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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” What the hell is going on here? Did you find it? The reason why the Whitebeard Pirates suddenly attacked us! ” Warring States stood on the high platform in front of Marin Vando Square and asked the navy soldiers beside him.
” Back … Back to Marshal! At present, there is no information to show the reason why the Whitebeard Pirates suddenly attacked us. ” After the messenger saluted, he replied.
Sengoku waved his hand and let the messengers leave, while he continued to watch the battlefield.
Slowly, he found that things seemed a little weird. The place where Reina and Karp fought became the main battlefield. Any navy who wanted to get close would be blocked by the people of the Whitebeard Pirates. It seemed that their goal seemed to be is Karp
However, Reina, who was really fighting with Garp, didn’t seem to be doing his best, and was completely suppressed by Garp.
” What about Kuzan and Polsalino? Why haven’t they arrived yet? ” Sengoku asked with a frown when he saw that the lieutenant generals fought hard, but were blocked by the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates.
” Kuzan doesn’t know where to go, Polsalino has already informed him and is on his way! ” At this time, Lieutenant General Ah He slowly came to the Warring States side and said softly.
” I don’t know where you went? What do you mean? ” When Warring States heard Lieutenant Admiral Ah He’s words, he was a little dumbfounded. Is the Admiral of the Navy missing? And at this time?
” In the evening, a soldier watched him go out on a bicycle. I have asked someone to contact him, but I haven’t contacted him yet. ” Lieutenant General Ah He said blankly.
Warring States twitched the corners of his mouth and asked, ” Isn’t there a phone bug? ”
” If I brought it, I would have contacted him earlier? ” Lieutenant General Ah He rolled his eyes and said, ” What’s going on here? Why did the Whitebeard Pirates suddenly attack Marin Fando? him? ”
” I don’t know either! ” Warring States shook his head and said, ” There was no sign at all, they suddenly called, and I didn’t receive any information about them. ”
” This is really weird! ” Lieutenant General Ah He was also confused. Why did the Whitebeard Pirates suddenly attack them?
” Look … they seem to want to attack Garp! Any generals who get close to Garp will be blocked by their people! ” Sengoku pointed to Garp and said, ” But Reina’s state is a bit strange, he It doesn’t seem to be working hard! ”
” Let’s go and try again! ” Lieutenant General Ah He said after thinking about it: ” Now that their goals are not clear, then we will force them out! ”
Warring States nodded and said to the messenger not far away: “The whole army … attack Reina! ”
” Yes, Master Marshal! ” The messenger immediately conveyed the order of the Warring States period.
Soon, the navy soldiers and generals who rushed from all directions were all killed towards Reina.
The white beard standing on the bow of the Moby Dick saw this, and the Naginata in his hand danced and slashed directly towards the Sengoku side.
” Ice Age! ” Just when Whitebeard’s slash was about to reach the platform where the Warring States were located, Aokiji suddenly appeared, and an ice wall blocked Whitebeard’s slash.
” Goo la la la … Sengoku … Aren’t you going to come and play with me? ” Whitebeard didn’t care when his slash was blocked, because before the slash came into contact with the ice wall of Aokiji, all the way The navy had already been shot down by him.
” Newgate … You suddenly attacked me, Marin Fando, what do you mean? ” Warring States stood on the spot and asked loudly.
Beside him was Aokiku Kuzan , who had just arrived.
” Gu la la la …” Whitebeard just laughed, but didn’t answer.
In the center of the battlefield, Garp felt more and more strange as he fought, because Reina was already quite embarrassed at this time, but he still did not use his abilities, but only relied on physique and swordsmanship to fight against him.
” Boy, what are you paying attention to? ” Karp asked with a frown after forcing Reina away.
” Hehe … Naturally, I want to come to find your bad luck! ” Reina wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said with a smile.
” Looking for our bad luck? Boy … With your ability, you can’t find my bad luck! ” Karp said with narrowed eyes.
” Fu~ is that so? Let’s try again! ” Reina charged towards Karp again with a little footsteps.
” Boom! ”
” Huh? Are you finally serious? If you don’t show your strength again! You will have no chance! ” Karp punched Reina, and just as the two made contact, Reina was once again beaten by Karp. The boxing flew, but he felt that Reina’s ability to absorb damage played a role again.
” Bah bah bah … It’s not the ceiling of naval combat power! ” Reina stood up from the ruins, patted the dust on his body, shook his head, and said, ” It still doesn’t work! So … Give it a try! Bing Lun Wan … Swallow solution! ”
” Hahaha … Are you going to be serious at last? Let’s start! ” Seeing Reina’s full firepower, Garp laughed and charged towards Reina for the first time.
Reina is forced to use his abilities now. If he doesn’t use his abilities … He and Garp are not comparable at all. They can’t even break the opponent’s defense. What a shit!
” Boom boom boom! ”
Except for Shaker, all Reina’s abilities have been activated, so that he can fight back and forth with Karp, instead of being blindly suppressed.
But the white beard over there frowned, but he soon figured out why Reina did this.
Looking sideways at the supplies that were already piled up on half the deck, Whitebeard turned his head to the members beside him and asked, ” How’s Lakyo? How many supplies are left? ”
” Dad, there are two big warehouses over there! There were three big warehouses when we went there. Captain Lakyo asked us to carry weapons and ore first. No gold jewelry or anything was moved. Now we don’t even have weapons yet. The delivery is complete! The navy is so rich! ” The pirate in charge of the transportation replied excitedly.
” Let Lakeyo move quickly! There are more and more people coming from the navy! If Kiabou has not finished carrying it when he arrives, he will give up! ” Whitebeard said in a deep voice.
” Yes, Daddy! I’ll notify the captains immediately! ”
Seeing the other party running towards Lakyo immediately, Whitebeard ignored them and focused on the battle in front of him.
Originally, according to Reina’s intention, the captains should go over to help Lakyo, but the navy responded very quickly. Now basically except for the three Lakyo, the rest of the captains have already arrived here, otherwise a large number of generals in the navy , no one can stop it.
” Dad! ” Not long after, when Whitebeard was considering whether to make a move, Lakyo ran over and made a retreat gesture to Whitebeard.
Before he could ask any further questions, Whitebeard jumped up and jumped toward the square.
” Newgate! ”
Whitebeard went off in person, which not only alerted the generals of the Warring States Period and the Navy, but Garp, who was here to fight Reina, also subconsciously separated from Reina, just in case.
If Reina and Whitebeard join forces, Garp really doesn’t dare to face it alone, but then he remembers that this is the naval headquarters, and the number of people in the round, they are the dominant party.
” Little ones … gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo off together together ! ” Whitebeard suddenly raised the Naginata in his hand and shouted with a big laugh .
This is what Reina taught him, saying that it is his hometown. Generally, thieves will shout like this when they are preparing to retreat. Whitebeard finds it interesting, so he also learned from the past.
Hearing Whitebeard’s words, the navy hadn’t reacted yet, but the members of the Whitebeard Pirates understood, and they all ran away regardless of their opponents.

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