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Just when Reina was discussing whether to go to Fishman Island, the World Government was also holding a meeting to discuss.
However, there were only five people who negotiated, and they were the leaders of the nominal world government — the Five Old Stars.
“I didn’t expect Kaido to be defeated in Wano country! Now not only has the information on Wano country been lost, but Nico Robin has not been captured. Do you think it is necessary to go to the Whitebeard Pirates? What measures? ” The bald-headed Five Old Stars, wearing a Taoist robe and holding a long sword, said softly.
” Nicole Robin ? It’s safe to say that her name is Bernery D. Robin! Just like that tough guy Reyna, he’s a worry! ” Wearing The five old star with a dark blue suit, long straight white hair and a long beard said with an angry face.
” What is the situation over there now? Hasn’t it gotten worse? Lord Yimu said before that it is more urgent than anything over there. If there is any problem over there, not only does our World Government need to dispatch troops, the Navy We must also cooperate fully! ” The Five Old Star, who was wearing a dark red suit, no bow tie, blond hair, golden beard, and a scar on his chest, said with a frown.
” Navy? Hmph, that guy Akainu said so nicely when he needed our support. Now that he has become a marshal, he has made so many excuses for what we ordered! I think he should be replaced sooner or later. ! ” The five old stars in Taoist robes said unhappily.
” Let the Navy handle it themselves! I believe Akainu can still distinguish the importance of it! But now Kaido of Wano country is defeated, although Reina and others participated in this, but the straw hat boy Kaido The band of thieves can’t be underestimated! ” Wearing a dark green suit, with a splayed beard and a birthmark on his forehead, Wu Laoxing said softly, sitting on the sofa.
” Okay, since things have come to this point, it’s meaningless to talk about these things! Now let’s talk about what to do in the future! The monster in Wano Kingdom didn’t wake up because of this war, and the secret of that Devil Fruit is still there. If no one is found, we still have a chance! ” The last five old star who had not spoken all the time stood up and said.
The rest of the people nodded and said, ” Then let’s start giving orders! ”
” Then just follow the plan! ” At this time, the five old stars had all got up and walked towards the outside.
After the Straw Hats united with the Whitebeard Pirates and two other supernovas to defeat the alliance of Kaido and Big Mom, the whole world seemed to be shaking.
Brother Doflamingo, who was in the Undersea Prison, read the news published in the newspaper and couldn’t help laughing loudly: “嗈嗈嗈嗈… This era is about to run wild! It’s really exciting! ugh …”
” Brother Doflamingo, no matter what this era has become, you can only stay here forever! ” Outside the prison, a dark figure said softly.
“I really didn’t expect you to be here. When the Whitebeard Pirates attacked the advancing city, you didn’t show up! ” Brother Doflaming said with a chuckle, looking at the shadow in front of him. .
” I’m just a person who was abandoned by the times, hiding here to survive. You don’t know how powerful Newgate is! It’s pointless to fight him head-on! It’s the little guy on his boat … He’s growing up a little scary now. Ah! ” The shadow sighed and replied softly.
” You’re talking about Reina! ” Doflamingo’s expression turned pale when he mentioned Reina. If it wasn’t for Reina’s target, he wouldn’t have been defeated so quickly by the Straw Hats.
” Ah ~ that little guy didn’t show such terrifying talent back then! ” Sombra said with a chuckle.
Doflamingo closed his eyes and did not continue to speak. Seeing this, Sombra left slowly.
” Damn … I was actually imprisoned at such a time, really … I really want to see the outside world! Those old guys who are hiding, they should come out one by one! ” After Shadow left, Doflamingo whispered.
On the other side, in the Chambord Islands, in Xia Qi’s small shop.
” Hehe … It seems that Luffy is getting stronger and stronger! ” Xia Qi said with a light smile while holding a lady’s cigarette and coffee.
Riley, who was sitting by the side reading the newspaper, smiled and said, ” If he wants to reach the top, he’s still a long way off! But … I believe he can! ”
” Haha … is it because you think … he inherited Roger’s will? ” Xia Qi asked curiously.
” No! ” Reilly shook his head, got up and looked out the window, and said, ” He may not inherit Roger’s will! It’s … the person we all wanted to meet, but didn’t meet! ”
” Oh? Who is it? ” Xia Qi asked curiously.
However, Rayleigh shook his head and did not continue talking. Instead, he changed the subject and said with a smile, ” But Brother Reina is really interesting. I don’t know if he has discovered the secret of Wano Country! ”
” The secret of Wano? ” Xia Qi looked at Rayleigh, she felt that she didn’t know the man in front of her at all, he seemed to have a lot of secrets.
“That ‘s right! Don’t underestimate Wano Country, that place is not easy! When Oden told us about it, we couldn’t believe it! ” Rayleigh pushed his glasses and said with a chuckle: ” There … … not a closed-off place! Their connection to the world is very deep! ”
” So why did Otian know ancient writing? ” Xia Qi thought for a while and asked.
” That’s just one of them, you’ll be surprised when you know the last secret … Joey Boy … what a great guy! ” Reilly nodded and replied.
” Joey Boy? ” Xia Qi was stunned. She was not unfamiliar with this name, but she had only heard of it, because the other party was a person from hundreds of years ago.
” Yeah! ” Reilly nodded, sat back in his seat, and continued to read the newspaper in his hand.
At the same time, just below the Chambord Archipelago, on the Fishman Island in the deep sea, Edward Newgate the Whitebeard was drinking with the King Neptune of Fishman Island.
” Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo … _ _ _ _ _
” There are rumors outside now that it is because of Mr. Reina that the Straw Hats can successfully defeat Kaido! ” Neptune said with a smile.
” Even without Reina, Kaido will definitely fail! He still doesn’t see the world clearly! Gollum …” Whitebeard said, and took another gulp of wine.
” Dad! Mr. Reina specifically explained that you can’t drink too much! ” Naga persuaded Whitebeard with a smile.
As the queen of the Naga clan, she hadn’t shown such a young daughter’s attitude for a long time.
” Idiot ~~ How could I drink too much? ” Whitebeard said with a smile.

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