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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Then do you have extra eyes here? ” Whitebeard asked, looking at Reina.
Reina shook his head and said, ” No! And eye replacement surgery is not something that ordinary doctors can do! ”
” That’s right! ” Marko, a part-time ship doctor, also nodded and confirmed.
At least in his opinion, he really may not be able to make him change eyes for others.
” Then what should we do now? Reina loses the Shaker, and his combat power will be greatly damaged! ” Joz asked worriedly.
” It’s nothing but a shackle, and it’s not blind, and even if you are blind, I can still beat you! ” Reina replied with a smile.
Joz smiled honestly and didn’t say much.
But everyone knows that the decline of Reina’s combat power means what it means to the Whitebeard Pirates. Now that Whitebeard is slowly getting older, his combat power has also declined a lot.
But the reason why they have always been the number one pirate group in the world is precisely because of the presence of Whitebeard and Reina.
None of the other emperors of the Four Emperor Pirates can beat Reina, and even against the captains of the other four emperors, Reina has the strength not to lose to them.
But if Reina can’t use the Shaker now, then it’s really unknown how much combat power can be exerted, so that’s what they worry about.
Just like they helped Shanks face Kaido before, even if Reyna didn’t go, it was still a deterrent.
” Brother, don’t worry, I will try to break through! If I can break through, it’s the best, but it’s okay if I can’t break through! Just using the three-goose jade writing wheel eye has little effect on me, but … In this way, I have no chance of winning against Admiral Admiral! ” Reina said to Whitebeard after a moment of silence.
” It’s okay, we just don’t provoke them. If they dare to take the opportunity to make trouble, we are not the only one in the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Before Whitebeard could speak, Marco said.
Reina smiled and nodded.
Now the strength of the Whitebeard Pirates, compared with the original, in addition to the addition of him, the strength of Marko, Joz, Bista and others have improved, and Saatchi has not died in the hands of Blackbeard. The pirate group has exceeded the fifty mark.
The strength is better than the Whitebeard Pirates in the original book, so Reina is not worried.
Although the navy now has the mind to deal with them, as long as he is still there, the navy will not dare to mess around, and only the captains know about his own eyes, and he is not worried that it will be leaked out.
Just like what Whitebeard said, as long as he and Whitebeard are together, no matter who they are, they don’t dare to mess around.
After Marko finished speaking, Reina nodded helplessly and said, ” Okay, I won’t act alone after that! ”
In fact, what Whitebeard wanted to leave behind was Reina’s words, not because he didn’t believe Reina, but because he often went out to sea alone, and if the navy caught a chance, it would be bad.
At that time, even if he escapes, the fact that he can’t use the writing wheel will inevitably be exposed.
Then the two major forces of the Whitebeard Pirates, one is blind and the other is old, then their external deterrence will be greatly reduced.
That’s why Whitebeard told Reina not to run around, at least not in the recent period.
” But what about BIGMOM ? The person who bullied me can’t just let it go, right? ” Reina asked with a headache.
” Send someone over first and see what Lingling has to say! ” Whitebeard pondered for a while and said.
” That’s the only way! ” Reina nodded and said, ” But if she doesn’t compensate … what should I do? Call me? ”
” If he doesn’t pay, then fight! ” Whitebeard nodded and said.
The corners of Reina’s mouth twitched slightly, nodded, and said, ” It’s still big brother domineering! ”
” Dad …”
” Needless to say, what should be done is still to be done, otherwise it will be more likely to make people suspicious! ”
Marco wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Whitebeard.
After coming out of the conference room, Reina thought about it, and then went directly to the laboratory. First, he wanted to see how the fur people lived here, and also wanted to ask how the doctor’s progress was? Now that his combat power is declining, Xuanyue Island also needs more means of self-protection.
When Reina entered the research room, he found the fur tribe people in the living area, but Pedro and Garrot were not here, but the rest of the fur tribe and Ain were drinking and chatting here.
” Lord Reina! ”
Seeing Reina coming, everyone stood up to say hello.
” You’re welcome, where’s Pedro? ” Reina asked with a smile.
Originally, he wanted to ask the doctor first, but the fur people were here, and he had to ask Pedro and their situation first.
” Brother Pedro and Garrot are assisting the doctor with the experiment, we have nothing to do, so rest here! ” A lion fur tribe replied cautiously.
” They are in the test area? You don’t have to be nervous, and your bar! By the way, Ain, how is the progress on Binz’s side? ” Reina waved his hand and said with a smile.
” The progress has been a lot faster recently. After the small sapling has grown up, with the blessing of Binz’s ability, it has grown rapidly. It is now a big tree, but if it wants to cover the entire interior space, I am afraid it will take a while! ” Ai Yin got up and replied.
