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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Seeing the Whitebeard Pirates suddenly retreating, Sengoku and the others looked at each other in dismay.
They don’t know why the Whitebeard Pirates came or why they left. They are inexplicable in this big battle.
” Humph! Come if you want? Leave if you want? Burning river , fire-breathing! ” Akainu, who clearly felt that he had been placed in a row, naturally didn’t want to let the Whitebeard Pirates leave just like that.
” Hey! The mere red dog wants to stop us too? It’s a dream! Bingrenwan · Bingtian Baihuafu! ” Reina, who was in the air, saw the red dog for sale to the Moby Dick , without saying a word, directly Get your hands on it.
The snow and ice appeared in the sky, and the magma of Akainu had a tendency to freeze.
Although Reina can’t use Sharinyan now, but his mastery of Hingrenwan is stronger than before, so the strength of Hingrenwan is naturally stronger.
” Goo la la la la … Sengoku, take a knife from me! ” Upon seeing this, the white beard over there was not polite at all. With a wave of the naginata in his hand, a transparent energy ball wrapped the slash and flew directly towards Sengoku.
“The old man is n’t dead yet! ” Garp naturally wouldn’t let Whitebeard succeed, he dodged and came to the front of Whitebeard’s slash, his entire arm turned purple-black, and he punched him in the face of the slash.
Immediately, the space between Garp and Whitebeard began to crack.
Just when Whitebeard and Reina broke off, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates returned to the Moby Dick at an extremely fast speed .
” Reina, Dad! Go! ” Marko immediately shouted towards the other side when he saw that everyone had arrived.
” Big brother, let’s go! ” Reina heard the words, waved the ice wheel pill in his hand, and slashed at the chasing Akainu, and he flew towards the Moby Dick quickly .
Whitebeard on the other side was not attacking either, and his footsteps had already returned to the Moby Dick .
” Aokiji! ” Akainu, who blocked Reina’s slash, was still reluctant to let the Whitebeard Pirates go, so he shouted loudly.
Qingzhi also knew that because he was the last to come, if he didn’t do his best, he was afraid that he would fall into place. Moreover, the Whitebeard Pirates invaded Marin Fando. I’m afraid it won’t work.
So before Akainu made a sound, he had already rushed towards the retreating Whitebeard Pirates.
” Frozen Time Capsule! ” I saw Aokiji stretched out his hands, and a strong cold air was sprayed towards the Moby Dick .
” Kazaki …” In just an instant, the strong air-conditioning froze the Moby Dick and the sea, preventing the Whitebeard Pirates from retreating.
” Not good! The Moby Dick is frozen! ” Marko shouted, his face changed when he saw this.
” Don’t panic, everything is going according to plan! ” Reina, who had just fallen, shouted loudly, calming the panicked members.
” That Muir! ” Rayner shouted to the eighth division captain, Na Muir.
” Got it! ” That Muir nodded, jumped, and jumped directly into the sea.
” Marco, Joz, Bista! Follow me to block the admiral, and the rest of the captains will lead their respective team members and start a counterattack for me! ” Looking at Akainu and Aokiji who were rushing towards this side, Reina commanded loudly. .
” Yes! ” After hearing Reina’s order, everyone began to perform their duties.
On the other side, after entering the sea, Naga saw the Naga who had been waiting for a long time. After nodding at her, he pointed to the place where the Moby Dick was frozen, indicating her to find a way. Break the ice seal first.
Naga smiled slightly and pointed at the ice surface.
Just when Muir was surprised, he saw two huge sea beasts swimming out of nowhere, and then slammed into the ice surface that was in contact with the Moby Dick , directly smashing the ice surface, and then Rush out towards the sea.
Akainu and Aokiji, who had just arrived around the Moby Dick and were about to launch an attack, suddenly found that something seemed to rush out from the bottom of the sea, and had to stop and look towards the sea.
” Roar! ” I saw two huge sea beasts smashed through the ice and rushed out of the seabed, not only giving Moby Dick an opportunity, but also blocking most of the navy soldiers.
” Sea beast? Could it be Reina’s new sea beast? ” Seeing the two sea beasts attacking the navy, Aokiji frowned and said.
Reina has been famous for a long time, so basically everyone already knows that he has a giant sea king companion. Even his unique mount, the turtle, has long been known to the navy.
Just looking at the two sea beasts that suddenly appeared, the navy still didn’t understand, because they had never seen Reina summon them.
” Ignore them for now , it’s more important to stop the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Akainu glanced at the sea beast who was showing off among the navy soldiers, and said disdainfully.
Aokiji nodded, and together with Akainu, killed the Moby Dick again .
This level of sea beasts does not even need a lieutenant general, and there are many generals in the naval headquarters that can be killed.
