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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” With Reina here, the two of them can’t escape! Hahaha …” Hearing Karp’s words, Zefa laughed and replied: ” That guy won’t let Binz and Ain go easily! ”
Garp smiled when he heard the words, even if the other party was a pirate, Garp still admired him very much.
In his opinion, whether it is Roger, Newgate or Reina, they are all people who can get along as friends.
Therefore, he naturally understood the reason why Zefa handed over his last two disciples to Reina.
” I’m afraid that the news of your death will spread, and your two disciples will hate the Navy! ” Karp said with a wry smile.
” You all killed me, and you are still afraid of my two disciples? ” Zefa said disapprovingly.
“I ca n’t talk about being afraid … It’s just a pity, I was supposed to be an elite soldier in our navy, but now I’m a pirate … Sigh! ” As a person dedicated to the navy, Garp naturally cares about the navy .
” Haha …” Zefa chuckled lightly and stopped talking.
” Boom ~~”
After the two were silent for a while, Garp was just about to say something, when suddenly the sound of shelling sounded.
” Huh? What’s going on? ” The two got up in surprise, walked to the window, and looked outside.
” Boom boom ~~~ ” Before they could see anything, the sound of several shells exploding came.
” I’ll go out and see! ” Karp said to Zefa, then opened the window and jumped out.
” Who is this? How dare to attack Marine Fando? ” Although Zefa didn’t know what happened, he could tell by looking at the situation that someone attacked Marine Fando.
But just as he was about to go out to find out, he suddenly remembered that he was already a prisoner, not the original admiral of the navy.
On the other side, the square in front of Marin Fando was completely occupied by the Whitebeard Pirates at this time.
Their sudden appearance caught the navy by surprise. Not only the warships parked in the port were destroyed, but even the fort in the port had already jumped over at this time, heading towards the building with the two characters “Navy” written on it. Keep firing.
” How are Lakjo and their actions? ” Reina, who was standing in front of the port, asked Marco beside him.
” Everything is going well, and no naval powerhouse has come forward yet! ” Marko nodded and replied.
” Don’t be careless, they have to move fast at high speed, and … we have to make some more noise here to attract their attention! ” Reina took a deep breath and said.
Before Marco could answer, he saw a large stone wrapped in flames on the horizon, smashing directly towards them.
” Hehe … Red Dog … You really can’t handle the way of hospitality, so you use this to welcome old friends? ” With a wave of Bing Lun Wan in Reina’s hand, a sword energy carrying ice, directly sent The boulder, like a meteor falling from the sky, was cut in half.
” Hmph ~ I and you pirates can’t be considered friends! ” Akainu, wearing the cloak of justice, appeared in the open space not far away, and replied in a deep voice.
And with the appearance of Akainu, many admirals rushed towards this side.
” Newgate … What do you want to do? Are you going to start a war? ” At some point, Warring States with a seagull on his head also appeared above the clearing, and asked Whitebeard in disbelief.
” Goo la la la la … What? You are only allowed to ambush us, but we cannot fight back? Warring States, when did you become such a person? ” The whitebeard standing on the bow of the Moby Dick laughed loudly back.
Seeing that the generals and principals of the navy had already appeared, Reina, who was already standing at the port of Marinvando, nodded towards Whitebeard, indicating that he was ready to start.
So Whitebeard didn’t say a word, just waved the Naginata in his hand and slashed towards Sengoku.
” Bastard … What is the madness of the Whitebeard Pirates? ” Seeing that Whitebeard actually started the fight, the Warring States Period was a little confused.
” Boom boom ~~”
Although Whitebeard’s slash went straight to the Warring States period, before the slash hit the Warring States period, a figure rushed out from the side, and a punch directly changed the direction of Whitebeard’s slash.
” Cap …”
The dust cleared, and Garp appeared in front of Sengoku.
Although he changed the direction of the slash just now, this is Malin Fando, so that blow still caused a lot of damage here, and many navy soldiers fell to the ground even more.
” Marko, the red dog will be handed over to you! Aokiji and Kiabou haven’t shown up yet, let Josz and Bista pay attention! ” Checking the surrounding situation with his knowledge, Reina said to Marko After finishing, he stepped directly and rushed towards Karp.
He knew that one of the reasons why Whitebeard robbed Marin Fando was to let him fight Garp and feel Garp’s strength more.
” Old Karp … long time no see, stay safe! ” At this time, Reina didn’t use the Hirinmaru in the swastika mode, but replaced the weapon in his hand with Senbon Sakura.
” Boy! What are you going to do? What is the meaning of a sudden attack on us? ” Kap asked in a deep voice when he saw Rayner coming straight to him.
” Why talk to them? Dare to attack Marin Fando, none of you want to escape today! ” Seeing Reina coming, Akainu punched Reina directly.
” Hey … you don’t mess around! If you get hit with this move, it will kill you! ” Marco, who had completely turned into a phoenix, had already surpassed Reina with one kick. Kicked on the magma that Akainu just shot, helping Reina to block the opponent.
” Phoenix … Marco! ” Akainu’s eyes narrowed, looking at Marco who was blocking his moves.
” Hehe … Don’t look at me like this! I’ll be scared! ” Marko turned over, flew into the air, and said to Akainu.
Before the two on this side could fight, Reina had already come to Garp’s side, and Qianben Sakura in his hand shook and stabbed Garp directly.
” Good job! ” Karp was not afraid and punched Reina directly.
” Bang! ” Chimoto Sakura and Garp’s fists met, and they were instantly smashed to pieces, while Garp’s fist was castrated and hit Reina’s head.
” Fuck! ” Seeing Karp’s fist coming, Reina couldn’t help but scolded in his heart, and hurriedly kicked the opponent.
” Boom! ” With fists and feet, Reina was blasted out, but Garp was thinking of nothing.
” Boy, what the hell are you doing? Why don’t you do your best? ” Karp asked with a frown when he saw Reina who was knocked away by him.
Reina smiled wryly and shook the hilt of the sword in his hand, and the petals flying around slowly gathered, forming the appearance of Qianben Sakura again.
It turned out that Qianben Sakura was smashed just now, but Reina deliberately took the opportunity to turn the blade into countless fragments and attacked Garp, but only scratched Garp’s clothes, not even the flesh.
It’s not that he didn’t do his best, it’s just that he came this time because he wanted to feel Garp’s strength, and naturally he couldn’t output from a long distance as usual.
And when he broke into the Tower of Trials, he didn’t have so many abilities now, so he also suppressed the ability of the Black Emperor, which gave Garp the illusion that he was not doing his best.

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