kind of pill, your combat power will definitely increase! ” Olga nodded . , said: ” But this kind of pill is still defective, you can’t eat it, it will kill people! ”
” So here we are! ” Pedro nodded and replied.
” So that’s the case … The fool’s father must not be up at this time, so I’ll take you to where you live first, right? Didn’t you bring your salute? After you have chosen a place to live, I’ll ask Frank to salute you. Bring it here! ” Olga nodded and said.
” Don’t bother, we’ll just get it ourselves! ” Pedro said politely.
Olga ignored them, but took them towards the living area and said, ” There are usually no people here, so the empty room understands very well. You can choose at will. There is Binz and Ain’s room. You don’t have to choose! ”
” By the way , are they also scientists? ” Garret pointed to Binz who was drinking over there, and asked curiously.
” No, they’re the navy! ” Olga said with a smile.
” Navy? ” Pedro and others were stunned for a moment, where is this place? But Whitebeard’s home base.
And at a glance, you know that this laboratory is definitely the core of the core, so there will be a navy?
” Ah! Their teacher is the former Admiral Zefa, so they are also the Navy! But their teacher Zefa has quit the Navy before, so I don’t know if they are considered the Navy. ” Olga shrugged . , replied.
Pedro and the others looked at each other in dismay, Admiral Qian Haijun’s disciple, this status is not low!
You must know that the current Admiral Warring States is also Admiral Qian!
After choosing the room, Pedro and others came to the public place in the living area.
But when they came over, there was only one person in the bar area, but now there are two more people.
” Yo ~ here? Are you the assistants who came here today? ” Perona, who was wearing a wine-red sun umbrella, asked with a smile.
Just seeing her appearance, all the fur tribes were on the spot, but they all remembered Perona’s appearance.
” Hehehehehe …” Perona laughed immediately when she saw Pedro and the others.
” This sister … why do you look exactly the same as the ghost we saw before? ” Garret the little bunny hid behind Pedro, stretched out his head, and asked curiously.
” Because … that ghost … that’s me! Ha ha ha ha ha ha …” Perona was very happy when she saw Garret the little bunny looking scared,
” Okay, Perona, don’t scare them! ” Ai, who was sitting there, patted Perona with a smile, and said to Pedro and others, ” You are the guests of the fur tribe, right? My name is Ai. Because, this is Perona, and the person sitting there is Binz! If you get in touch, you will know that Perona is not a bad person, she just likes to play pranks! ”
” Big sister, you are really the sea …”
” Thank you, we got it! Please give me more advice in the coming days! ”
Garrett was about to ask something, but was interrupted by Pedro grabbing it.
Ai Yin was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, ” It’s not really a suggestion, just speak up if you need anything! ”
In the afternoon, the Doctor finally got up. The first thing he did when he woke up was to find Pedro and asked him for the blood of all the fur tribesmen.
” I took your blood back and analyzed it yesterday, and found that you still have some animal genes in your body, which is very strange! ” The doctor pointed to his analysis report and said to Pedro.
” What ‘s so strange about this? ” Pedro asked in confusion.
Even from the appearance of their fur tribe, it can be seen that they have animal genes!
” No, you don’t understand. Although you look like animals, you have the same mind as humans. Apart from our appearance, what do you think is different from us? ” The Doctor shook his head and asked Pedro.
” This …” Pedro was speechless, indeed they were no different from humans except for the appearance of some animals.
” Do you know murlocs and mermen? ” The doctor said with a smile again: ” I compared their genes and found that there is no such thing as you in their blood! ”
” What do you mean? ” Compared with murlocs, Pedro felt that they were more human-like, but the doctor told him that genetically, they were not even close to humans and murlocs, which made him extremely puzzled. .
Although I don’t know the origin of murlocs and mermen, I am sure that they are the products of natural evolution. Like us humans, they all evolved slowly, but you … may not be!
Pedro’s face changed, and he stared at the doctor and asked, ” You mean … we … we are not human? ”
The doctor shook his head and said, ” No, it may also be my problem. I’m not good at genetic research! ”
” Huh? ” Pedro was a little dumbfounded. He said that he was so professional before, but now he told him that he was not good at it?
Dr. Ahsie nodded and said: ” When the full moon is full, I hope you can show the moon lion form, and then provide me with some new research directions. Before we obtained the mutant ore, Reina should have told you. Huh!? ”
” Yes, that’s what we’re here for! ” Pedro nodded and replied.
” As long as it is ore, it is definitely not good for the human body, unless it can be controlled to a very small amount, but the mutated energy contained in that small amount of ore is also very small, which is not enough to improve the strength! ”
” So I hope to learn from your moon lion model, it is best to be able to transform under the detection of the machine, so that I can see the data more intuitively, after all, I am not good at this aspect related to biology. Yes! But I can guarantee that it will not cause any harm to you! ” The doctor said seriously.
Pedro nodded and said: ” We don’t understand this, and everything follows the doctor’s arrangement! ”
” Okay, then it’s not the full moon yet, let me record your data first! ” Dr. Ahsie said with a smile.
Just when the fur tribe was experimenting on Dr. Ahsie’s side, Reina had already entered the waters of Xuanyue Island.
” Dad, I found the whereabouts of the deputy captain and is heading towards Xuanyue Island! ” An intelligence officer came to the place where Whitebeard was resting and reported.
” Very well, gather all the captains and let Frank go to the port to wait for him! ” Whitebeard nodded and said with narrowed eyes.
” Dad, is there really something wrong with Reina? ” Joz on the side asked worriedly.
” It should be … That kid should have found something, or he won’t come back at this time, it seems that things are not easy! ” Whitebeard nodded and said.

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