” Yeah! It’s been hard work for Binz. When it’s over, I’ll treat you to a drink! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Lord Reina is serious, this is our responsibility. If it wasn’t for the adults, we wouldn’t even have a place to go! ” Ain shook his head and said.
” Okay, you rest, I’ll go to the doctor! ” Reina smiled, turned and walked towards the test area.
Although there are many organs here, Reina is very clear, and soon came to the test area.
” Tsk tsk tsk … You fur tribes are really strange, you can still use electricity. Back then, this empty island was driven by electricity, and I don’t know if it has anything to do with you! ” Reina heard before he walked in. Doctor’s voice.
” Oh? The doctor’s meaning … they are related to the people above? ” Reina said as she walked in with a smile.
” Lord Reina! ”
” Teacher! ”
Pedro and Garrot shouted in surprise when they saw Reina.
” You kid is finally back? I heard that you went to find BIGMOM ‘s bad luck? ”
The doctor asked with a smirk.
“I didn’t go, there was something wrong with my body recently, so I just came back! ” Reina shook his head and replied.
” Huh? ” All three were surprised.
” What’s the matter? ” the Doctor asked first, frowning.
Garrett and Pedro glanced at each other. They were a little unconvinced when Duke Inunarashi came to the news before, but they didn’t expect it to be true.
” Teacher, physical matters can be big or small, don’t ignore it! ” Pedro was afraid that Reina wouldn’t pay attention, so he said with a little worry.
” Don’t worry, I have an idea in mind, don’t worry too much! How is the research progress of the doctor? ” Reina waved his hand and replied.
” Which research are you asking about? ” the doctor asked with a smile.
” Is there progress here? ” Reina asked in surprise.
” There is no progress, and they haven’t been here for a long time, but through the research on them, at least there is still a glimpse of the eyes! ” The doctor rubbed his hands and said with a smile: ” As for that … you have to wait for Binz to put the Just get the big tree up! ”
” In other words, your main energy is now on them? ” Reina said helplessly.
Before, he did think that the doctor’s idea of transforming Xuanyue Island into a ship was a bit redundant, but now he felt that it would be better to speed up the progress of this matter. Only in this way would they, Xuanyue Island and the Whitebeard Pirates have more power to choose.
The doctor also heard Reina’s meaning from Reina’s words, so he looked at Reina in surprise, and his expression became much more serious.
” Reina, tell me the truth, how is your body? ” Dr. Ahsie asked seriously.
If Reina’s body is intact, then Xuanyue Island is not afraid of any enemy at all. Reina charges ahead, Whitebeard is roaring in the town, even if the navy comes to attack, they are still not afraid.
But now Reina is carefully inquiring about the transformation of Xuanyue Island, so it can only prove that there is something wrong with Reina’s body.
When Pedro heard the doctor’s words, although he didn’t quite understand it, he was also nervous.
Reina smiled bitterly and could only tell the truth.
” This matter can let too many people know, you don’t want to spread it out! ” The three people here are all his own, so Reina said it with confidence.
“I didn’t expect your mighty eyes to have such a flaw! But that’s right, everything is born, and nothing is perfect! It’s just … Is there a remedy? ” Dr. Ahsie sighed and asked road.
” I freely advocate this matter. The doctor doesn’t have to worry about it, but it will take some time, so I came to ask about the transformation. Now the navy has a plan for us, so if they come over, we must also think of a way out. Okay! ” Reina shook her head and replied.
” I understand. Starting from tomorrow, I will let Binz push with all my strength, and I will also start preparing for the external machine right away! ” Dr. Ahsie nodded and replied.
” So … trouble doctor! ” Reina nodded and said.
” My family, what are you talking about? ” the doctor waved his hand and said.
” Teacher, is there anything we can do to help! ” Pedro also stepped forward and asked.
” There’s nothing going on for the time being, it’s just that it may delay you for a while! Not to mention, the fur clan elites are coming with you. If you don’t want them to go back first, you can just stay here! ” Reina shook Shaking his head, he said.
After thinking about it, Pedro said: ” Zou has no war, we all stay here, it’s not a problem, there should be no problem with the Duke and the Boss Cat Viper! ”
” If that’s the case, then let your companion hide in Xuanyue Island for a while, but you have to explain it clearly, it’s not that we have any bad intentions towards your fur tribe! ” Reina said with a smile.
” What did the teacher say … don’t worry! ” Pedro said with his fists folded.
” Okay, you go to meet your compatriots first, and call Laibinz for me. I’ll take him and the doctor to do things right now! ” Reina nodded and said.
” Yes, teacher! ” Pedro nodded and walked towards the living area with Garrett. For convenience, the doctor had already told Pedro the organization here, but it was only him.

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