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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” But in this case … you are more dangerous, right? ” Shark Star replied with some worry.
” Dangerous? What’s the danger? The Whitebeard Pirates are the ones charging ahead this time! You don’t know how powerful they are, right? ” Naga replied with a slightly raised mouth.
” But … the Admiralty is not that easy to mess with! ” Shark Star shook his head and said.
” Hahaha … Shark Star … You haven’t seen Naga clearly! According to Naga’s thinking, it is indeed a good opportunity … But …” Nipton laughed and said: ” Naga, Shark Star’s worries It is also very necessary! Even if there is the Whitebeard Pirates in front, but if you want to achieve your goal, you must attract the attention of the navy! ”
Naga’s eyes flashed and she said, ” It’s easy to get their attention. As long as I show my ability, it’s hard for them not to pay attention to me! ”
Everyone was silent for a while.
” Speaking of which … you are doing this in front of my face … is it really good to calculate our Whitebeard Pirates … ? ” At this moment, Reina’s voice suddenly came from the phone bug, causing several people to look at each other in dismay.
” Mr. Reina is serious. This is not a calculation! I will help you. These are risks and opportunities. Naturally, you have to think clearly! ” Naga smiled and replied.
” Hahaha … Don’t worry, as long as you come here! In terms of safety, I promise you that there will be no problems! ” Reina said confidently.
Naga and Jinpei glanced at each other, they wanted to go, but Shark Star and Neptune were a little worried.
” Naga …” Shark star opened his mouth, but didn’t know what to say.
” I know what you and your father mean! Don’t worry … there will be no problem, we fishman island should also send our voice to the world! ” Naga said with a slight smile.
He understands Shark Star and Neptune’s concerns. It’s not that the two of them don’t want to take this opportunity to make a name for Fishman Island.
But the opponent is the Naval Headquarters. First, it is difficult to explain after the fact, and secondly, it is too dangerous.
” Mr. Reina … If we send troops to protect Naga from Fishman Island …” Nipton hesitated and said.
” No! ” Reina, Naga, and Jinpei objected at the same time.
” Father, I know you’re worried about me, but if it’s just me and the Sun Pirates, the navy and the world will find trouble for us, we still have excuses, but once Ryugucheng comes forward, things will be different. !
The Sun Pirates were originally affiliated with the Whitebeard Pirates. They were pirates, so there was nothing to say. And although I am Shark’s wife, but the world government has not fully recognized our status, so I came forward as a warning to them! Once they feel that we are a threat, then it is likely that they will recognize the status of Ryugucheng and use it to win me over! ‘ Naga said directly to Neptune.
” I know, but Naga … Have you ever thought about … the world government may also let us hand you over? ” After a sigh, Nipton said: ” Our fishman island is in the deep sea, so The world government didn’t mess up, but once they are afraid of you, they will probably take action … At that time … we may not be able to keep you! ” Nipton said with a somewhat ugly expression.
Compared with the behemoth of the World Government, Fishman Island is a leaf in the sea, and it is insignificant at all.
” But we can take a gamble! If the world government really wants us to hand over people, then you will agree, and then I will go out of Fishman Island, so that they will not have any reason to trouble you! But if they admit the fish The status of the island of people … we will earn it! ” Naga chuckled and replied.
She had already thought about the consequences.
Jinbei on the side nodded and said: ” I agree with Naga’s plan, and then it is not to drive Naga out of Fishman Island, just like the boss of Tiger! ”
But Neptune was silent when he heard this.
” Boss Jinbei … the matter of Lord Tiger … has always been a pain in the father’s heart! ” Shark Star sighed, shook his head, and said.
Naga looked confused, she didn’t know about Tiger.
” This …” Jinpei hesitated for a while, not knowing what to say, he just touched the back of his head and said, ” But Boss Tiger didn’t hold a grudge against Murloc Island! He was thinking about Murlocs at the end … Island! ”
” But … if it wasn’t for my consent back then, he wouldn’t have left Fishman Island, and he wouldn’t have died because of that kind of thing. If he had been on Fishman Island, he would now be the top powerhouse in our Fishman Island! Na! Jia … I just don’t want you to go his way! So …” Nipton looked at Naga with a complicated expression and said.
At this time, Shark Star on the side also whispered to Naga what happened to Tiger.
After Naga heard it, her eyes lit up. She didn’t expect such a character in Fishman Island, but it was a pity that she died too early, otherwise she would have to get acquainted.
