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” Is this an exaggeration! ” Looking at the Sangou jade in the opponent’s eyes and the ice wheel pill in his hand, Reina only smiled bitterly.
” Hopefully it’s not the Bing Lun Maru in the form of a swastika, otherwise, it won’t be necessary to fight at all! ” Looking at the Bing Lun Maru in the normal state in the opponent’s hand, Reina began to pray quietly in his heart.
Originally, he thought that the other party should at most only write round eyes with three gouyu jades. In that case, he would still have the strength to fight, but he didn’t expect that in addition to writing round eyes, there would also be ice wheel pills!
Not to mention Bing Lun Maru in the state of swastika, even if it is Bing Lun Maru in the state of initial solution, it is quite difficult for him to fight in this state.
” Dang! ” After discovering Reina, the opponent immediately attacked him. Reina didn’t dodge. He wanted to try the opponent’s basic attributes first.
“The speed is quite fast ~ The strength is also stronger than me, but it is still within the range that can be dealt with. ” Just as soon as they came into contact, Reina felt the general basic information of the other party.
” Shave! ”
” Land feet! ”
Quickly move to the back of the opponent, facing him is a streak.
” Dang! ” However, Du Fang is obviously not an opponent that can be solved so easily. When I saw the Hing Lun Pill flash, Reina’s Lanjiao was directly scattered.
” Che ~ Sure enough, it’s not the same as those coquettish scumbags below ? Troops, now they all look the same as me, so to speak of them is like talking about myself! ” Seeing the opponent easily blocked his attack, Reina couldn’t help but feel Tucao up.
The two attacked each other, and after fighting for a while, Reina slowly felt relieved. Although the other party had Ice Wheel Pill, it seemed that they could not solve it, let alone swastika.
However, Sangouyu’s Shaker’s Eye is stronger for not grasping and predicting actions, so his attacks can basically be easily resolved by the opponent.
” It doesn’t seem to work with force …” Reina covered the weapon with a weapon color and slashed directly on the opponent’s ice wheel pill, but it did not play the effect that Reina hoped.
The way to deal with Sharinyan is very simple, deal with the opponent at a speed so fast that the opponent can’t react, or beat the opponent with an unstoppable attack even if the opponent sees it.
It’s a pity that Reina can’t do both now.
With the passage of time, Reina’s physical strength was gradually consumed more and more, and he knew that if he dragged it further … he would have no chance to come back.
” Cut! ” Reina’s eyes narrowed, he suddenly gave up his defense, and ran directly to kill the opponent.
The opponent who was exactly the same as Reina also walked over to Reina expressionlessly.
” Pfft! ” The two long swords pierced into each other’s bodies at the same time.
” Hey … you’ve been fooled! ” Reina clamped the ice wheel pill with his muscles, then pulled out another weapon from his waist and swung it directly at the opponent’s neck.
However, the other party had clearly seen Reina’s plan, and at the moment Reina swung the sword, he directly let go of the ice wheel pill in his hand, and then avoided Reina’s fatal blow.
” Hey … now … you don’t have martial arts …”
Before Reina’s words were finished, the other party pulled out the weapon that had pierced his body, and then, like a nobody, arched towards Reina again.
” Fuck! I forgot …” Reina hurriedly used Shaved to dodge.
The existence of the other party is not as flexible as Reina. They do not have their own consciousness, so even if their physical fitness is stronger than Reina, they still cannot exert their most powerful abilities.
But they also have the advantage of having no fear and no fear of getting hurt.
However, just when Reina thought it was really over this time, he suddenly discovered that the wounds of the enemy chasing him were bleeding continuously.
” Ha … It seems like this is the only way to go! ” Seeing that, Renamimi pouted and said unhappily.
He intends to drag the other party to death. The other party has no pain, so he can’t feel the flow of blood, but the effect of the blood loss on him is still there, so Reina, who has a handful of ice wheel pills in it, keeps moving around.
The gatekeepers who followed behind with ordinary weapons were slowly getting slower and slower.
” Dead! ” Seeing that the opponent showed a flaw, Reina turned around and swung out a sword.
I saw a flash of sword light, and a slash directly cut off the opponent’s head.
After killing the gatekeeper, Reina sat down on the ground, and he was almost at his limit.
Looking at the disappearing corpse and the treasure chest that appeared in the middle, Reina smiled slightly and slowly crawled towards the treasure chest with all his strength.
