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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Reina, who returned home again, was helped to lie down on the bed before slowly falling asleep.
Now, neither Marco nor Frank dared to leave him at home alone, so he specially arranged for him to take care of him by himself.
The next day, Reina woke up early.
” Sir! Breakfast is ready, do you want to eat it now? ” The person in charge of taking care of Reina was an eldest sister that Frank invited from the town on the island.
” Sister Isa, please help me get up! ” Reina struggled for a while and found that she couldn’t get up at all, so she had to say to Sister Isa who was in charge of taking care of him.
” But … my lord … Mr. Frank said, let you rest in bed and don’t move! ” Sister Isa said hesitantly.
” Don’t worry, it’s okay, I’m a doctor myself, and I know more than that guy Frank! Just help me up! ” Reina said with a smile.
Yesterday his injury was really serious, but it was more due to excessive blood loss. After Marco’s treatment, he is much better today.
” This … okay! ” Big Sister Isa hesitated for a while before nodding her head back.
Obviously, she knew who Reina was.
After sitting up from the bed, Reina slowly tried to get out of bed. After ten minutes, he felt that he had recovered a lot, and Isa helped him to the living room to eat breakfast.
In addition to training, at noon, Reyna was basically able to take care of himself, so he also began to slowly complete some working hours.
Although Isa was a little worried, Reina did not exercise intensely, so she just watched and did not stop Reina.
By the time the day’s work was done, the moon had already appeared in the sky.
Some captains and members came to visit him today, but everyone was relieved to see that he could still work.
A few days later, Reina’s injuries had basically completely recovered, and at the same time, he also received an order to set sail from Whitebeard’s side.
This time, Whitebeard has stayed on Xuanyue Island for a long time. If it wasn’t for Reina’s injury, he should have set sail long ago, so as soon as Reina’s injury healed, he could not wait to set sail.
” Are you going to sea this time? Why don’t you spend more time with Nuoqigao? ” On the boat, Reina saw Marco who was saying goodbye to Nuoqigao, and asked jokingly.
” Well, I have already promised Nuo Qigao. When I come back this time, I will accompany her back to the East China Sea and stay there for half a month before coming back! ” Marko nodded and said.
Nuoqigao on the side was a little embarrassed.
Originally, she didn’t want Marco to send him back so soon, but now she and Marco are married, but the residents of Cocosia Island don’t know it yet, so she wants to go back.
If it wasn’t for Whitebeard’s decision to go to sea at this time, they all planned to go back to the East China Sea first.
” Ha ~ That’s a good feeling! You can stay a few more days in Cocosia Island, anyway, there is nothing to do here! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Let’s go and see the situation when the time comes! ” Marko smiled and replied.
Seeing where the two were talking in a low voice, Reina didn’t continue to disturb them, and walked directly to where Whitebeard was.
” How’s it going? Is the injury on your body almost healed? ” Whitebeard asked with a smile when he saw Reina coming.
” Of course! ” Reina nodded and replied with a smile.
A few days later, in a certain sea area, a pirate ship slowly sank to the bottom of the sea.
” Deputy captain … we haven’t robbed them yet! ” The crew member standing beside Reina looked at Reina helplessly and said.
” Sorry, I didn’t expect this to happen …” Reina said with a wry smile, shaking her hands.
He is currently in battle, and he deliberately does not try any abilities given by the system, but relies on the strength of his own body to fight.
Therefore, the power was not well controlled just now, and the enemy ship was directly slashed in half and sank to the bottom of the sea.
“The deputy captain seems to be getting stronger and stronger now! ” After Reina left, the surrounding crew members couldn’t help saying with emotion.
” Reina! How far has your swordsmanship reached now? ” Bista looked at Reina, who was holding an ordinary weapon, and couldn’t help asking.
Reina shook his head and said, ” There is still a long way to go before the great swordsman! ”
” ??? ” Bista was confused, he knew that the level of swordsmanship in Lei’s case was very close to that of Dajianhao, but why did he say that he was still a short distance away from Dajianhao?
” My previous swordsmanship relied on my own abilities, so I was able to show strength similar to that of a great swordsman, but apart from those abilities, my swordsmanship would not reach the level of a great swordsman! ” Reina explained with a smile a sentence.
Bista was a little speechless for a while.
