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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Wake up, wake up …”
When Reina opened her eyes, she heard Marco’s voice.
” Reina, how are you? Do you feel any discomfort? ” Marco grabbed Reina’s hand and asked.
” What happened? ” Reina asked, blinking, not looking at Marco, but ahead.
” Huh ~ Nuoqigao heard an abnormal sound when he passed by your house, so took me to your house to see, and then found you lying on the ground! ” Marko took a deep breath and said.
” Really? It seems that you saved me! ” Reina replied with a smile.
Marko shook his head and asked worriedly, ” Do you feel any discomfort now? ”
” Everything is fine … it’s just …” Reina hesitated and said, ” I can’t seem to see! ”
” What? ” Including Marco beside Reina, the surrounding captains and Whitebeard were all startled at the same time, looking at Reina with eyes blank, and asked in disbelief.
” Are you sure? You can’t see anything now? Or is it that your strength has declined so much that you can only see shadows? ” Marco stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Reina, but found that Reina did not respond.
” It’s pitch black in front of me now, but I can still feel your presence with the color of seeing and hearing! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Stinky boy, what did you do? Why did you suddenly lose your sight? Wasn’t it fine before? ” Whitebeard asked with a frown.
Reina gave a wry smile and said, ” Isn’t the return of life able to replenish physical strength? So I want to try to see if I can use the return of life to replenish my lost pupil power! As long as I can replenish my pupil strength, I can make up for my writing wheel. Eye Defects! ”
” So you used Life Return to replenish your eyes? ” Marco asked weakly.
” Yeah! As you can see, now blind! ” said Rayner, shrugging.
” This … idiot … Just how much you have mastered the return of life, you still want to use it to treat your eyes? Let alone you, even those generals in the navy who are proficient in the return of life would not dare to do so! ” Bai Beard said angrily.
” Hey, don’t be angry, bro , I’ll try to see if the Shaker Eye can still be used! ” Reina felt that his blindness should be caused by the impact of the energy on the nerves in his eye, so he couldn’t bear it, but Shaker and Ordinary eyes are different. After turning on the wheel-shaking eye, the nerves in the eye will become much stronger. Even which nerves can pass through Chakra, there is no reason why his energy cannot be used.
” Sharing eye … Open! ” After sitting down, Reina directly opened the three-goose jade writing wheel, and then he felt some pain and itchiness in his eyes.
He knew that it was Sharinyan that was repairing his eye nerves, so even though he couldn’t see now, he didn’t stop.
” How’s it going? Can you see? Your eyes are bleeding, but there is no Shaker! Do you need me to use the flame of regeneration to help you? ” Marco on the side asked nervously.
” No, wait! ” Reina didn’t have time to pay attention to the two lines of blood and tears, but raised the level of Sharinyan again and directly turned on the kaleidoscope mode.
” Open! ” With Reina’s loud shout, the originally godless eyes slowly began to focus, and then the three hook jade appeared, began to slowly rotate, and finally formed a blade-like kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.
” How is it? Can you see it? ” Seeing the appearance of Reina’s writing wheel, everyone was shocked and asked.
Reina nodded and said: ” No problem, you can see! It should be that the nerves in the eyes were injured by the recklessness before. After opening the writing wheel, use the pupil power to nourish it, and it should be able to recover! ”
” Fu ~ don’t do this kind of stupid thing again next time! ” Whitebeard said with a sigh of relief after hearing this.
” Sorry for worrying everyone! ” Reina was indeed a little embarrassed, he really didn’t expect this to happen.
” Okay, since it’s all right, let’s go back and have a rest! Marco, pay more attention to Reina these days! ” Seeing this, Whitebeard told everyone to go back, instead of having to gather around here.
After Marco and Noqigao sent Reina home, Reina thanked them again.
” Don’t worry about Mr. Reina, rest at home, I’ll come over tomorrow morning to bring you breakfast! ” Nuo Qigao, who was standing at the door, smiled and said.
” You don’t need to be so troublesome, you can take care of Marco. If there is more food in my house, Frank will help me arrange someone! ” Reina waved his hand, so that Nuoqigao would not have to be so troublesome.
” Okay then! I’ll see you with Marco tomorrow! ” Nuoqigao heard the words, and no longer insisted, nodded and said.
After sending the two away, Reina, who came back home, directly closed the Shaker. Now he has been opening the kaleidoscope Shaker. Although there is no battle, the consumption is very small, but now his pupil power is very precious. , but dare not waste it like this.