It’s just that when they were about to take another shot, they found that a person suddenly appeared in the sea. No, it should be a mermaid.
The person who came was Naga. She used her ability to walk on the waves and stood directly on the sea, blocking the front of Akainu and Aokiji.
” Who are you? ” Akainu asked, narrowing his eyes.
” Naga! ” The Naga with the trident said softly.
” Naga? ” Akainu and Aokiji looked at each other, then disappeared directly from Naga’s eyes.
” Isn’t it unfair to play two against one? Let’s do it instead! ” Just when Naga was a little surprised, Reina and Marco blocked Akainu and Aokiji respectively.
However, Naga, who was standing on the sea over there, had no intention of leaving. She came here to show her ability. If she left like this, wouldn’t it be a waste of time?
So the proud Naga looked at the four who were fighting, and began to howl directly in the direction of Marin Fando.
” Ah ~~~~”
” What’s that? ” Naga’s howl finally caught the navy’s attention.
Sengoku, who was standing on the platform, asked with a frown.
“I don’t know, it seems like … a mermaid? ” The soldier on the side hesitated and replied.
” Mermaid? ” Warring States was taken aback, a little surprised.
As we all know, the mermaid family has no other abilities except swimming very fast. Basically, they are the target of being caught by human traffickers, not to mention the top battlefield of the navy and the Whitebeard Pirates, which is in ordinary battles. , and it is difficult to see the figure of the mermaid.
” Sir … over there, what is it? It seems that something is approaching! ” The naval soldier who was shooting at the Whitebeard Pirates at the port suddenly pointed to the sea not far away and said to the admiral beside him.
” Huh? ” The rear admiral frowned and looked in the direction the soldier was pointing, but he didn’t see anything. Just as he was about to scold the soldier, suddenly, a huge sea beast appeared from the sea and took a bite. Biting at the navy soldier standing by the port.
” No! It’s a sea beast! ” At this time, the naval soldiers and generals at the port suddenly found that there were countless sea beasts attacking all around, engulfing all the naval soldiers near the sea.
” Quick retreat! Generals above the rank of Colonel, follow me to kill the enemy! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel was shocked and shouted loudly.
So the generals who originally wanted to attack the Moby Dick ran towards the coast one after another. If those sea beasts were still attacking, then the loss of the navy would be huge.
“The sea beast … she brought it! ” Aokiji and Akainu, who were fighting against Reina and Marco, naturally saw the sea beast attacking Marin Fando, so they looked at Naga with a smile.
” Have you ever felt the speed of light? ” Just when Naga was complacent, she suddenly heard a voice, and then she saw a man in front of him with golden light all over his body. It was Admiral of the Navy, Kizaru · Polusalino!
” Ocean Current · Over-shoulder fall! ” But just when Kizaru made his move, suddenly a sea current went straight to Kizaru. If he didn’t accept the move, when he hit Naga, he would definitely be hit by this current. hit.
” Oh , it ‘s so dangerous! I didn’t expect you to be here. ” Seeing Jinpei floating on the sea, Kizaru took a step back, retracted his moves, and said with a smile.
” Huh ~” Naga didn’t react until Kizaru retreated and the current rushed through in front of him.
” You are Admiral Kizaru? ” Naga asked with an ugly face after stepping back a distance.
He underestimated the Admiral, but Aokiji and Akainu didn’t talk about it, and they were stopped by Reina and Marco before they had a fight with her.
But the yellow ape in front of him would have been seriously injured even if he didn’t die just now if Shiping hadn’t helped him.
” Oh ~ who are you? It feels so strange! Is it a mermaid? It seems to be a little different! Are these sea beasts summoned by you? ” Kizaru looked at Naga with interest and asked.
” I’m Naga, summoning sea beasts … it’s my ability! ” Naga came here just to make a name for herself, so naturally she wouldn’t answer.
” Oops ~~ That’s really interesting … Naga? I seem to have heard this name somewhere ~” Kizaru stood on the spot, looking like he was thinking, and didn’t seem to plan to attack.
However, Jinpei on the side did not dare to be careless, and went directly to Naga’s side, asking her to step back.
” Is this the Admiral … so strong! ” Naga said bitterly when she saw Jinbei approaching her side.
Hearing this, Jinping also smiled bitterly and said: ” Ordinary humans are not the opponents of my murlocs, but there are many strong human beings, but there is no such strong person in my murlocs! ”
” Huh, with the strength of both of us, can we fight against him? ” Naga asked, looking at the grinning Kizaru .
Jinbei shook his head and said, ” I can’t tell! If it’s at sea, he shouldn’t be our opponent, but on the shore … we’re afraid we can’t! This is one of the reasons why our murlocs can only hide on murlocs. ! ”

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