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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Whitebeard sat on the main seat, looked at the captains who were discussing, chuckled lightly, and said to Reina: ” What do you think the Navy will do? ”
” What else can we do? Send people to encircle and suppress them! ” Reina spread his hands and said with a smile, ” But if I were Big Brother Shikey, I would definitely not be waiting for them! But Big Brother Shikey ‘s words … Bad to say! ”
” Gu la la la … However, that guy is not someone who is afraid of things, but he shouldn’t be waiting in place! He must have other plans! ” Whitebeard replied with a smile.
” That’s right! That eldest brother is not someone to get along with! ” Reina said with a smile.
Hearing Reina’s words, the surrounding captains couldn’t help laughing.
Although they are different from Reina and Whitebeard, they have never been on the same boat with Shiji the Golden Lion, but they have heard a lot about the name of the Flying Pirates. Had a lot of dealings.
So at the same time, the news of the Golden Lion Shiki’s attack on the East China Sea was also spread around the world with newspapers.
The Great Route, New World, Kraigana Island.
” Who is this golden lion … ? ” asked Zoro, who was learning swordsmanship with Hawkeye Mihawk, holding a newspaper.
The newspaper was given to him by Mihawk, because Huomike lived here, so every day a news bird would deliver a copy of the newspaper.
” A pirate! ” Mihawk’s answer was simple.
” Huh ~ Are you going to go over there and take a look? ” Zoro slowly got up and raised his head.
He stayed here for almost two years. This is because the intelligence officer of the Whitebeard Pirates sent him news. Luffy decided to gather again after two years, so he stayed here and followed Mihawk learns swordsmanship.
Compared with when he just came here, Sauron’s aura was even stronger at this time, like a sharp sword.
” It just happened that I was bored recently, so of course I have to see such an interesting thing! ” Mihawk said with a chuckle.
” Then I’ll go with you too, it’s not long before the two-year appointment! ” Sauron said after thinking about it.
The corners of Mihawk’s mouth twitched slightly, but he just nodded and didn’t say anything.
He looked forward to Sauron’s performance in the future.
On the other side, the Straw Hats who saw the news also had the same plan as Zoro, and set off towards the Chambord Islands.
And Robin, who was studying intelligence work with Xia Qi in the Little Bodie Islands, set off to the small island near the Nine Snakes, where Luffy and Rayleigh practiced.
She had to tell Luffy the news, because the Straw Hats came from the East China Sea!
It didn’t take long for Robin, who found Rayleigh and Luffy, and told them what happened.
” What? Golden Lion? Who is he? ” Sure enough, when Luffy heard such a big thing happened in his hometown Donghai, Luffy was very surprised, and at the same time, he was extremely puzzled, why this guy called Golden Lion wanted to attack Donghai.
” Golden Lion Shiki is a great pirate of the same era as Whitebeard and Pirate King Roger. He even nearly killed the Roger Pirates. Later, Pirate King Roger surrendered himself, and Golden Lion Shiki attacked the Navy Headquarters Marin Fando alone. At that time, the general Sengoku and the naval hero Garp joined forces to defeat and imprisoned in the city! Later, with the help of my father, he successfully escaped from the city and was the only pirate in history to escape from the city! ”
Robin briefly explained the golden lion, Shiki.
” Ah ~ ? Almost defeated One Piece? Uncle Rayleigh, is that golden lion so powerful? ” Luffy looked at Rayleigh beside him in surprise and asked.
” Hahaha … That’s right! Luffy, Golden Lion Shiki, don’t underestimate him! Back then, his flying fleet almost ruled the sea! It’s a tough opponent! But after he came out of the advance city , has always been quite low-key, so I’m not sure whether his current strength has declined compared to the original! ” Rayleigh nodded and said.
” Luffy, what are you going to do? ” Robin asked, looking at Luffy.
” Hey ~ I’m going to go back and have a look! ” Luffy raised his head and said directly.
But Rayleigh frowned and said, ” It’s not a good idea to go back at this time! ”
” Why? ” Luffy asked in surprise.
” Because the navy cannot sit idly by, we are pirates, and now in the past, apart from conflict with the navy, there is no benefit! And … under normal circumstances, there is no special thing, pirates will not turn back , We have now reached the Chambord Islands, if we go to the East China Sea … it is equivalent to going back! ” Before Rayleigh could speak, Robin explained directly.
” One more thing, even if you rush back now, it’s too late. The Golden Lion Shiki is not that simple. With his means and ability, there must be other moves, not to mention that the two of you can’t make it, even if It’s rushing over … it won’t do anything! ” Rayleigh shook his head and added.
Luffy’s expression was stunned, and yes, they didn’t have a way to pass the windless belt. If they wanted to return to the East China Sea, they could only walk the distance they had traveled before. In this case, when they waited for them to return to the East China Sea, it was estimated that the yellow flowers would be lost. The dishes are getting cold.
” If … if you really want to go back, we can take the windless belt! ” But at this time, Robin spoke up.
” Eh? Robin, do you have a solution? ” Luffy asked in surprise.
” Yeah! ” Robin nodded, and then, under the watchful eyes of Luffy and Rayleigh, used spiritism to channel her exclusive mount, Fatty.
” This is … Reina’s psychics? ” Rayleigh had seen Reina’s psychics before, so after seeing Robin, he asked in surprise.
” Yeah! Fatty is a psychic beast left to me by my father! Usually, because I am on a boat, I have never used it! Fatty is a sea beast. Although it is still dangerous to pass through the windless belt, it is much better than sailing on our own! ‘ said Robin, nodding.
” It’s so cool … It’s so cool! Robin, you can actually do such a powerful move, it’s so cool! ” Luffy said excitedly with stars in his eyes.
” Although with its help, you may indeed reach the East China Sea … but with the two of you alone, you can’t compete with the Golden Lion’s Flying Pirates! ” Rayleigh shook his head and said.
He is not optimistic about Luffy’s return, and in addition to fighting the Golden Lion, he must also fight the navy, just Luffy and Robin, I’m afraid it won’t work at all!
Especially Robin, once she has a problem in the East China Sea, it will be a big deal, and that kid Reina will definitely go crazy.

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