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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Pushing open the door of the Tower of Trials, it turned out to be a weapons room after entering. There are all kinds of weapons in it, but in Reina’s view, these are just ordinary weapons, and they are on the same level as the standard naval weapons on the outside. That’s it.
After picking two long swords at random, Reina was ready to move on. He chose two weapons not because he was a double sword, but for backup.
After passing through the weapon room, Reina officially stepped into the trial tower.
” Nima ~ isn’t it? This is the first level, so it’s such a big game? ” Seeing a person who looked exactly like himself sitting in the empty room, Reina suddenly had a bad premonition.
” Defeat the gatekeeper to enter the next floor! ”
Sure enough, just after Reina stepped into the trial tower, the sound of the system sounded.
And with the sound of the system, the ” self ” sitting in the middle also opened his eyes and stood up.
Victory over oneself has always been a symbol of breaking through the limit, but in the first level, it was arranged like this, Reina was really a little empty, not that he was afraid of himself, but … This first level is to break through the self, how difficult it will be later ah?
He spent 10,000 points to get in, if he didn’t get anything, wouldn’t he lose blood?
But before he thought about it, the ” self ” on the opposite side had already rushed towards him.
” Hmph, I don’t have the ability to think for myself … Is this a way of defeating myself? ” Seeing the ” self ” who was rushing over like this , Reina was a little dissatisfied.
” When! ”
” Eh? ”
The two weapons were touching. Originally, Reina thought it would be an evenly matched touch, so he reserved a little strength so that he could use it to deal with the borrowed changes.
But the weight of the weapon made him a little surprised. It seemed … the opponent’s strength was much worse than his.
Feeling the gap, Reina’s eyes flashed, and the whole person disappeared directly from the place. When he reappeared, he was already behind the opponent, but he did not make any more moves, but retracted the knife.
” Clap! ”
The person who looked like him had a bloodstain on his neck and fell directly on the spot.
When he stepped into the Tower of Trials just now, he discovered that although he couldn’t use the wheel-shaking eye, his eyesight had returned to normal.
And this ” self ” who looks exactly like him is simply a scumbag. Whether it is strength or speed or anything else, it is very poor. Besides having the same appearance as him, he is basically the level of an ordinary pirate, and Still a puppet with no thinking and only fighting instinct.
So after contacting the opponent, Reina immediately killed the opponent directly.
Just after the other party fell to the ground, the body slowly disappeared, and then a staircase appeared at the end of the room, a staircase leading to the upper floor.
” Interesting! ” Reina smiled slightly, and walked up with her weapon.
After going up, Reina found that the layout and environment here were almost unchanged from the room just now, and he was still a lieutenant general who looked exactly like himself.
” Clap! ”
After killing the opponent again, the stairs also appeared.
Although the opponent just now is a little stronger than the first floor, but in Reina’s view, the difference is not big!
In this way, he kept advancing all the way up to the top of the Tower of Trials, until when he reached the tenth floor, he felt that the ” self ” in front of him seemed to be different.
” Fuck! Shaker’s eye!? ” When the other party opened his eyes, he realized that the other party actually had a double-gouyu writing wheel eye.
Before Reina had more time to think, the opponent attacked with a weapon.
” Dangdangdang …”
This time, the opponent not only has Sharinyan, but his basic strength has also been greatly improved compared to the previous opponent, and his physical quality is almost the same as his, so Reina can’t take the opponent for a while. I’m going, it’s not fun to play.
” Damn guy …” After fighting each other again, the two retreated at the same time, and they were temporarily separated.
What Reina can use now is only the basic swordsmanship and physical skills that he has been practicing constantly. The rest, including domineering and the six naval styles, cannot be used, and there are no Hinaruwan and Senbon Sakura.
He basically relied on his strong physical strength to crush the previous enemy. Now that he encounters a physical quality similar to his, he has no good solution for the time being.
” Hey ~ his swordsmanship is not as good as mine, but with the help of the Shaker, he can barely keep up with my moves! It seems that he has to find a way to start from this aspect! ” Reina looked at his enemy again, his brain was fast Running, thinking of ways to defeat the enemy.
” Dangdangdang! ”
The speed between the two sides is very fast, but Reina, who has a wheel eye, naturally knows what the biggest flaw of the wheel eye is.
” Pfft! ”
Seeing the other party fall down while clutching his neck, Reina smiled lightly and said, ” If you can see it … you may not be able to prevent it! ”
But this time, after the other party’s body disappeared, no stairs appeared, but a golden treasure chest appeared in the middle.
” Yohe ~ Is this a reward? Climb the tower and break through the level to open the treasure chest? I like it! ” Reina’s mouth twitched, and he walked towards the treasure chest in the middle.
