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” Qi ~” Hearing Zefa’s words, Reina pouted in dissatisfaction, and then said to Binz and Ain: ” Anyway, I have made it clear to you, how you choose I will not participate too much. The old man in the province thought I wanted to do something! Think about it carefully, is this the best choice for him! Anyway, it’s all incognito, so why not stay here? ”
Binz and Ain looked at each other and saw the light in their eyes.
They agreed with Reina, but they just didn’t know how to convince the teacher.
But they also know that now is not the time to talk about this, and looking at Reina’s appearance, it seems that she also wants the teacher to stay very much, so tomorrow they can find a way to keep the teacher with Reina.
The banquet continued. After the war, the members were extraordinarily open. Many people even came over to let Reina perform music, because he had not performed for a long time.
Taking advantage of everyone’s happiness, Reina didn’t disappoint, and after taking out the violin, “Guests’ Wine” started straight away.
It’s just that they didn’t know that when they were revelling, the Admiralty Headquarters had quite a headache, especially after learning that Zefa disappeared, Sengoku’s head was about to get bigger.
He was the one who advocated saving Zefa at the beginning, but now the navy has announced the news of Zefa’s death. If the outside world is informed that Zefa is not dead, then this responsibility will naturally need to be shouldered by him.
” How is it? What do you say over there? ” Seeing Warring States coming in with a sigh, Lieutenant General Ah He asked with a smile.
” What else can they do? They can’t kill me as a marshal! But … Did the Whitebeard Pirates deliberately come to take Zefa away after they got the news? ” Warring States shook his head and sat back on his own location, said.
” It’s hard to say now, their attack this time is too strange! ” Lieutenant General Ah He shook his head and replied.
” Where’s that bastard Garp? ” Sengoku looked around, but he didn’t see Garp, and he was suddenly a little uneasy, and asked.
Lieutenant General Ah He’s expression froze for a moment, and then he said leisurely, ” He said you gave him a vacation, so he went back to the East China Sea! ”
” That bastard …” Sengoku said through gritted teeth.
But soon he looked at Lieutenant General Ah He with a complicated expression on his face. At this time, he could not put Garp on vacation. It was impossible for Lieutenant He to be unclear, but Garp still left, so there is only one possibility. That is, Lieutenant General Ah He agreed.
” Ah He, don’t get used to that guy too much! ” After thinking about it, Warring States said to Lieutenant General Ah He with some resentment.
” Hehe … Anyway, that guy is here, and he can’t do anything except make trouble! It’s better to let him go far! ” Lieutenant General Ah He said with a chuckle: ” By the way, when he was leaving, he seemed to be Something was taken from your closet! ”
” What? ” Hearing Ah He’s words, Warring States immediately lowered his head, only to realize that his normally locked cabinet had been opened at some point, and at this time the inside of the cabinet was empty.
” That damn bastard …” After confirming that there was indeed nothing in the cabinet, Sengoku couldn’t help crying.
At this time, Karp, who was already leisurely wandering on the dog-headed warship, rushed behind him and took out a bag of rice cakes and tea, and sighed: ” This is life! ”
” My lord … you took all the marshal’s things … isn’t it good? ” the adjutant asked worriedly.
” You don’t understand! ” Garp shook his head and said with a smile: ” If he doesn’t want to, how can he open the cabinet? He must be willing to do it! ”
“The problem is in the cabinet! How can a good cabinet open by itself? ” The adjutant swallowed the words he said. He was recently transferred to be Garp’s adjutant, so he didn’t dare to talk to Garp yet. Just talk like that.
As for Karp’s former adjutant, Pocato, because he was already relatively old and his merits were sufficient, he retired.
” Yeah! I like the air in my hometown! Sure enough … this is a peaceful ocean! ” Garp said with a smile while standing on the deck, looking at the sea in front of him.
They have entered the waters of the East China Sea from the windless belt.
Carter on the side looked at Garp with a little excitement. He had heard a legend that the reason why the East China Sea was the weakest sea was because Garp often returned to the East China Sea, so as long as there were pirates, he would be caught by the naval hero. This is why there are no big pirates in the East China Sea.
At the same time, above the sky of the New World in the second half of the Great Route, a moving island is slowly heading towards the East China Sea.
” Kalkal … Captain, why do you want to start from the East China Sea? Isn’t that the weakest sea? ” Indigo asked his captain with a surprised look on his face.