” King Neptune, you are thinking too much. When Brother Tiger made this decision, it had nothing to do with you. In the end, his ending was also because of his own heart disease ! ” Reina on the other end suddenly interjected.
” I know … but I often wonder, if I opposed your plan and hadn’t kicked him out of Fishman Island, would the ending have been different? ” Nipton said sadly.
” Of course it’s different! Because if you did this, there would be no Fishman Island! ” Reina sneered and said, ” You are also a royal family, and you do things like a woman? Without sacrifice, how can you have a brilliant future? I want everyone not to die, but also want to achieve the goal, it’s not impossible … The only requirement is that you become a strong person! ”
Hearing Reina’s words, Neptune was silent.
” I think what Mr. Reina said is right. As weak people, we must pay if we want to get it! Father King, Shark Star … I hope you will allow me to fight! ” Naga nodded and said solemnly.
” Naga …” Shark star looked at Zi’s wife with a complicated look.
” Phew ~~ Father, the child will definitely let Naga fight! ” Shark Star suddenly closed his eyes, then opened them again, and said aloud.
” Shark Star … you …” Nepton was startled and looked at Shark Star, extremely puzzled.
” If the world government asks us to hand over Naga, then according to Naga’s words, expel her from Fishman Island! But before that, I will announce the whole Fishman Island as the crown prince and tell the truth! And you must let Naga stay on Fishman Island, just to expel her on the basis of her name! If everyone is unwilling … then ask the father to pass the crown prince position to the younger sister! I will leave with Naga! ” Shaoxing said solemnly .
” Naughty! ” Naga’s expression changed, she stared at Shark Star, and said, ” Little girl is in the hard shell tower all the year round, how does she manage Fishman Island? Although she is a mermaid princess of this generation, she is naive Kind, you want her to face this cruel world? ”
” But …”
” Yes, Naga is right! Shark, you are irresponsible to all the people of Fishman Island! ”
Shark wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Neptune.
” But I agree with your plan! We, Dragon Palace City, will come forward and explain it to everyone. I believe everyone will understand! ” But Neptune continued.
” Father …” Naga and Shark Star both looked at Nipton, but one was surprised and the other was surprised!
” So have you decided? ” Reina asked with a smile on the other end of the phone bug.
” Of course …” Several people replied at the same time.
” Hehe … Then we’ll see you then! ” Reina smiled and hung up the phone.
After the phone bug was hung up, Jinbei looked at Aladdin and said, ” Captain! We can prepare to sail! ”
Aladdin nodded, then looked at the Naga and asked, ” Want to come with us? ”
” No! I’ll go alone! I’m going with the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Naga said, squinting.
” Huh? ” Several people looked at Naga in confusion. Reina said just now that they don’t need to go to the front line, as long as they respond!
” If you don’t go to the front line … how can the world government be afraid of me!? ” Naga said with a chuckle.
” But …” Shark Star looked at Naga and saw the firm expression of the other party, so he nodded and said: ” Protect yourself, don’t be brave! There is the Whitebeard Pirates, this time it is a sudden attack, it should not be There will be problems! ”
Just as Fishman Island was preparing for the expedition, Rayner had already coated the Moby Dick , and they planned to go directly to the Marin Vando by going under the sea, taking the navy by surprise.
” Dad … Admiralty … What valuable things are there? What should we grab first? This time we only have the Moby Dick , and we can’t hold too many things! ” Lakyo was already thinking about it at this time. Something to snatch to be worth the fight.
” Reina, take out what you have prepared! ” Whitebeard said with a slight smile.
Reina nodded, took out a map and spread it on the deck.
” Grip the grass … this is … Marin Fando’s map? How did you get it? ” Lakyo asked in surprise immediately after seeing it.
” Don’t forget, Qiwuhai has been to the headquarters a few times! And I have also been to Marine Vendor, and Binz and Ain have lived in Marine Vendul for a long time! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Ain and Binz? That’s right, how could I forget them both! ” The captains suddenly realized.
If they were sure before, those two would not betray the Navy and tell these secrets, and they would not ask.
But it is different now. Since Zefa died in the hands of the navy, the two guys have regarded the navy as an enemy, and naturally they will no longer keep it secret.
If it wasn’t for Whitebeard’s temporary decision to go to Marin Vando this time, the two of them would definitely go on an expedition together.

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