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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Fishman Island, in Ryugu Castle, His Majesty Neptune is entertaining the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, the Great Pirate Whitebeard Edward Newgate .
Here, the royal family of Fishman Island attended the banquet, while the Whitebeard Pirates only had a few captains to accompany the father Whitebeard to attend.
It’s not that they don’t give face to Fishman Island, but the number of people who came this time is quite large. The banquet hall of Dragon Palace City can’t hold so many people, so in the square outside Dragon Palace City, there is a grander banquet. The residents of Fishman Island, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates, and the pirates under their command held banquets here.
” Fishman Island has not been so lively for a long time! ” Minister Zuo said with a smile.
He is the representative of Fishman Island today, and was assigned by Neptune to entertain the members of Whitebeard.
” Yeah! Thanks to Dad and the others, otherwise the idiots of the World Government will definitely spread the war to our Fishman Island! ” Minister Right also nodded and said.
He is also the representative of Fishman Island today, and together with Minister Zuo, he entertains the Whitebeard Pirates.
” Newgate! Thank you so much this time, and let you come to Fishman Island in person! ” Neptune said to Whitebeard, raising his glass.
” Gu la la la la … What nonsense are you talking about! We are friends! ” Whitebeard said with a big laugh while drinking.
” Time flies so fast! In a blink of an eye, so many years have passed! You are getting old too! Newgate! ” Although Nepton looked very energetic, he no longer had the mighty whiteness he used to have. Beard, said.
” Ah ~ it’s a new era now, our era … has come to an end, Roger, Ski, Rocks, Garp, Sengoku! There are not many people alive now! ” Whitebeard nodded . , said.
He knows his own physical condition.
Although there is pure gold, he can maintain a certain state, but he did not use the white beard of pure gold excessively, and his physical condition has deteriorated!
Maybe after another big battle, his body will reach its limit.
” Your Whitebeard Pirates plan? ” Suddenly, Neptune asked.
” Hahahaha …” Whitebeard was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting Nepton to ask such a question, then he laughed and said: ” Old man, I haven’t died so easily, you know, that little guy Reina, now But even the drinking has to be controlled! ”
Neptune also laughed and said, ” Are you going to hand over the Whitebeard Pirates to Reina in the future? He is a reassuring person! ”
” No! The Whitebeard Pirates will be disbanded with my death! They have their own lives! If Reina wants to form his own pirate group, it will depend on whether he can conquer these little guys! Whitebeard waved his hand and said, ” I am Whitebeard! The Whitebeard Pirates belong to me, but they will not be restrained! ”
Neptune understood what Whitebeard said. They are pirates, and there is no need for a pirate group that has lost its captain. If they want to continue to be together, then a new pirate group will be fine.
In this regard, pirates are different from these kingdoms.
” What about you? When are you going to abdicate to the child? ” Whitebeard glanced at Shark Star, who was taking care of the captains with Naga, and asked with a smile.
” Shark Star? He still lacks a little bit, but with Naga’s help, I can finally rest assured! The situation in the world has changed dramatically, and when the dust settles, it’s time for me to abdicate and become a sage! ” Nipton said with a smile.
” Ah ~ This era is undergoing violent turmoil! Since Roger opened the era of the great pirate, the era is about to change again! ” Whitebeard nodded and said.
” So how are we going to face the drastic changes in the times? ” Neptune asked worriedly.
” It’s very simple! ” Whitebeard smiled and said, ” If you don’t want to gain anything from it … stay in your own territory honestly, nothing will happen! But if you are caught in the whirlpool of the times , then you need to be prepared to deal with it! ”
” What are you going to do to prepare? ” Neptune asked after a moment’s thought.
” Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo shit ! That kid Reina guessed right! He said Fishman Island couldn’t just stand idly by! ” Whitebeard couldn’t help laughing when he heard Neptune’s question.
” Of course! This is an opportunity. Although it may bring the fish-man island to its knees, it is also an opportunity for the fish-man island, an opportunity for us to get rid of the dark seabed! ” I don’t know when, Naga also came over and said .
” Oh? Do you think so!? ” Whitebeard asked Naga, looking at Naga unequivocally.
” That’s right! Although I don’t know the powers and secrets of this world, Dess I know that as long as he follows the changer, then when he wins, it’s time for us to share the cake! If he fails … I’m going to suffer the pressure from the failure of the reform! ” Naga nodded and said.
” That’s strange for Reina to say that after Sharks marry you, Fishman Island will be safe for a hundred years! ” Whitebeard looked at Naga, nodded with a smile, and said, ” Your vision is indeed very good! Neptune, you fish! Good luck on the island of people! ”
” Hahaha …” Hearing Whitebeard’s compliment, Nipton couldn’t help laughing.
When Shaoxing brought those few back, their royal family convinced Naga with their strength!
Now that his son Shark has married each other, the Naga who has accepted the inheritance of the Naga Queen has indeed become more suitable for the throne than Shark.
What is even more rare is that the other party has a good temperament and is willing to assist Shark Star in managing Fishman Island, and is not greedy for power at all.
” Daddy Miao praised it! ” Naga said modestly: ” Although we can’t find a changer on Fishman Island! But I believe that we will definitely not suffer by following the Whitebeard Pirates! ”
After he finished speaking, he blinked at the white beard, showing the appearance of a naughty girl.
” Gu la la la … Our Whitebeard Pirates are forces of the old era. As you said, the reformers want to make some achievements, but we, the forces of the old era, are all his obstacles, follow us … … Aren’t you afraid to bring Fishman Island into a place of doom? ” Whitebeard asked with a smile.
” As an ordinary person, we really wouldn’t make such a big bet! After all, the fishman island is not our own fishman island, but for all the fishmen! But … as an existence that can know the future, Mr. Reina and Madam Charlie can be our beacon! ” Naga said confidently.
Whitebeard nodded, and then said: ” You are right! But if you put your fate in the hands of these so-called futures and others … it is the behavior of the weak! Only by becoming strong can you truly face great changes. time, take the initiative! ”
” Yes, Dad! ” Naga put away her smile and replied with a look.
She knew that this was not Whitebeard criticizing her, but a reminder not to be arrogant, she was shouldering a race, not the fate of any one person! Only when the ethnic group is managed powerfully can people not be ignored and speak up in the future.

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