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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Ah ~ I ‘m finally back! The air in the waters of Xuanyue Island is still fascinating! ” Looking at Xuanyue Island not far away, many members of the Whitebeard Pirates began to get a little excited.
At the same time, at the harbor of Xuanyue Island, Binz and Ain looked anxiously towards the sea.
” Don’t worry, Dad, didn’t they already have news? It’s definitely not wrong! ” Frank said with a relaxed smile.
” Huh ~” Ai Yin took a deep breath and said, “I really didn’t expect my teacher to be … It’s really good! It’s just that I haven’t seen my teacher face to face, so I’m always a little worried! ”
” That’s right, although I know Dad and they won’t lie to me! But … but …” Binz said, tears were about to fall.
Frank on the side patted him on the shoulder, this kind of thing really made people feel a little emotional.
After a while, the Moby Dick appeared in their realization.
” Come on! ” The three of them couldn’t help shouting at the same time.
Binz and Ain suppressed the excitement in their hearts. If it weren’t for the inappropriateness, they would like to get on a boat to greet him now.
But before the Moby Dick could dock, the Doctor brought Olga and Perona over.
” Doctor, why are you here? ” Seeing Dr. Sière, Binz and Ain hurried forward and asked.
” Haha … Anyway, my captain is back, so it’s normal for me to come to greet him! ” Dr. Ah Xie said with a smile.
But Binz and Ain knew that it wasn’t the first time Dad set sail, and the Doctor didn’t always greet him when he came back.
Soon, the Moby Dick came to the port, and Whitebeard rushed down the ship first.
” Dad! ” Frank greeted them at the same time.
So at the same time, Binz and Ayn also met Zefa, the mentor behind Whitebeard.
” Teacher! ” Binz and Ain burst into tears.
” Hehe … why are you crying? I’m not dead yet! ” Zefa said with a smile.
” Teacher, what’s going on? The report doesn’t say you’ve …” Ain asked while wiping away tears.
” Let’s go, what are you talking about here, there’s a banquet tonight, you won’t go home if you don’t get drunk! Binz, Ain! You can arrange the place where your teacher lives, no problem? ” At this time, Reina stepped forward , said with a smile.
” Yes, Mr. Vice-Captain! ” The two of them immediately patted their chests and assured.
Zefa also smiled and nodded, then followed his two apprentices away.
As for the members of the Whitebeard Pirates, they naturally went back to their respective homes. After going out for so long, when they returned to Xuanyue Island, they felt like they were home.
Especially for a member like Marco who already has a family, the first thing after disembarking is to return home.
As for Reina, he did not go back directly, but while walking, he told Frank to let him first register all the harvest this time and then rest assured in the warehouse, and then explain his evening banquet.
Starting in the evening, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates started rushing to their homes one after another and headed to the banquet square.
When Marco arrived with his wife Nochigo, Reina was already drinking there with Whitebeard and Zefa.
” Dad! ” Marko sat down beside Reina, and Chaohe, who was sitting in the main seat, said: ” Have you read the newspaper? ”
Whitebeard nodded, but did not speak.
Because of Rayner, newsbirds generally don’t go to the Moby Dick .
That’s right, because he has eaten newsbirds, the general newsbirds will subconsciously leave when they see the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates. It can be said that they are afraid, or they can be said to be resisted.
But Reina doesn’t matter, neither does the Whitebeard Pirates, but some of them feel a pity … um! Because they haven’t eaten newsbird yet and don’t know what newsbird tastes like, especially Lakyo.
” Hey … The navy actually said that it repelled our sneak attack! If we hadn’t taken the initiative to leave, Marin Fando would have been sunk by us! ” Fossa, the captain of the fifteenth division, appeared out of nowhere. said disdainfully.
” Let’s take it as soon as you see it! If you really want to sink Marin Fando, our side will be hurt! In terms of strength, the navy is indeed the strongest in the world, there is nothing that can’t be said! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” That’s right, we don’t need this prestige either! And normal people can understand it. We went to the naval headquarters and came back intact! ” The captains slowly sat down.
As for Zefa, he didn’t say anything, just drinking there.
Binz and Ai Yin, who were behind him, didn’t speak either. They had already learned the whole thing from Zefa and learned of Zefa’s decision, so the two were a little hesitant at this time and didn’t know what to do.
” What? After seeing your teacher, I feel a little uneasy? ” Reina said in a low voice when he came behind the two of them.
” Deputy Captain …”
” Lord Reina …”
Binz and Ain were startled and hurriedly prepared to get up, but were stopped by Reina.
” Is it because the old man doesn’t want to stay? ” Reina waved his hand, indicating that the two of them were welcome, and then asked with a smile.
Binz and Ain gave a wry smile and said, ” Since your lord knows, why ask again? ”
” So you’re going to let him go like this? ” Reina asked with a chuckle.
” Of course not, but … the teacher won’t let us follow! ” Binz said regretfully.
Reina’s face darkened, and you both plan to follow Zefa, not to keep him?
On the other hand, Ai Yin knew Reina’s plan and said softly: ” We also persuaded the teacher to let him stay … But you know, he didn’t agree! We didn’t even let us leave with him! ”
” Then do you know why he didn’t let you leave with him? ” Reina said after thinking about it.
” I don’t know! ” The two of them shook their heads at the same time and replied.
” Because he also knows in his heart that it is the best and safest for you who have left the navy to stay here! ” Reina said with a smile.
” But …” Binz said with a long mouth, ” but we are more like staying by the teacher’s side! ”
” That’s right, so what you have to do now is to try your best to keep your teacher. If he is afraid of affecting his reputation, then we can keep it a secret! Anyway, didn’t the navy say that he was dead? Then What’s wrong with him staying here incognito / You can also take care of him by his side! ” Reina nodded and said seductively.
Ain and Binz looked at each other. They understood what Reina meant. They just wanted the three of them to stay, but even so, Reina said nothing. This is indeed their best home!
” Stinky boy, don’t come to confuse the disciples of the old man! The old man has made up his mind, so don’t say more! ” At this time, Zefa, who was drinking, looked over and said with a big smile.
Obviously, he heard the conversation between Reina and the two apprentices.

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