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Reina also knew about his choice, and Whitebeard had told him about it before.
Although the road was more difficult, he felt that it was more suitable for him.
” It’s a pity that you couldn’t save Zefa, that guy wanted to go that way back then, but he failed. In the end, he wasn’t even a peak combat power! ” Whitebeard shook his head and said.
Reina rolled his eyes and replied: ” He has failed. If I follow his path, won’t I also fail? I should find Karp, that guy is the real pervert! ”
” Idiot, do you think Garp will teach you? And who told you that Zefa failed, he can’t teach you? You can count how many strong disciples he has taught! It is because he has tried and failed, That’s why I know more about how you’re going! ” Whitebeard pouted and said.
” Then you say … I’m going to join the navy, will he teach me? ” Reina asked seriously after thinking about it.
” Gu la la la la … You really dare to think about it! Even if you dare to go, they must dare to accept it! ” Whitebeard said with a big laugh.
” Oh … so, I can only do it myself! ” Reina said with a sigh.
Whitebeard rolled his eyes and said, ” Do you really want to go to the Navy? ”
” Didn’t I plan to study? Can’t I come back after I finish studying? ” Reina nodded and said seriously.
After thinking about it for a while, Whitebeard nodded and said, ” Then go ask! ”
” Ask? Who should I ask? ” Reina asked in confusion.
” Look for the Warring States period! He’s a marshal! If you really join the navy, most people wouldn’t believe it. If you tell him, I guess he won’t kill you! ” Whitebeard replied seriously.
” Or … ask? ” Reina said expectantly.
Whitebeard nodded and said: ” Go find the nearest naval base yourself, you should be able to contact the Warring States period! ”
Reina rolled his eyes and said, ” There is no naval base in the new world, and some of their dark spots are also used to monitor us! I guess if I go to find them in person, they will not report it and will only regard it as me. A provocation to them! If you go to the G1 branch, you might as well go to Marine Fando! ”
” Then you can also go to Marine Fando to try! ” Whitebeard said with a smile.
” Forget it, I went there, I still don’t know if I can or come back! ” Reina shook his head and said.
In fact, he also knew that he and Whitebeard were talking nonsense. With his current status, he would not believe what he said to Warring States. It would be easier to use some intelligence to exchange information for Karp.
But I don’t know if Whitebeard has any plans. After chatting with Rayner that day, he actually made the Moby Dick move in the direction of the Navy’s G1 division.
” Dad, aren’t we going to attack the G1 branch of the Navy? ” After the Moby Dick turned, the captains came to ask.
” Goo la la la … What is there to fight in a mere naval branch? If you want to fight … just fight the Navy Headquarters? ” Whitebeard said with a grotesque smile.
Everyone looked at Whitebeard in surprise.
” Dad … are you serious? Why are you going to fight the Admiralty so suddenly? ” Marko asked in confusion.
” Look … you don’t believe it, so the navy definitely can’t think of it … Didn’t the doctor say that there is a lack of money and materials recently? Let’s go rob a wave, what do you think? ” Whitebeard replied with a smile.
Hearing Whitebeard’s words, many people’s eyes lit up.
” Wow hahaha … Grab the Navy Headquarters? This is a good decision, which is in line with the pomp of our world’s No. 1 pirate group! ” Lakyo looked even more excited, wishing he could act immediately.
” Big brother … is this … isn’t it too hasty? ” Reina asked hesitantly.
” Hey … Reina, what’s sloppy? How sloppy is this? Think about it, we suddenly killed, who would have thought? When the time comes, we will rob and leave, wouldn’t it be fun? ” Whitebeard didn’t speak yet, Lack Jo said immediately with dissatisfaction.
On the contrary, Marco, who was beside Reina, agreed with his words. Now Reina can’t use the wheel eye, and his eyesight has also declined a lot. In addition, Whitebeard’s body is not at its peak. At this time, they attacked the Naval Headquarters. Not a good plan.
There are many people who have the same idea as him, but at this time, no one has said it.
” Now … we are not the time to keep a low profile! Maybe you think that our Whitebeard Pirates are in a low period now, I am getting older, and Reina’s eyes are also in addition to the problem … But … who are we? I’m … but Whitebeard! ” Seeing this, Whitebeard said with a slight smile.
His words made everyone stunned, and then everyone raised their weapons and shouted: ” Whitebeard Pirates! Whitebeard Pirates! Whitebeard Pirates! ”
” Goo la la la … little ones … let the world … see our strength! ” Whitebeard also raised the Naginata in his hand and shouted loudly.
” Oh ~~~”
Including Reina, everyone agreed in unison.
