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Most of Huang Huang’s attacks were blocked by Marco, although there were still some omissions, but he was not the only one in the Whitebeard Pirates, so the attack that Kizaru came here specially did not have the expected effect.
However, it wasn’t just Kizaru who was chasing the Whitebeard Pirates.
Just when Marco blocked Kiabou, Akainu, Aokiji, and some of the lieutenant generals were already rushing towards the Moby Dick .
” Huh , it’s not bad for the Navy Headquarters, even if we sneak attack, the opponent’s reaction speed is not slow! ” With a wave of the Hingren pill in Reina’s hand, he was ready to attack again, but was stopped by Whitebeard.
I saw Whitebeard put the Naginata aside, grabbed the space in front of him with both hands, and seemed to pull the space with a single force.
” Boom boom boom …”
” Oops, Whitebeard’s shot! ” Sengoku and Garp, who had been paying attention to the situation on this side of the battlefield, shouted at the same time.
” I’m going! ” Karp said without a word, stepped forward, and hit the direction of Whitebeard directly.
” Boom boom boom …” The distorted space came into contact with Karp’s fist, and a huge roar sounded, and the entire Marin Fanduo began to vibrate.
” Not good! ” Sengoku’s expression changed and he said loudly: ” Everyone, urgently avoid! ”
Including the three generals who are chasing the Whitebeard Pirates, everyone has made evasive actions. The collision of Karp and Whitebeard’s power, even Reina, has to temporarily avoid the edge.
” Is this the top powerhouse? ” Naga, who was guarded and left by the New Sun Pirates, said with a shocked face.
” That’s right! But this is not what they looked like with all their strength. When Dad is angry, he can destroy an island with one blow! ” Jinping nodded and said.
Naga swallowed her saliva and asked: ” So that navy can also? Looking at his clothes, he … seems to be just a lieutenant general? ”
” That man is Garp! A naval hero, a character who has driven Roger the Pirate King into a corner several times! If you really think of him as an ordinary vice-admiral, you are wrong! He was enough decades ago. I was promoted to Admiral, but I just didn’t want to! Deputy Captain Reina even called him … the ceiling of naval combat power! ” Jinbei said with a wry smile.
” Ceiling? What do you mean? ” Naga asked in surprise.
” Where is the highest room in one room? ” Aladdin on the side said with a smile: ” So we can’t beat him, so it’s understandable! And Dad is not an ordinary person, he is known as the strongest man in the world! ”
” Huh ~” Naga exhaled , relieved a little, and said: ” I thought there were many people like the Navy! If that’s the case … our Fishman Island … maybe there really isn’t a chance to rise! ”
” You also know the strength of the father’s side, not to mention the father himself, the strength of the sixteen captains is comparable to that of the general captain of the pirate group, not to mention the deputy captain Reina! So they are number one in the world. The title of the Pirates is not something to talk about! ” Aladdin shook his head and said.
” But even so, if the Whitebeard Pirates really face the navy, they are still no match! ” Jinping shook his head and said, ” In this world, the navy is the number one fighting force in the world! ”
Naga sighed and said, ” So, we offended the Navy this time, didn’t we …”
” It doesn’t matter, the main force this time is the Whitebeard Pirates. To be honest, we actually didn’t help much! ” Jinping said with a smile: ” So the world government probably won’t care about us, but the navy may have some concerns about us. Dissatisfied! But the Warring States Marshal is not a war faction, so it is unlikely that they will directly target us! ”
” Why didn’t you tell me when we negotiated? ” Naga asked embarrassedly.
After she accepted the inheritance of the Naga Queen, she did look down on the world.
” We Fishman Island, it’s time to make our voices! And this time it was Reina who looked for us first! ” Jinbei said with a chuckle.
Naga suddenly realized that they couldn’t stop the navy’s blame, but the Whitebeard Pirates could, so before the Navy eliminated the Whitebeard Pirates, they would definitely not take action on Fishman Island, on the contrary, they could be in this battle. Show your face, at least let people all over the world know that mermaids can also fight.
” Let’s go, daddy, they’re starting to retreat, we’ll take care of the aftermath! Aladdin … Reina said before that there are some gifts for us at the bottom of the sea. Take someone to take them away! ” Jinbei looked at the retreat . Moby Dick, which was a distance away , said.
” Don’t worry, I’ve had people take those forts away before! The navy doesn’t like these, it’s a good thing for us! ” Aladdin said with a big laugh.
Not to mention the arrangement of the murlocs, after Whitebeard and Karp confronted each other, the entire Marin Vanduo was shaken. Under the command of the Warring States, the naval soldiers looked for a safe place to hide.
When the shaking stopped and the dust and mist dissipated, the Moby Dick had turned its bow and evacuated into the distance.