” Congratulations on getting: 10,000 skill experience ! ”
” Congratulations on getting: Random Psychic Beast Fragment *1 ! ”
” Congratulations on getting: 1000 points ! ”
“The reward has been stored, you can choose to continue to pass the level or leave. If you leave, you will get all the current rewards. If you fail to continue to pass the level, half of the current rewards will be deducted! ”
After opening the treasure chest, a continuous system prompt sounds.
” Hey … I didn’t expect to get points here! ” Reina’s eyes lit up. The worst thing he can do now is points, and this is only the first treasure chest, so he gave him 1,000 points. The monthly full-time sign-in is only more than 4,000 points.
And he believes that the treasure chests in the back will definitely give more and more, maybe he can earn the 10,000 points by himself.
So whether to continue to break through or leave, he chose to continue without thinking.
What can I get by leaving now? Except for the points, he doesn’t like these rewards now. Even if he fails, he can bear the loss, but if he can get the next treasure chest, wouldn’t he gain more?
You must know that he spent 10,000 points for tickets to come in. If he can’t earn back 10,000 points, wouldn’t it be a loss?
After Reina made his choice, the stairs appeared again, and he did not hesitate and walked directly towards the stairs.
” Fuck! It’s Shaking Eyes again? ” The self on the eleventh floor is already the one with Shaking Eyes, and Reina feels that the opponent’s physical fitness, swordsmanship, and physical skills have improved compared to the tenth floor just now.
However, the opponent’s combat experience and knowledge of swordsmanship and physical skills are not at the same level as Reina. For example, the opponent’s swordsmanship, although very powerful, has a deliberate feeling, not as round as Reina. .
” Without your own consciousness, no matter how high your swordsmanship level is, it’s just a dead thing! ” Looking at himself lying on the ground, Reina shook his head and continued to move towards the next floor.
While fighting with himself, Reina was constantly adjusting himself, because he also saw his own weaknesses from the opponent.
However, as he rose layer by layer, the opponent’s strength became stronger and stronger.
” Fu ~ I only have this level! ” Seeing his arm being scratched by the opponent, Reina’s face was a little ugly.
His current position is on the 19th floor. The opponent’s strength has surpassed him in all aspects. Whether it is strength or speed, he has already surpassed him now. In addition to the opponent’s writing wheel eyes, Reina feels that all his moves All have been seen by the other party.
Although the other party is just a writing wheel of Shuanggouyu, but now he seems to be unable to defeat the other party.
” Hey! ” In the face of the opponent’s re-attack, Reina, who could not avoid it, subconsciously connected his footsteps and used one of the six types of shaving in the Navy to avoid the opponent.
” Eh? Shaved can be used? ” Looking at the opponent who was not far away, Reina was startled.
He had tested it when he first came in. Domineering, naval six-style and so on, as long as he obtained the ability from the system, he should not be able to use all of them, but why did he use the shaver just now?
” No, it’s not a systematic shave … but I comprehended it myself! ” Reina understood after a little thought.
He has indeed obtained the Navy Sixth Form through the system, so when he just came in, he used the Navy Sixth Form by using skills, and naturally he couldn’t use it.
But just now, he was not using the skills, but, like swordsmanship and taijutsu, he used his body after a long period of training.
” If that’s the case … then … armed color should be no problem! ” With Reina’s own physical condition, awakening armed color and knowledge color should not be a problem, and he outside, but he has already used the method. The used melon is overripe.
Sure enough, after using the armed color, watching a layer of black armed color domineering wrapping the long sword, Reina smiled slightly and said to ” self ” : ” Then next … it’s time to alternate offense and defense! ”
” Clap! ”
After possessing the armed color and the knowledge color, Reina finally defeated the opponent on the nineteenth floor.
But this time, he didn’t go up immediately after the stairs appeared, but stood in place and started the experiment.
“The armament color is very skilled, and an armament color of Liu Ying’s level cannot be used! The knowledge color has returned to the state that it was almost just awakened! The six types of shaving, moon step, and finger gun that were often used and exercised before are relatively smooth, Lan. The feet and iron blocks are a little worse, and the power has dropped a lot! As for the paper painting, it is impossible to use it! It seems that the usual exercise is still not enough! ”
After testing the domineering and six styles one by one, Reina shook his head and made a conclusion.
The ability he can use now is proportional to the time spent exercising and using it outside.
What he uses often, his body still has memory, so he can use it here with his body, but outside it is just like releasing skills, and he doesn’t have the ability to experience and use it with his heart, so he can’t use it here either.
” Forget it, with all of this … at least dealing with the next floor, it shouldn’t be directly killed! ” After combing his abilities again, Reina passed the stairs again and walked to the next floor.

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