At this time, they had already understood Whitebeard’s intentions. The more difficult it was, the less people could feel that the Whitebeard Pirates were dying, not only others, but themselves.
Before this time, they were very worried about Reina’s eyes, and they all made up their minds to keep a low profile in the future. If they were targeted by the navy again, it is very likely that they would have to pay a great price to get out.
But Whitebeard told them that their Whitebeard Pirates were the number one pirate group in the world.
So in this atmosphere of high fighting spirit, the Moby Dick moved directly towards the Navy Headquarters.
A few days later, as the Moby Dick got closer to the Admiralty, Rayner finally took out his phone bug and dialed a number.
” Aladdin? I’m Reina! ” Reina asked with a smile at the phone bug.
” It’s Mr. Reina? I’m Aladdin, what’s the matter? ” On the other side of the phone bug, was Aladdin, the trusted leader of the New Sun Pirates.
” Well, I have something I want to talk to you about, is Jinbei there? ” Reina nodded and said.
” Jinbei … he went to Dragon Palace City and we are on the sea forest side! ” Aladdin shook his head and said.
” Just … Please go to Ryugu Castle too! Find King Neptune and Naga! Then give me a call back! ” Reina nodded and said.
” Okay! ”
Hanging up the phone, Reina’s mouth twitched slightly.
He knew that Whitebeard was going to the Naval Headquarters. In addition to showing his strength, he also wanted to help him!
When the time comes to pit him against Garp, he can feel something from Garp.
Therefore, he couldn’t do nothing on his side, and just rushed directly into Marin Fando like this.
” Blu Bleu … Bleu Bleu …”
Soon the phone bug rang.
” Mr. Reina, I’m Shipin … I don’t know what you have to do with me? ” In the Dragon Palace City, Jinpei, Aladdin, Neptune, Shark Star, and Naga were surrounded by phone bugs.
They didn’t know what Rayner had called them.
” It’s like this …” Reina briefly recounted their robbery of Marin Vando.
” What? Robbery … Robbery of Marin Vando? ” Sure enough, after Reina finished speaking, everyone including Neptune asked in surprise.
” That’s right! This is Big Brother’s decision! So … I hope the Sun Pirates can come to the waters near Marin Vando to meet us! ” Reina nodded and said a little helplessly.
” But … but … Mr. Reina … that ‘s Marinfando! Is this … isn’t it too hasty? ” Jinbei couldn’t digest this information for a while, and asked nervously.
” Hehehe … What about Marin Fando? We didn’t intend to go to war with them … The navy had ambushed us several times before, and we didn’t ask them to settle accounts. Now we’re just here to loot! ” Reina heard Jinbei’s words. smiled back.
” Okay! I will lead … No, Aladdin, you are the captain now! ” Jinbei just wanted to agree, but he immediately thought that he was no longer the captain, so he handed the phone bug to Aladdin and said.
Aladdin was stunned for a moment. It was only at this time that he remembered. Because of this kind of big event, Shiping usually takes the lead, so just now he was waiting to listen to Jinping’s order as usual.
So after hearing Jinpei’s words, he also reacted, and now he is the head of the regiment.
” Okay, Mr. Rayner, we will arrive at the scheduled location on time! ” Aladdin replied when the phone was wormed.
” Yeah! I’m sorry to trouble you. Besides … Queen Naga … Can I trouble you and go there too! ” Reina said again after hearing Aladdin’s agreement.
” Me? ” Naga asked, frowning.
She is now living well on Fishman Island, with a peaceful life and the company of Sharks, so she doesn’t actually want to participate in Reina’s proposal.
Because once her ability is shown, it is likely to affect his current life.
” That’s right! I know what you’re worrying about, but I’ll still tell you my opinion. The fishman island seems to be peaceful now, but the discrimination and capture of the fishmen and mermaids by humans is actually very serious. Said, it’s just a piece of pure land like Fishman Island! ”
” There are many reasons for this situation … But among them, there are no top powerhouses in your Fishman Island, which is also an important reason! So … when you show your abilities to the world, you may have an impact on the situation of Fishman Island. Some help! ” Rayner explained softly.
Naga was silent and did not answer immediately.
” Mr. Reina … I’m Shark Star! Although what you said makes sense … but I think …”
” Okay, I promise, what do you want me to do! ”
Before Shaoxing could finish speaking, Naga suddenly spoke.
” Naga! ” Shark Star heard Naga’s answer, grabbed her hand immediately, and said, ” If your ability is exposed, there will definitely be more human beings to attack you, so won’t you Dangerous! ”
” This is better, as long as we kill them a few times and let them know how powerful we are, they won’t dare to attack our compatriots again! Nine Snake Island is the best example! ” Naga shook her head and replied.

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