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Fishman Island, Dragon Palace City.
After going around Malin Fando with the Whitebeard Pirates, Jinbei, Naga and the others returned to Dragon Palace.
” Father, I was a bit seated in the sky before! I didn’t expect the world’s top powerhouse to be so powerful. We murlocs want to come forward … I’m afraid it’s not easy! ” Naga said with a lonely face.
” Hahaha …” King Neptune laughed and looked there, slowly stepped down from the throne, patted Naga on the shoulder, and said earnestly: ” Naga, you are talented and capable, but don’t Too anxious! In ancient times, we murlocs had so many Naga warriors, and we couldn’t stand at the top of the race? Don’t think about fighting for hegemony, that will lead to war, and our goal has never been the number one in the world! What we want It’s peace … it’s our people who can walk under the sun with integrity! ”
Naga suddenly raised her head and looked at Neptune, her eyes flashing with light.
” I understand! Your Majesty, I took it for granted! ” Naga nodded and said.
” This is the way the world is. There are too many people who are pretentious, so there will be wars. In fact, if you look at those who are really strong, they don’t need to start wars, they don’t even need to do anything! When your strength reaches that level When the time comes, the status will naturally arrive! ” King Neptune nodded and said softly.
” I understand, Your Majesty! In fact, as long as our murloc family has such a top-notch powerhouse, then all problems will be solved naturally, right! ” Naga said seriously.
” Yes, but this kind of thing cannot be forced, because once an ambitious clansman appears, it is enough to bury all our clansmen! ” Nipton said with a sigh.
Naga was startled, then nodded, expressing her understanding.
” Let ‘s see ~ Why don’t I take Naga to Xuanyue Island, with Dad and Reina, it should be able to strengthen Naga’s strength! ” Jinbei said.
Naga’s eyes lit up. She knew how many masters the Whitebeard Pirates had. Those captains alone were very powerful, not to mention Reina and Whitebeard.
” Newgate? He doesn’t seem to be good at teaching! But Rayner seems to be pretty good, so let’s write a letter to Newgate, you can take it with you ! ” Jinping’s face is not enough, so he also wrote a letter, hoping that Newgate can cultivate their Naga.
Holding the letter from King Neptune, Jin Ping and others led Naga towards Xuanyue Island.
On Xuanyue Island, Reina had fully recovered from his injuries at this time, and planned to directly break through the 30th floor.
After Whitebeard explained it, Reina originally planned to go to his home, but Whitebeard knew the danger of the Tower of Trials, so Reina started in his room.
Knowing that Whitebeard was worried about himself, Reina did not refuse.
After spending 10,000 points to buy the trial volume again, use it directly.
A familiar scene appeared, and Reina walked directly towards the Tower of Trials.
” Do you want to reset the Tower of Trials? ”
Sure enough, when he pushed the door to enter, he heard the system prompt.
” No! ” This time he chose not to reset.
After the selection, Reina directly entered the weapon room, and after selecting an ordinary long sword, he officially entered the tower of trials.
” Sure enough, it’s still on the twenty-ninth floor! ” After entering, unlike before, his position was not on the first floor, but on the twenty-ninth floor where he had exited.
” Then let me see … how powerful an opponent with 100,000 points is! ” Taking a deep breath, Reina walked up the stairs directly.
” Three-gou jade writing wheel eye … Binglun pill … It seems that something has changed! ” When he came to the 30th floor, he found that the opponent was still holding the ice wheel pill and opened the three-goose jade writing wheel eye, Reina thought. There is a vague feeling of bad foreboding.
“Sit up in the frosty sky ! Hirinmaru ! ”
Sure enough, before it even started, the gatekeeper held the ice wheel pill and started singing.
” Fuck! ” Reina naturally knew quite a bit about the state of Bing Lun Pill’s initial solution, so while the other party was singing, he directly killed the other party.
” Finger gun! ” Reina didn’t use the long sword in his hand, but used the finger gun covered by the armed color.
” Dang! ” With the gatekeeper who has finished writing the round, he naturally blocked Reina’s moves very easily.
However, Reina seemed to have known it for a long time. With a wave of the long sword in the other hand, he slashed directly at the gatekeeper.
But just when Reina thought he would succeed, the other party suddenly disappeared.
” Shaved? ” Reina’s complexion changed, his eyes widened, and he found that the other party appeared not far behind him.
” It seems that even the six naval styles can be mastered! What a tough guy …” Reina’s eyes narrowed and he muttered to himself.
” Roar ~~”
Before Reina could continue to attack, the gatekeeper waved the ice wheel pill in his hand, and a giant dragon formed of ice charged directly towards Meng Yi.
