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” Come out? ” Whitebeard said with a chuckle, looking at Reina, who was covered in scars but was much better than the last time.
Reina nodded and said with a smile: ” This time the harvest is good, I’m going back to retreat! ”
” Oh? Will it work this time? ” Whitebeard asked, opening his squinted eyes after hearing Reina’s words.
As he grows older, his body has not been as good as a year, and with the problem of Reina’s writing wheel, the strength of the Whitebeard Pirates has dropped to the freezing point in history.
Fortunately, the outside world didn’t know, otherwise they probably wouldn’t be able to afford the revenge from the Navy. This is also the fundamental reason why Whitebeard did not continue to sail, but instead stayed on Xuanyue Island.
Otherwise, with the character of the white beard, I am afraid that I would have gone out and waved long ago.
” It should work! ” Reina didn’t say it was as dead. After all, it took two advanced bloodline ability evolution volumes to evolve Shaker to Eternal Shaker is just his own estimation. .
” Go, tell Frank what you need! ” Whitebeard nodded and replied.
After saying goodbye to Whitebeard, Rayner went straight home.
After he broke through the 31st floor of the Tower of Trials just now, he didn’t continue, not because he couldn’t continue the fight, but he planned to reset the Tower of Trials the next time he went in.
In this way, you can also earn 100,000 points at a time.
Of course, with his current strength, he may not necessarily be able to penetrate the top 30 floors directly, but even if he divides it twice, it is definitely worth it!
Taking a deep breath, Reina opened the mall, directly spent 200,000 to buy two advanced bloodline ability evolution volumes, and then directly used it on his own writing wheel.
” Drip ~”
” Successful use of advanced bloodline ability evolution scroll! ”
” Boundary of Blood Succession: Shaker Eye (Kaleidoscope) is upgraded to Shaker Eye (Eternal Kaleidoscope)! ”
Continuous system prompts sounded, and then Reina felt that his eyes began to burn, and the burning sensation gradually became more and more obvious.
” Sigh ~~”
Resisting the pain in his eyes, Reina felt that his eyes began to shed blood and tears, which was a precursor to Sharonyan’s advancement.
Immediately afterwards, Reina, who looked extremely painful, suddenly opened his tightly closed eyes, and his eyes had now turned into a kaleidoscope shape.
Originally, when Reina opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel, his writing wheel was in the shape of a blade, but now at the bottom of the blade, a hexagram pattern was slowly formed, and then the two suddenly began to slowly combine. .
I don’t know how long it took, Reina finally felt that the scorching degree of his eyes had decreased, and he knew that his Sharinyan had completed the promotion.
” Reina … Are you okay? ” At this time, Bistan’s questioning voice came from outside the house.
When his Sharinyan started to advance, the aura on his body began to fluctuate violently, and the captains on the island immediately noticed it, so they rushed over.
And Whitebeard was afraid that everyone would disturb Reina, so he specially asked everyone to come over and tell everyone not to worry, let alone disturb Reina.
Now Reina’s breath in the room is slowly returning to calm, so Bista asked.
” crunch …”
The door of the house opened, and Reina slowly rushed out of the room.
” Your eyes …” Seeing Reina coming out, Lakyo was the first to notice the writing wheel with two blood and tears on his face.
” Success? ” After Lakyo’s reminder, the captain also looked into Reina’s eyes, only to find that Reina’s eyes seemed to be different from before.
” Yeah! I succeeded! In the future, you can use the shackle eye as you like, and you don’t have to worry about the deterioration of your eyesight! ” Reina nodded and said with a smile.
With the success of Sharonyan’s promotion, Reina’s eyesight has slowly recovered, and more importantly, his pupil power is much stronger than before, so that he could not use pupil techniques that he dared not use before. used.
Especially ” Suzanohu “, which requires both eyes to open the pupil technique at the same time. In the past, he didn’t dare to use it casually because of his limited pupil power, and if he used it too many times, he would be blinded, but now But it’s different, now he can use it in battle.
Susanoo combined the abilities of the Black Emperor, and now he has the confidence to defeat the Admiral of the Navy.
Although he was able to fight against the generals before, and even win them, but he was not 100% sure and could only watch on the spot, but now it is different. Anyone, he has the confidence to beat the other party.
Of course, this refers to the situation where the opponent doesn’t know his cards. Once the opponent knows his means, then he wants to defeat the opponent again, and it is estimated that it will cost a lot of money.
After a little tidying up, Reina and the captains came to Whitebeard’s side. The news that his strength has recovered and even improved to a higher level must be told to Whitebeard, so that he is making the progress of the entire Whitebeard Pirates. direction, you can choose better.
” Gu la la la … little ones, let’s have a banquet tonight! ” Whitebeard said happily after listening to Reina’s narration.
” Oh ~~”
The captains were very happy, not only were they able to hold a banquet, but because Reina’s strength had recovered, they were more confident in their hearts.
But at this moment, an intelligence officer ran over with a newspaper in hand.
” Dad! Something has happened! ” The intelligence officer handed the newspaper to Whitebeard and said.
” Huh? ” Whitebeard took a look at the newspaper, and his face immediately sank.
” Big brother … what happened? ” Reina asked with a frown.
” Look for yourself! ” Whitebeard said, handing the newspaper to Rayner.
” What? The Golden Lion attacked the East China Sea? A small island has been blown up? ” On the front page of the newspaper, it was the Golden Lion Shiki who was laughing wildly.
” What? ” Everyone was surprised when they heard Reina’s words.
First of all, the golden lion is suitable for the characters of the era of Whitebeard, and it can be said to be a legendary boss active in the sea.
His sudden move will naturally attract everyone’s attention.
Secondly, as soon as the other party came up, he blew up a small island with such a large hand. They believed that this was definitely not the ultimate goal of the Golden Lion. He must have bigger plans.
” Is he crazy? Why go to the East China Sea? ” Lakjoo asked in disbelief.
“I don’t know! ” Reina shook his head and said: “The newspaper said that he used his ability to lift an uninhabited island into the sky, and then landed directly on another island. The people on the entire island … no For a lifetime! ”
” This …”
Although everyone is a pirate, the Whitebeard Pirates still have their principles. They will not take action against ordinary people. Like Golden Lion Shiki, they can directly kill everyone on an island. They absolutely cannot do it. from.
” It’s even more ruthless than our attack on Marin Fando! This time the Navy will have a headache! ” Jin Guduo shook his head and said.
” That’s right, the navy is probably the most troublesome right now! After all, such a big thing happened, and it’s even in the newspaper! ” Lakyo said with a smile.
This matter is big or small, because it has nothing to do with the Whitebeard Pirates in essence.

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