However, when Rayner closed the writing wheel, he found that he was blind again. Although it was different from the previous darkness, from his eyes, the surroundings seemed to be shrouded in dense fog, and the energy storage could feel it. Outside the light source, it is basically impossible to see.
” Huh , what a sin! It’s such a critical moment, yet you even gave me this! ” Reina groped to the edge of the sofa, and after sitting down, she couldn’t help sighing.
The next morning, when Reina woke up, he found that the condition of his eyes was much better than yesterday. At least he could see the existence of a shadow when he put his hand in front of him.
Now that he is like this, it is not convenient for him to go out, so he starts exercising at home. There is no way … the working hours must be completed, otherwise, if the check-in is interrupted, the loss will be even more.
As for his three meals, Frank arranged for him to bring them home.
After the eye injury, Reina basically never went out. Of course, the captains, Senor and others came to visit him one after another, and even the doctor and others who came out of the inner space of Xuanyue Island, after learning that After the news, it was the first time he came to see Reina.
However, Marco and Whitebeard also told them not to disturb Reina too much, and now he mainly needs to rest.
In this way, after half a month passed, Reina felt that his eye nerves had finally recovered completely, but his current vision was not even the state he was in before using life to return.
In desperation, Reina had to continue to recuperate at home, trying to find a way to solve it.
” Huh … what is this? ” On this day, after finishing work hours, Reina, who was bored, was browsing the system’s mall.
Because the things that the system phantoms are projected directly into his brain, there is no blurry feeling like when he uses his eyes to see things, so he now opens various interfaces to watch when he is bored.
But just when he was shopping in the mall just now, he suddenly discovered that there was one more thing in the mall.
” Trial Scroll: You can enter the trial ground! Points required : 10,000 ”
” The place of trial? What is that place? It costs 10,000 points to enter …” Reina looked at the scroll of the land of trials that suddenly appeared, and fell into deep thought.
It’s not that he didn’t have 10,000 points, but now he has a huge gap in points, and the number of 10,000 points is not small, so he hesitates like this.
Although he didn’t know where the trial ground was, he didn’t find the trial scroll when he looked at the mall yesterday. If it only appeared today, but he didn’t buy it … Wouldn’t it be a big loss ? ?
This kind of thing didn’t happen.
Back then, when he wasn’t as powerful as he is now, he once found a remnant of a domineering overlord in the mall. The price was 10,000 pieces, and it was given randomly.
At that time, he just thought it was a bit expensive, and in the monthly full-time box, if you were lucky, you could get it, so he didn’t buy it.
But when he was only short of the last piece of scroll, when he wanted to buy it again, he found out that there was no more in the mall, otherwise he would get the time of the overlord and domineering, and he would still be much earlier.
” Bought it! ” After thinking for a long time, Reina finally bought a trial scroll.
Now that the gap of points is so big, it is not less than 10,000 points. What if it is a good place? Maybe even the difficulty of writing wheel eyes can be solved directly.
Looking at the extra trial scroll in the backpack, Reina directly chose to use it.
After he used the trial scroll, Reina found that his eyes were dark, and when he appeared again, he had come to a high tower.
” The Tower of Trials? ” Above the gate of the tower, there is a sign with these four characters written on it.
However, Reina did not rush to approach, but looked around. He found that the surroundings were very wide and desolate. Except for the Trial Tower in front of him, there were no buildings or signs of life, even The bright moon hanging in the sky is also blood red.
Seeing this, Reina flipped his hand and wanted to take the Bing Lun Pill out of his backpack, but found that the Bing Lun Pill did not appear in his hand at all.
Not only that, he also found that his backpack could not be opened at all, and the contents inside could not be taken out at all.
” Writing round eyes … open! ”
” How … possible? ”
When he tried to use the writing wheel, he also found that the writing wheel could not be opened at all, not to mention the kaleidoscope, even the double hook jade.
After thinking for a while, Reina suddenly punched his chest.
” Cough cough … Sure enough, the Black Emperor’s ability has disappeared too! That is to say … Has the ability given by the system been withdrawn? ” Feeling the pain in his chest, Reina seemed to understand.
But he can’t use the ability given by the system, and he has no weapons, what else can he do?
Rayner had never been so overwhelmed since he had the system.
But he knew that this should be the ghost of the Tower of Trials.
” Do you want me to use my own power to complete the trial? Then let’s try it! ” Reina smiled slightly, took a deep breath, and walked directly towards the tower of trials.
After so many years of basic physique and swordsmanship, he is not vain. Even if he does not have the ability given by the system, he does not think that he will not have the strength to fight.

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