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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Facing the obstruction of Naga and Jinpei, Kizaru did not rush to act.
After receiving the order, he rushed back from the small island where the scientific forces were secretly stationed. That small island has the world’s great scientist Dr. Vega Punk, so even in the navy, people who know the island’s location Not much. If you want to contact him, you must authorize the Warring States period.
Originally, he was just outstanding in force. After serving as the commander of the scientific force, he was also well-informed, and he knew a lot of the secret sciences that Vega Punk studied.
So when he saw the Naga in front of him, he was thinking about such a brand new species. If he took it back and studied it for Dr. Vega Punk, he didn’t know what results would come out!
” Roar ~~”
” Roar ~~~”
The continuous roars of the sea beasts caught Naga’s attention. When she looked around, her face suddenly became ugly. After only a short time, the sea beasts she recruited have already killed more than half of the casualties. This is still fighting in the port. If it is on land, Afraid to die more.
” Retreat! ” Jinpei on the side naturally saw the current situation, so he planned to protect Naga and leave.
Now Naga is not only the last member of the Naga family, but also the wife of Prince Shark Star and the future princess of Fishman Island. He must ensure the safety of Naga.
” Hehehe … want to run? Malin Fando … not a place where you can come when you want … you can leave when you want to go! ” Seeing Jinpei and Naga want to run, Kizaru chuckled lightly, and his whole body froze. golden light.
” Not good! Ocean Current , Water Heart Shield! ” Seeing Kisaragi’s action, Jinping slapped the sea, and the agitated seawater immediately turned into a shield, blocking himself and Naga in front of him.
” Tricks of the eagles! ” The light penetrated the shield and appeared directly in front of the plane. It seemed that such a sea shield had no effect at all.
” When! ”
However, just when the light was about to hit Jinping, a trident suddenly fell from the sky, blocking Jinping’s face and blocking Kiabou’s move.
” Don’t underestimate people too much, bastard! ” Naga roared with an ugly face.
She has now felt the gap between herself and these top powerhouses. Originally, in her opinion, the very terrifying Reina was already the top powerhouse among human beings. There should not be too many such powerhouses. I didn’t expect Today she saw what it means to be strong.
Not to mention, in this battle, there are probably no less than ten people who can defeat her.
That’s not even counting the Admiral and Admiral Ah He who stood there unattended.
So now Naga has recognized the reality somewhat, but it does not mean that she intends to be captured.
” Oops ~ It’s really nerve-racking! ” Kizaru, who once again transformed into a humanoid, said with a smile on his face when he saw that his moves were blocked.
” Don’t fight, retreat quickly! ” Just as Jinpei and Naga faced off against Kizaru, the white beard standing on the bow shouted to them who were in charge of the break.
” Hehe … Since the big brother told us to retreat, then we won’t stay any longer! Marko, go! ” Reina gave a strange laugh, forced Aokiji away with a sword, and shouted to Marko who was not far away.
Although Marco has been suppressed by Akainu, he still has the ability to get out of the war. With wings, if he wants to leave, Akainu can’t stop him.
” Damn it! Kuzan, don’t let them go! Freeze the sea! ” Seeing this, Akainu immediately roared and continued to chase the Moby Dick .
Aokiji, who didn’t plan to continue chasing, had to follow behind Akainu, facing the sea with both hands, sending out a lot of icy aura, instantly freezing the sea again.
Watching the ice chasing the Moby Dick , and about to freeze the Moby Dick again, a flame suddenly appeared and stopped in front of the ice.
” Don’t think that there is no one in our Whitebeard Pirates! ” The captain of the second division, Fire Fist Ace, stood beside Whitebeard, slowly recovered the flames into his body, and then raised his head and said to Aokiji.
” Humph! Fire Fist Ace! ” Akainu in the air , after seeing Ace, had even more killing intent in his eyes, raised his hand and prepared to attack Ace.
But before he could make a move, several currents rushed towards him directly from the bottom of the sea, but Akainu was not an ordinary person, his footsteps were connected in the air, and he changed direction directly, avoiding the attack of the current.
” Damn murlocs! ” Don’t think about it, there is no one but the murlocs who can attack in this way.
And it was the New Murloc Pirates led by Aladdin who stopped Akainu, and the captain of the Eighth Division, Namur.
” Aladdin, take someone to pick up Jinpei and Naga! Leave it to me here! ” Namur immediately said to Aladdin who was beside Jinbei when he saw Jinpei being entangled by Kizaru.
” Okay! ” Aladdin didn’t talk nonsense. He was more worried about Shiping’s side, but it was a long-established plan to assist the Whitebeard Pirates’ retreat here, and he couldn’t just leave, so he didn’t go there.