“The weakest sea … ? Jie hahaha … Who told you? In this world, only the guy from the East China Sea … is worthy of being my opponent! ” The golden lion replied slightly frantically.
Indigo tilted his head and thought for a while, and then suddenly realized: ” Okay, Captain! Then let’s go directly to … Rogue Town? ”
” Of course! Jie ha ha ha ha …” The golden lion replied with a big smile.
The new world of the great route, Xuanyue Island.
With his wife Nuoqigao and his family, Marco was ready to set sail.
This is what he promised his wife. After getting married, he will take time out every year to accompany his wife back to the East China Sea.
” Hard shell … Please! ” Because there were not many of them, Marco deliberately asked Reina to borrow the hard shell, so that they could directly cross the windless belt to the East China Sea, saving a lot of time.
Originally, Reina planned to go with them, but now he wants to continue exercising and earn points through the Tower of Trials, so he did not go with Marko and the others.
As for Zefa, under the soft and hard bubbles of Reina, Binz, Ain and others, he finally agreed to live on Xuanyue Island.
But he is not without conditions, he does not allow Reina to use his name to hit the navy.
On this point, Reina naturally has no problem, he didn’t want to do this in the first place.
So under the guidance of Zefa, Reina began to suppress his ability and exercise according to the method provided by Zefa.
I don’t know if it’s because his physical talent has really improved, or because Zefa’s training method is more based. In short, Reina’s physical fitness has really started to become stronger, and he has become more proficient with the Navy Six Forms. .
Including the return of life, which had been stagnant before, also began to grow slowly under the guidance of Zefa.
” Want to convert the energy in the body into physical strength? ” After hearing Reina’s use of the return of life, Zefa was really surprised.
Because even in the navy, no one has such courage.
” Idiot, what is the essence of life return? It is to use other life energy to fill your own life energy! Is the energy you absorbed in the battle life energy? That is destruction energy! You are not dead, but also God is blind! ” Zefa’s words were extremely sarcastic, but Reina suddenly realized.
” I see! That’s how it is! ” Reina ignored Zefa’s sarcasm, as long as he can become stronger now!
According to his conjecture, when he breaks through the 30th floor, he will get 100,000 points. In this case, it is enough for his Shaker to evolve into Eternal Shaker.
However, he didn’t plan to challenge now, and 10,000 points each time was not a small amount. He planned to wait until the physical exercise had no effect before going in to challenge.
Moreover, Zefa’s guidance on the return of his life is also very useful. When his skills of life return become more proficient, his endurance will also become much stronger.
It’s just that if he can’t use battle energy to convert into physical strength in the future, he must find a substitute energy.
But life energy is nothing else. According to Zefa, this kind of thing is not only Reina, but others have also thought about it, but they have not been successful, so Reina doesn’t have to spend too much thought on it.
It’s just that Reina didn’t tell Zefa that the energy he absorbed with the Black Emperor could be converted into physical strength.
Although this energy is not life energy, it is also different from the energy in the world of the country, and Reina can’t explain it clearly, so he simply didn’t say it.
In this way, the days passed, until half a month later, Reina felt that his body had temporarily reached a bottleneck, and after the six naval styles had also reached a step, he planned to enter the tower of trials again.
It’s just that if he goes to the Tower of Trials, he will disappear for a while, and he will definitely be injured when he comes back. How to explain this to everyone is a problem.
After thinking about it carefully, Reina gritted her teeth and went directly to Whitebeard’s room.
” Huh? What do you mean … you will disappear for a period of time and go to the trial? ” After Whitebeard heard Reina’s words, his face was stunned. Even he had never heard of such a thing, even though he had been in the sea for so many years. .
” Yes, this is a trial attached to our blood and must be done! ” Reina nodded and replied.
” Then how are you going? Do you need my help?! ” Whitebeard was silent for a while before asking.
” No, it’s just that I might get hurt when I come back from the trial! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Injured? Dangerous? ” Whitebeard asked with a condensed look in his eyes.
” Well, if you die during the trial … you’re really dead! But I have the right to interrupt the trial at any time! ” Reina nodded and replied.
” Be careful with everything! ” Whitebeard didn’t ask more, just said a simple sentence!
Reina nodded, spent 10,000 points to buy a trial scroll, and used it directly.
” ??? ”
Whitebeard looked at Reina, who disappeared in front of his eyes, in disbelief.
Such a big man, just disappeared suddenly? Even if he saw it with his own eyes, he couldn’t believe it.

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