” Are you planning to … attack the great swordsman? ” Lakyo, who was passing by, asked in surprise when he heard Reina’s words.
Reina nodded and said, ” I used to rely too much on my abilities, so now I plan to pay more attention to the foundation of physical abilities! ”
Hearing Reina’s words, Lakyo and Bistan immediately turned around and left.
As far as basic swordsmanship is concerned, even Hawkeye Mihawk would not dare to say that he would win Reina, and he dared to say that his foundation was not enough.
Seeing the reaction of the two, Reina smiled and shook his head. He was afraid that the two of them had misunderstood. The basis of what he said was his physical fitness and strength.
After the battle in the Tower of Trials, Reina discovered that, apart from his own abilities, he was afraid that it would be difficult for two ordinary admirals of the Navy to defeat them.
Of course, it doesn’t mean that his physical quality is inferior to that of the lieutenant general of the naval headquarters, but that he has always relied on his own abilities before and has not developed his own body well, so he would say such words before.
And his daily exercise now is no longer restricted to the practice of swordsmanship or taijutsu. Although it will increase the experience of swordsmanship and taijutsu, it will not improve his comprehensive ability.
So now every time it is time to exercise, he will find the captains on the ship, and after suppressing his ability, he will learn from them, so as to exercise his physical fitness and combat skills.
” Bang! ” After Joz knocked Reina into the air, he saw Reina wave to him. He knew that today’s exercise time was over, so he scratched his head and went back to the rudder. .
Without trying his abilities, Reina couldn’t resist Joz’s power at all, and it was not easy to be able to barely escape him from flying overboard.
Now that we are discussing with Reina, the captains have no opinion, which is different from before.
In the past, Reina would activate the ability of the Black Emperor. No matter how they attacked, they would not be able to cause any damage to him if they did not break through the upper limit of Reina’s defense, so it didn’t feel like a fight at all.
So before, as long as Reina called to learn from each other, they would run fast.
But it’s different now. In addition to swordsmanship and physical art, Reina will only use the color of armed and knowledge, as well as the six naval styles.
They were very excited to fight in this way, so they were very happy with Reina’s request to learn from each other.
” Have you noticed anything? ” Whitebeard naturally knew about Reina’s abandonment of all his abilities.
” Well! My current physical fitness is not good! I used to rely too much on my ability. After the last battle with Sharonyan, I realized that I, who lost my ability, was so vulnerable! ” Reina wiped his forehead sweat, nodded and said.
Now he is learning with the captains, which is even more difficult than fighting in the Tower of Trials, because he still needs to spend part of his energy to suppress his ability. Ignore it.
Whitebeard nodded and said: ” This is indeed a way of cultivation. After you have completely mastered your body, your strength should have a big improvement! At that time … you will barely step into us. This level of combat power! ”
Reina nodded, he knew what Whitebeard meant.
In fact, based on his current strength, if the firepower is full, it is not impossible to win against Whitebeard, because Whitebeard is already old.
However, he and Whitebeard are not at the same level of combat power, because he simply cannot perfectly control every ounce of strength in his body.
To know the white beard when he was young, he was so strong that he had no friends!
Except for a limited number of people such as the Red Earl Baroric Redfield, Roger One Piece, Navy Karp, Captain Carlos, etc., it is really hard to find an opponent.
Even the Golden Lion Shiki, Kozuki Oden and the others can only be regarded as the same level as the current Reina, and there is still a gap compared with Whitebeard and the others.
But in addition to the method currently used by Reina, there are actually other ways, that is, to constantly exercise his ability to improve his ability again.
And this method is clearly better than the one used by Reina.
However, Reina’s abilities all come from the system, and with his own body … he can’t exercise better at all, plus the existence of the Tower of Trials, that’s why Reina uses this ” stupid method ” !
Whitebeard also knows that Garp is an expert in this field. That guy can perfectly control every ounce of strength and strength in his body, so he can achieve that others are declining because of age, but his strength is not. How much to step back.
So when Reina chose this way, he did not stop it, but encouraged Reina.
To know himself, even if he is a strong man who constantly studies his own abilities and strives to improve his strengths, he is taking the opposite route from Garp and the current Reina.
Including the other four emperors now, Kaido, Shanks, BIGMOM and others, as well as the navy generals, these powerhouses basically follow this route.

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