Now that Muir opened his mouth, he could justifiably pass.
As for Akainu, who was still going to attack, but after seeing Whitebeard staring at him, he stopped moving forward. He was not sure to fight against everyone, including the Whitebeard Pirates, even if there was someone behind him. Aokiji, who was coming soon, didn’t dare to mess around with Whitebeard.
On the other hand, after seeing the Murloc Pirates who were entangled with Jinpei and Naga over there, he didn’t bother to entangle with them, and moved towards Akainu with a flash of golden light.
It didn’t mean that the murlocs could not beat them when they gave up on them, but that the murlocs would enter the bottom of the sea once they were in danger.
With the help of the New Murloc Pirates, it would not be so easy for him to catch Naga alive, so he might as well drag the Whitebeard Pirates in the past. As long as they are dragged there, these Murlocs will not leave.
Just when the three generals were chasing the Whitebeard Pirates, Garp returned to the Warring States side. Today’s battle made him a little puzzled. If the Whitebeard Pirates had already come to attack Marin Vatican, they did not get any. Results are impossible to retreat.
But things are so strange. They attacked them and retreated without even an hour. Although Marin Fando suffered a lot of losses, it was still within the acceptable range.
So what was the purpose of the Whitebeard Pirates’ attack? Just for fun? To dismantle the fort in their port?
So when the Whitebeard Pirates retreated, Garp did not choose to pursue, but came to the Warring States and asked if he had found anything.
“I don’t know! ” Facing Garp’s question, Sengoku shook his head and said, ” Besides the port, the Whitebeard Pirates also attacked the warehouse and destroyed all the materials in the warehouse! ”
” Is that what they’re here for? ” Karp asked after a moment’s hesitation.
Sengoku and Lieutenant General Ah He looked at Garp with an idiot look.
” Hahaha … that … that’s all I said! ” Garp touched the back of his head and said with a big laugh.
He also knew that this possibility was almost impossible.
Who went all the way to the Navy headquarters to grab supplies? How confident is it to do such a thing?
To put it in a bad way, with such an ability, is it better than robbing the Naval Headquarters to grab anywhere?
Therefore, the purpose of the Whitebeard Pirates must be this. Destroying the naval warehouse is just a trick to cover up their true purpose.
Sengoku also ignored the idiot Garp, but looked at the warehouse, and then the whole person was stunned, and asked Garp: ” Where is Zefa? ”
” He’s at home, don’t worry … When the Whitebeard Pirates attacked the port, I was still drinking and chatting with him! ” Garp said without a problem.
” You mean …” Although Garp didn’t understand the meaning of Sengoku, Lieutenant General Ah He quickly thought of what Sengoku wanted to express.
” Very likely! ” Warring States nodded and replied.
” What the hell are you talking about? ” Karp asked with a confused look.
” Isn’t it … just send someone over to take a look at it! ” Lieutenant General Ah He ignored Garp and said to Sengoku.
Warring States nodded and gave an order to the navy soldiers beside him, who immediately saluted and left.
” I suspect that the members of the Whitebeard Pirates have learned of Zefa’s news, so this time … just to save people! ” After the soldiers left, the Warring States period revealed his conjecture.
” This is impossible! ” Garp shook his head and said, ” The news that Zefa is still alive, not many people know about it, and they are all our generals! They have no reason to betray! ”
” It’s hard to say such a thing! I also hope that there are not traitors among us, but if the other party is really coming for Zefa, then …” Sengoku didn’t finish his words, but even Karp understood it. As he meant it, if Zefa is no longer there, then it can only prove that among the high-ranking navy, apart from traitors, this spy is also a member of the Whitebeard Pirates.
This is simply bad news for the Navy.
While they were waiting for the news, Kizaru, who was chasing the Moby Dick , released his ultimate move in the air!
” Bachi Qionggou Yu! ”
Countless light sources radiated from Kizaru and shot towards the Moby Dick .
His move has a wide range, great power, fast speed, and is the most difficult to defend. As long as a light source is missed, it may cause serious injuries to the Moby Dick .
However, in the face of Kiabou’s attack, the people of the Whitebeard Pirates were not afraid.
” Phoenix Regeneration Flame! ” I saw Marco soaring into the air and flying in the direction of Kizaru. Just as the light source was approaching, the flames on his body suddenly soared, blocking all the light sources.
” Phoenix Marko! ” Kizaru , who had returned to his human form, looked at Marko who blocked his moves in the air, and couldn’t help but pouted and said, “What a tricky guy! ”
No matter whether it is melee or long-range attack, Kizaru is not afraid of Marco, but he is not sure about aerial combat, because Marco is a person with the ability of fauna , bird fruit , phantom beast, and phoenix form, and is especially good at aerial combat.

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