” Congratulations on getting: 100,000 skill experience ! ”
” Congratulations on getting: Random Mount Fragment *1 ! ”
” Congratulations on getting: 10000 points ! ”
“The reward has been stored, you can choose to continue to pass the level or leave. If you leave, you will get all the current rewards. If you fail to continue to pass the level, half of the current rewards will be deducted! ”
Looking at the tenfold reward, Reina was really dumbfounded. He originally thought that he would have to get at least a few more treasure chests to return the money, but he didn’t expect to get the second treasure chest, and he had already returned the money.
” Tsk tsk tsk … It’s really a lot of money, but this mount fragment … what is it? ” Looking at the rewards, the psychic beast fragment was replaced by a mount fragment, which made Reina a little puzzled.
But what he has to do now is to return to reality. With his current state, it is no longer enough to continue to pass the level.
” Leave! ”
When Reina finished speaking, his eyes suddenly darkened, and when he reappeared, he was already in his room, and his eyes became blurred again.
” Congratulations, you have obtained 110,000 skill experience in the Tower of Trials, random psychic beast fragment *1 , random mount fragment *1 , and 11,000 points ! The reward will be distributed to the backpack, please check the host! ”
” Hey ~~ it hurts …” Reina just wanted to sit down and check the reward, but found that his body was in incomparable pain, especially the place where he was hit by the ice wheel pill just now.
” Fuck! ” Without checking, Reina knew that he had brought out the injuries he received inside.
” Aren’t you going to die here? ” At this time, Reina was a bit dumbfounded, because he thought that after exiting the trial space, his injuries would recover, so he used the life-for-life style of play. The wounds received in the Tower of Trials will also be brought out, and he will never do that.
At this time, he dryly said that his body was extremely weak, because after he left the trial space, the ice wheel pills inserted in his body also disappeared.
With a wry smile, Reina took a deep breath, exhausted all the strength in her body, and exploded the momentum in her body, and then decisively fainted.
He hoped to be able to attract the attention of others in this way.
” Huh? Who is it? ” Whitebeard, who was sitting in his room, felt the powerful aura from Reina’s side, and immediately asked with a frown.
” Huh? ” At the same time, the captains also felt the momentum. The Markogan-style who was closest to Reina didn’t say a word, and flew in the direction where they felt the momentum just now.
It’s just that when he saw that the place where the momentum disappeared was exactly in Reina’s house, he was a little bit dumbfounded.
” This guy … what the hell did he do again? ”
But just after he used the color of seeing and hearing to feel Reina’s house, his face changed immediately, because he felt that Reina’s vitality was draining in the room.
So I didn’t have time to think about it, I kicked Reina’s door open again, and when I saw Reina who was already in a pool of blood, I immediately picked him up and walked directly towards the medical room, then discarded it.
When Reina opened his eyes again, the first person he saw was still Marco.
” Awake? ” Seeing Reina open his eyes, Marco said angrily.
” Sorry to trouble you! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Speaking of which, what are you doing? I checked your injury just now. Is it caused by Hingrenwan? Playing self-mutilation at home alone? Accidentally almost overplayed? ” Marco said slightly sarcastically.
Reina shook his head and said with a wry smile: ” No, I found a way to treat my eyes … but … what do you say? There was a little accident! ”
He did find a way to heal his eyes, that is to break into the Tower of Trials!
Now that he has only passed the twentieth floor, he has already been rewarded with 10,000 points. According to the previous ratio, wouldn’t the thirtieth floor be 100,000 ? 1 million on the 40th floor ?
Although it will definitely become more and more difficult in the future, but at least there is a goal, right?
And this time he didn’t know, the next time will definitely be much better, and he can still exercise in reality, when he will exercise it more powerfully and let his body master more abilities, won’t it Much simpler?
” Oh? Did you find a way? ” Whitebeard asked immediately after hearing Reina’s words.
” That’s right, eldest brother … that is to defeat myself! As long as I can defeat myself … then it is very likely that Sharonyan will be able to advance again! ” Reina nodded and said.
” Defeat yourself? What do you mean? ” The captains on the side asked in confusion.
At home just now, I entered a space unique to Sharinyan, and there is an identical me, but I can’t use Sharinyan, and I can’t use many abilities, but the other party can, that’s why I was caught by Binglunwan hurt!
” There is such a strange thing? But you can’t use your own ability, but the other party can, so how do you defeat him? ” Lakyo said with a frown.
” This may be the reason why, over the years, only the founder of Sharonyan has relied on his own strength to successfully advance! But at least it gave me a direction … isn’t it? And my domineering, the six naval styles, etc., can be used ! ” Reina said, grinning.
” Then what do you think? ” Whitebeard asked after a moment of thought.
” Strengthen exercise! ” Reina said with a condensed expression!
” Goo la la la … Very good! This is the Reina I know! I’m waiting for the day when you will advance to writing round eyes! ” Whitebeard said with a big laugh.

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