” Humph! Damn pirates! ” Akainu could only curse bitterly after watching the Whitebeard Pirates retreat, but the navy was unable to pursue them.
It’s not that they didn’t chase far away, but the first time the Whitebeard Pirates attacked Marin Fando, they destroyed all the warships in the port. Now they just want to chase, and no warships go out to sea, so they can only watch the Whitebeard Pirates. Group away.
At this time, the soldiers sent by the Warring States Period had also returned.
” Marshal! ” The soldier hesitated and said, ” I went to Lord Zefa’s house just now, and Lord Zefa was not in the room! ”
” What? ” Before Sengoku could speak, Garp stepped forward and asked, ” Is there any signs of fighting around? ”
The soldier nodded and said: “The surrounding houses have been damaged, so is the room of Lord Zefa! ”
Garp looked at Sengoku, then at Ah He next to him, and said, ” This matter … what do you think? ”
Ah He hesitated for a moment, then said: ” If the surrounding houses are not destroyed, then it can prove that the Whitebeard Pirates are going for him, but now … it’s hard to say! ”
” No matter what, I still have to check it out! ” Warring States shook his head and said.
What he means is that no matter who leaked the information, or the Whitebeard Pirates accidentally bumped into Zefa, they must check who knew about Zefa at the beginning. In this case, they will have some confidence in their actions in the future.
And it doesn’t have to be leaked by a spy.
You must know that Zefa was the chief instructor of the navy before, and now many generals are taught by Zefa himself. Maybe some people don’t see the original teacher as a prisoner, so they gave news to the Whitebeard Pirates.
On the other side, the Whitebeard Pirates who had successfully retreated were all staring at the one-armed old man sitting on the deck drinking with Whitebeard.
“I really didn’t expect to see you here! Aren’t you dead? ” Whitebeard asked Zefa, who was facing him, after taking a sip of wine.
“The former Zefa … is indeed dead! ” Zefa, who had only one arm left, nodded bitterly and replied.
After he was held by the Navy, the Navy removed his robotic arm, so he now has only one arm left.
” Old Zefa, I clearly saw that you were killed by the navy that day, why …” Reina asked inexplicably.
Zefa shook his head and said, ” I was seriously injured that day, and I almost died! But I was rescued by the navy later! ”
” So that’s the case. When I saw you, you were still alive. I didn’t expect the navy to save you! How about it? Come back to Xuanyue Island with me? If your two disciples knew that you were not dead, they would be afraid I’m going to cry with joy! ” Reina said with a smile, sitting on the side.
” No! ” Zefa shook his head and said, ” I’m not going back with you! ”
” Ah? Why? ” Reina asked in surprise: ” You don’t go back with me now, why are you going? Do you want to take revenge? ”
Zefa shook his head and said with a smile: ” I am like this now … revenge? ”
” Then why didn’t you go back with me? Where are you going to live? Is living in my Xuanyue Island poor? ” Reina said angrily.
” I am the navy! ” Zepha said softly.
” Fuck! You’ve been expelled from the Navy for a long time! ” Reina said disdainfully.
” Hahaha …” Zefa heard the words, laughed and said, ” Ah ~ that’s right! I’m no longer a navy! ”
Saying that, he raised his glass and drank with Whitebeard again.
Seeing this, Reina pouted and said nothing, and left to find Lakyo.
” How is it? How is the harvest this time? ” Seeing that Reina was still counting the harvest, Reina asked.
” It’s not bad, but … most of them are supplies, and there is no treasure! ” Lakyo said with some disappointment.
The main thing is that there is too little time to take away more things.
” Come on! What we want is the supplies, isn’t it better to get the supplies now? ” Reina patted Lakyo on the shoulder and said with a smile.
” That’s right! But … it’s just unpleasant! We pirates, shouldn’t we be robbing treasures! ” Lakyo said with a wry smile.
” By the way, how did you find old man Zefa? ” Reina asked curiously.
” It wasn’t found, it was rescued! ” Lakyo said with a strange expression: ” At that time, a shell happened to hit the wall of his house, almost killing the old man. We happened to be robbing the treasure from the warehouse and found it. He was held down by the collapsed beam, so he was rescued! ”
” Pfft ~ Hahaha … I didn’t expect this old man to have this kind of time, he really laughed at me! ” Reina couldn’t help laughing when he heard the words.
In the future, there will be one more thing that can make fun of old man Zefa.
It didn’t take long for the New Sun Pirates and Naga, who were in charge of the post-breakup work, to catch up. This was because the Moby Dick slowed down after they were far away from Marin Fando . Otherwise, even the New Sun Pirates would be caught up. It’s a fish man, and it’s hard to catch up.

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