” Huh ~ It’s okay, it’s just a normal Bing Lun Pill! ” The other party’s Bing Lun Pill and Sharon Eye, like Reina, belong to the castrated version of the system.
The two of you are inseparable. Although the opponent is very strong, Reina’s strength has also increased a lot, but he was not suppressed by the opponent, but the gatekeeper did not feel pain, so Reina did not exchange injuries. Injury, doing that would be bad for him.
” Damn it, the threat of Bing Lun Wan is too great! ” Reina dodged the opponent’s attack again, staring at the Bing Lun Wan in the hands of the gatekeeper.
His ordinary weapons didn’t dare to fight against Hing Lun Maru at all, otherwise he would only end up being cut off.
” Armed! ” In the end, out of desperation, Reina had no choice but to use the weapon color to wrap the weapon, otherwise there would be no weapons, and the battle would not have to go on.
After turning on the armed color, Reina launched a fierce attack again, because without the drag of Sharonyan, Bingrenwan, and the ability of the Black Emperor, Reina’s physical strength was sufficient. This battle took a day and a night, and finally the gatekeeper. fell in front of Reina.
” Huh ~ Are the following battles so intense? ” According to the gatekeepers in front of the Tower of Trials, the next stage is stronger than the last, and after the tenth floor, there will be a qualitative change, that is to say, the first stage From three layers to forty layers, the minimum is the same strength.
Reina, who was covered in scars, smiled bitterly and looked at the treasure chest that appeared in the middle. With his remaining physical strength, he could not guarantee that he would pass the next level!
” Is it possible to pass a level with 10,000 points in the future? ” If you want to go deeper, you must move forward little by little, but obviously, his strength does not allow him to continue to move forward like before.
Picking up the ice wheel pill that fell on the ground, Reina walked to the treasure chest in the central area.
” Congratulations on your acquisition: 200,000 skill experience ! ”
” Congratulations on getting: Random Mount Fragment *2 ! ”
” Congratulations on getting: Random Skill Book! ”
” Congratulations on getting: 100,000 points ! ”
“The reward has been deposited into the reward box! ”
A series of beeps sounded, causing Reina’s mouth to curl up slightly unconsciously.
Isn’t it the 100,000 points that you are fighting for? Now that he has enough points, he can finally buy the Advanced Bloodline Ability Evolution Scroll.
But now that he is still in the Tower of Trials, it is not the time to use it, so he just extracted the reward, and did not immediately buy the advanced bloodline ability evolution volume.
” Huh? ” Looking at the random skill book in the backpack, Reina realized that it was something opened from the treasure chest.
However, he is no stranger to this thing. His swordsmanship, physical skills, frozen thousand miles, and snow-free traces are all skills, and even the six naval styles and three-color domineering can be counted within the scope of skills.
Of course, in addition to these, there are also life skills such as music, cooking, medicine and so on.
So this kind of random skill book may be able to give good good things, or it may just give some useless life skills.
Reina didn’t pray that it could drive anything good. His main purpose was to score points. This thing was a tower at most, and it didn’t matter.
After tidying up a little, Reina intends to move on. His physical strength is still sufficient now. The injury on his body looks terrible, but the injury is not serious.
The reason why he continued to move forward was mainly to test. First, to see the strength of the next level, and second, to try to see if he could quit after the battle. Anyway, the main goal this time has been achieved, and now he can do more experiments.
When I came to the 31st floor, I found that the other party was the same as the gatekeeper on the 30th floor, but the strength was increased, and the ability did not change.
Now Reina has no powerful ability, and lacks the means of one-hit kill, but on the contrary, his physical strength is much more abundant than before, so even if he has fought for a day and a night on the 30th floor before, he still has enough physical strength to come fighting.
However, after playing for a while, Reina began to try to exit the Tower of Trials. If he could withdraw during the battle, it would be much easier for him to pass the level later.
But it seems that the system has long considered such a bug , so when Reina tried to quit, the system prompt came out.
” Do you want to quit the trial now? The gatekeepers will return to full status after quitting! ”
” Qi ~ is it really blocked? ” Looking at the gatekeeper who had suspended the attack, Reina found that he couldn’t move, so he had to refuse to quit and continued to fight the gatekeeper.
He still has the physical strength to fight, at least he has to beat this level before exiting, because he has discovered that when he fights with the gatekeeper, it is also a test for himself, and the moves used by the opponent are all own, so that you can save yourself more intuitively.
Fighting against an opponent with similar strength is also quite beneficial for Reina’s improvement, even better than exercising alone outside, but the price of entering once is too high, and it requires 10,000 points. Otherwise, there are these guards. Guanren sparring, his strength may grow faster.

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