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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
When Reina and Ace returned to Xuanyue Island, they found that Frank was already waiting for him at the port.
” Deputy Captain … Dad is already waiting for you in the conference room! ” Before Reina could answer, Frank stepped forward and said with a smile.
” Huh? Big brother? What happened? ” Reina asked in surprise.
” This … I don’t know either, it was Dad who asked me to wait for you here and take you to the conference room! ” Frank shook his head and replied.
Reina heard the words, and Ace looked at each other, and then he didn’t want to go home, and walked directly in the direction of the conference room.
” Big brother! ” Reina pushed open the door of the conference room and found that all the captains except Whitebeard were here, so he thought that something big had happened.
” Back? ” Whitebeard asked softly, looking at Reina who came in.
” Well! Big brother … what happened? ” Reina walked to Whitebeard’s side, sat down and asked.
” Today, there is indeed a very important matter! ” Whitebeard nodded and looked at Reina, and said, ” It’s about the future of our Whitebeard Pirates, so you have to answer truthfully! ”
” Me? ” Reina was stunned for a moment, and asked in surprise: ” What happened? What does the eldest brother want to know? ”
Reina was really confused at this time.
” Your eyes … is there something wrong? ” Whitebeard didn’t bother to talk to Reina, and asked directly.
Reina was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: ” What do you mean by that, brother? There is nothing wrong with my eyes! It’s very good! ”
” Ask them yourself, believe it or not? ” Whitebeard rolled his eyes and said to Reina.
Only then did Reina realize that the captains were all looking at him worriedly.
” Where did you get the information from? ” Reina asked helplessly, spreading her hands.
“The fur clan has arrived, now assist the experiment with the doctor! ” Marko looked at Reina and said in a deep voice.
” Fur clan? How did they know? ” Reina was taken aback and said in surprise, ” I only discovered it recently! ”
” Their senses are quite sensitive. Didn’t you lose control once? That’s why they noticed it! ” Bista replied with a smile.
” So it turns out … it’s not out of control, I can control it myself … just … so to speak? The writing wheel has reached my level, and it is very difficult to go further! But its flaws, But it has always existed! ” Reina pointed to his eyes and said.
” What exactly is the defect? ” Whitebeard asked, taken aback.
” Too many times of use will lead to a decrease in pupil power … and eventually blindness! ” Reina said with a wry smile.
” What? ” Reina’s words surprised all the captains.
Ace even stood up directly and said: ” No wonder … No wonder I feel that the deputy captain is weird recently … So the problem is here! ”
When he and Reina returned to Xuanyue Island, some of the strange things he felt about Reina were basically caused by Reina’s inability to see the distance clearly.
” Ace … what do you mean by that? ” Marko and the others looked at Ace in surprise.
Ace kept staring at Reina and asked, ” Deputy Captain … Are you unable to see things in the distance now? ”
” What? ” Hearing Ace’s question, everyone looked at Reina nervously, including Whitebeard’s expression became serious.
Reina smiled bitterly, nodded, and said, ” My eyesight has indeed begun to decline! ”
Hearing Reina’s admission, Whitebeard said in a deep voice, ” You kid, did you already know about this flaw? ”
Reina nodded and said: ” I did know it for a long time, but I didn’t expect it to be so fast! ”
” Is there any remedy? ” Whitebeard asked after a moment of thought.
Reina nodded and said: ” Yes! My current kaleidoscope is called a kaleidoscope, which is a relatively top-level shackle, and once it evolves, it is called the eternal kaleidoscope! It’s the same as the ordinary kaleidoscope. The difference lies in the word eternity! ”
” Eternal, it means that the defect you mentioned has been made up and can be used all the time … right? ” Whitebeard asked.
” That’s right! ” Reina nodded and replied.
” Then how can you make your eyes evolve into Eternal Shakers? ” Ace asked a little anxiously.
” There are two ways to advance to the Eternal Sharinyan! One is to let him evolve by himself through his own efforts … but this kind of thing … is difficult! The other is a pair of brothers, both of whom have successfully awakened Kaleidoscope Shaker, then take out one pair of eyes and fuse with the other pair to become an eternal kaleidoscope Shaker! ” Reina said after thinking about it.
” What? To use the eyes of your own brother? Can’t someone else’s? ” Bista asked in surprise.
” No! ” Reina shook his head and said, ” It must be a blood-related brother, so that there will be no rejection! That’s why I said this is an eye from hell! ”
” Is there anyone in your clan who has successfully evolved into Eternal Shakers!? ” Whitebeard asked after being silent for a while.
