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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
When he came to the trial ground again, Reina didn’t stop there too much, but went directly to the trial tower.
” Do you want to reset the Tower of Trials? ” Just as Reina pushed open the door of the Tower of Trials, he suddenly heard a sound.
” Reset? What do you mean? ” Reina was suddenly puzzled.
However, he quickly found the answer on the notice board on the side.
” So it is … That is to say, after the reset, all the rewards will be reset, but I need to start the battle from the first floor again! ” After reading the explanation on the notice board, Reina probably knew the meaning of reset .
After comparing the two, Reina found that if he wanted to hit a higher level, it would be better not to reset, so that he would have more physical strength to hit a higher level.
But if you are not sure, reset is better, because Reina already knows the reward for the first 20 floors, and the reward is 11,000 points, which means that the 10,000 points spent when you come in are excluded. , I can still earn 1,000 points, which is a guaranteed profit.
So Reina, who was standing at the gate, began to tangle, should this be reset or not?
Although Reina believed that his strength was stronger under the training of Zefa during this period, Reina did not have much confidence in saying that he could break through the 30th floor in one breath.
Because although he has become a lot stronger now, there is no qualitative change, and there will inevitably be new changes on the thirtieth floor of the Tower of Trials, and he is not 100% sure.
The last time I killed the boss on the 20th floor, I left. If I continue now, it will start from the 20th floor.
But in this case, it is better to reset it once and get 11,000 points. By the way, you can also see the strength after the 20th floor, and lay the foundation for the next breakthrough to the 30th floor.
But at this time, Reina remembered that he could only get a reward every ten floors. If he didn’t receive the reward when he reached the twentieth floor, then half of the reward would be deducted when he failed. Wouldn’t it be even worse?
” Please choose whether to reset …”
Just when Reina was indecisive, the prompt sounded again, as if urging him.
” Reset! ” As soon as he gritted his teeth, Reina chose to reset.
What he thought was that he would lose 4,500 points at most this time, and then he would fail to reach the 30th floor, and then he would be able to directly challenge the 30th floor the next time he came in. After winning, he would get 100,000 points.
Soon, after Reina chose to reset, a ray of light seemed to flash through the tower of trials in front of him, and then the weapon room was open to him.
After choosing the weapons, Reina started climbing the tower again.
” Huh , it’s easier than last time! ” Reina said with a sigh of relief as he watched the gatekeeper at the tenth level collapse at his feet.
At present, apart from consuming some physical strength, he is not injured, and his condition is not bad. There is definitely no problem in passing the twentieth floor!
” Congratulations on getting: 10,000 skill experience ! ”
” Congratulations on getting: Random Psychic Beast Fragment *1 ! ”
” Congratulations on getting: 1000 points ! ”
” Whether to open the reward storage box …”
” Reward Storage Box: Rewards obtained in the Tower of Trials can be stored in it and can be withdrawn at any time! ”
Looking at the different system prompts from last time, Reina felt a little puzzled. This storage box seems to be redundant!
And it takes 30,000 points to open this storage box, which makes Reina even more reluctant. What he lacks now is points. He really doesn’t dare to buy something that is not fully understood.
But just when he was about to refuse, he suddenly thought of something and asked, ” If I buy this storage box, can I leave without the reward when I fail? ”
But no one came to answer him, it seems that everything needs to be decided by him.
Reina checked the points he had now, deducted the 10,000 points for purchasing the trial roll, and now he has only a little more than 130,000 points and less than 140,000 points. If he purchased this reward storage box, then he The points are only in the early 100,000s.
But if this reward storage box is really what he imagined, then it will be more cost-effective to buy it early, and he will definitely enter and exit the Tower of Trials many times in the future.
” Turn on! ”
Reina is willing to bet once, if it is really the same as what he guessed, then the 30,000 points, he should be able to earn it back soon!
“The reward storage box has been opened, and the tenth floor reward has been stored, and can be withdrawn at any time! ”
After the points are deducted, the system beep sounded again.
” Extract! ” Reina said, taking a deep breath.
“The available skill experience increases by 10,000 , and the random psychic beast fragment *1 ! The points increase by 1,000 ! ” Sure enough, Reina did not quit the tower of trials now, but he got the tenth floor reward.
” As expected …” Reina breathed a sigh of relief. This so-called reward storage box really allowed him to fail without deducting the reward. In this way, he would soon be able to earn the 30,000 points back.
At least this time, he can save the 5,500 points that will be deducted at that time.
After getting the reward, Reina continued to move forward, and he killed the guards layer by layer, but his physical strength also began to consume a lot. By the time he killed the twentieth layer of guards, he already had a lot of injuries. .
” Congratulations on getting: 100,000 skill experience ! ”
” Congratulations on getting: Random Mount Fragment *1 ! ”
” Congratulations on getting: 10000 points ! ”
After receiving the reward on the twentieth floor, his current points have returned to 110,000. As long as he can reach the thirtieth floor, he can buy two advanced bloodline ability evolution volumes and upgrade his kaleidoscope writing wheel eye. .
However, judging from his current situation, it is not easy to break through the 30th floor.
” Hey ~ try to reach the thirtieth floor, check the opponent’s situation first, and then make a breakthrough when you are sure! ” Reina picked up the ice pill that fell from the gatekeeper’s hand and planned to move on.
The gatekeeper on this floor has an ordinary ice wheel pill in addition to the three-goose jade writing wheel. Although it can’t be solved, it is sharper and tougher than ordinary weapons, so he replaced the ordinary one in his hand. arms.
When he came to the 21st floor, the gatekeeper did not change much, but he occasionally used the Navy Sixth Form during the battle, so it became more difficult.
” The next is the twenty-ninth floor! As long as he is eliminated, you will be able to meet the opponent on the thirtieth floor! ” As he moved forward, Reina’s injuries became more and more serious, and he felt that he was about to reach his limit. , but in the face of the last opponent he had set, he still didn’t want to admit defeat.
” Shave! ” At the same time as Reina, the gatekeeper on the twenty-ninth floor disappeared directly from the spot.
” It’s so fast! ” Reina, who didn’t have a wheel eye, could only feel the opponent’s position using the color of knowledge, and then fought with the opponent with 120,000 spirits.
However, due to excessive physical exertion, he has been pressed and beaten by the opponent.
” Huh , is this the end? ” Reina, who staggered and stood up again, felt that the opponent was about to release the final blow.
” Damn … I’m … Chi Tong Reina ! ” Just as the other party charged directly at him, Reina’s tyrannical arrogance suddenly erupted, causing the other party’s actions to stop.
” Die! ”
” Pfft! ”
The ice wheel pill in his hand was thrown directly by Reina and hit the opponent directly.
However, the gatekeeper who was hit by the ice wheel pill did not stop, but still charged towards Reina.
” Pfft! ”
Reina spat out a mouthful of blood. Although he barely avoided the position of his heart just now, the opponent’s Hingrenwan still stabbed him.
The two stood face to face like this, and just when Reina was about to lose her hold and was about to leave the Tower of Trials, the figure of the other party finally began to fade slowly and eventually disappeared.
” Win! ” Reina fell directly to the ground, gasping for breath.
After the battle, the Tower of Trials will release a light to Reina. Although this light cannot heal Reina’s injury, it can ensure that his injury will not worsen.

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