” Yes! ” Reina hesitated and replied.
” Evolved by yourself? ”
” No, the only one who has evolved is the founder of Sharinyan! The rest have used the second method! ” Reina shook his head and replied.
” Hey ~~” Hearing Reina’s answer, everyone took a deep breath.
” Do you have a brother? ” Whitebeard asked, looking at Reina.
Reina shook his head and said, ” No! ”
” Then are you sure you will advance? ”
” No! ”
Reina smiled wryly.
His answer made everyone silent. No one can say with certainty about this kind of thing, just like domineering, who can guarantee that he can awaken domineering 100%?
And Lei Nazi said that he was not sure because he wanted to evolve his own writing wheel eyes, so the advanced bloodline ability evolution volume worth 200,000 points needed at least two or more, that is, at least 400,000 points.
But now his points are only more than 140,000, not even 150,000. When he saves 400,000 points, he still doesn’t know it will be the Year of the Monkey.
It’s also because he has too few means to obtain points now. In addition to signing in and giving away every day, there are only occasional points in overtime pay.
Now his sign-in gift package has arrived and must be obtained for five consecutive years, but now his continuous sign-in time has only been more than three years, which means that the next time he gets the gift package, if nothing else, it will take two years.
More importantly, he doesn’t know what can be opened in the gift bag at that time.
” Is there no other way? ” Whitebeard asked after a moment of silence.
Reina shook his head and said, ” I haven’t thought of any other way for the time being! ”
” Then can you still contact your clan? ” Whitebeard asked, looking at Reina.
” In this world, apart from me, there is no one of my clan! ” Reina shook his head and replied.
” What about Robin? ” At this moment, Marko suddenly asked: ” Doesn’t Robin have your bloodline? ”
” She does have my bloodline, but at her age, coupled with her experience, if she hasn’t awakened to Sharinyan … Basically, there is no chance of awakening! ” Reina laughed and shook his head and said.
Maybe it’s because his Sharinyan came from the system rather than the power of the bloodline, so most of Robin inherited her mother’s genes, and few inherited it to Reina’s side. After all, if you really count it seriously, Reina can only be counted as one. Ordinary people, and Olvia can at least be considered a talented girl!
Just when everyone was sighing for Reina, Reina laughed and said, ” There is no way to do this, but everyone should keep it a secret, and the number of times I will use the wheel eye will definitely decrease in the future. , the combat power will also be reduced, if the Navy knows, I am afraid it will be a bit bad. ”
” In the future, you will stay by my side except on the island, and you are not allowed to run out alone! ” Whitebeard said with a look at Reina.
” Big brother, it’s not that serious! ” Reina said with a wry smile.
” Okay, this is the end of the matter, no one can talk about it! ” Whitebeard waved his hand and settled the matter.
When the matter was over, the captains left one after another, only Whitebeard still sat there without getting up, and Reina, who was beside him, did not leave with a wry smile.
When everyone was almost gone, Whitebeard said to Reina, ” Since you knew about the flaws of this Shaker, why did you use it excessively? ”
” Big brother, I don’t know. Actually, although I know, I don’t know how to use it too much. So although I am a little restrained on weekdays, I didn’t hesitate when I should use it. Until recently, I felt that the writing wheel was backlash, not only the eyesight began to decline. , it can even affect my mood! ” Reina shook his head and replied.
” Deputy Captain … Is there no other way? ” Ace stepped forward and asked.
Neither he nor Marko nor Joz left.
” It’s not completely impossible! At the beginning, there were people in the clan who became like me, and there were no brothers and sisters, so after the excessive use of the kaleidoscope writing wheel caused blindness … I will ask a doctor to change the eyes! ” After thinking about it, Reina said, said.
” Eyes change? ” Several people were stunned and asked in surprise, ” Why change eyes? ”
” It’s just taking off the blind eye, and then replacing it with the eyes of ordinary people, or the eye of ordinary people! ” Reina said directly.
” This is too cruel, isn’t it? If you don’t talk about the success rate, even if you are successful, doesn’t it mean that you will make another person blind? ” Marco said with a frown.
” That’s not true. If there are people who died in battle, we will recycle the writing wheel and store it, and then we can replace it directly when we need it! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Ah? How are the eyes of the dead preserved? ” Joz asked in surprise.
” Haha … I don’t know either, but there is a way within the clan! And there are not many people who can really grow into the kaleidoscope writing wheel! ” Reina said with a smile: ” At the beginning, I didn’t expect that I would be able to open the kaleidoscope to write. Wheel Eyes! “

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