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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Your Excellency Sengoku, can you accept our suggestion? ” Just when Sengoku and Garp were talking to each other, Reina, who had never spoken, suddenly said.
” It’s okay to exchange information with materials, but we won’t start a war now! ” Sengoku was silent for a while and said.
As the two of them spoke, the rest of the people also quieted down. Their quarrel was actually meaningless, just to keep the scene from being too embarrassing.
” Don’t start a war? ” Reina chuckled and said, ” Then why are you here? Sooner or later, you will start a war. This time, we will cooperate with you, and we can reduce your losses accordingly! Next time … But it’s hard to say! We only make such a request only if you are willing to give us materials! ”
When the Warring States heard the words, his nose almost crooked, what is this? Get cheap and sell well?
Anyway, Sengoku has made up his mind. Until the Navy regains control of the North Sea’s intelligence, it will not start it casually. Even if a war begins, it will never start a large-scale battle. Only one of Garp or Fujitora will appear. On the battlefield, and if you try to see if you can kill the opponent’s powerhouse in seconds, you will never love to fight.
They also know that those foreign visitors have some strange communication devices that seem to be able to communicate at any time regardless of distance.
But just when the negotiations were deadlocked again, a navy soldier suddenly broke in and whispered something in Sengoku’s ear.
I saw Sengoku’s face changed, and then said to Reina: “BIGMOM has sent troops! They have shot against the aliens! ”
” What? ” Not only the Navy, but also the Whitebeard Pirates were surprised.
Before Reina sent someone to verify, an intelligence officer from the Whitebeard Pirates walked in directly and reported the same information to Reina.
” Let’s go! ” Reina got up directly and said to the captains around him: ” Let’s go back right away! ”
Sengoku was amazed by Reina’s anxiety. Although BIGMOM launched a surprise attack on the aliens at this time, there is no need to be so anxious, right?
” Your Excellency Warring States, since you don’t agree with my proposal, then there is no need for us to continue the negotiation. When you think about it, please contact me again! ” Reina didn’t explain too much, and left a sentence After speaking, he took the captains and left in a hurry.
After Reina left, Staff Officer Crane knocked on the table and said, ” If that’s the case, let’s go back! It seems that BIGMOM’s surprise attack might have some consequences, otherwise Reina wouldn’t be in such a hurry to go back! ”
Warring States also nodded and said, ” That’s right, no matter what the problem is, we can go back and respond to the changes without change! ”
Speaking of the Warring States period, they also rushed to the small island where they were sitting.
When they just arrived, some intelligence personnel came to report that the foreign visitors launched a fierce attack in those days, and the front line was almost unable to resist.
” Aren’t they being attacked by BIGMOM ? Why are they still attacking us? That’s why Reina is eager to go back, right? Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, has this happened before? ” Si’s flying squirrel lieutenant, asked.
” This …” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel hesitated for a moment, then sighed and said, ” This situation has indeed happened, but I don’t know if the reason is that they were attacked elsewhere! ”
” So, how do we usually deal with this situation? ” Warring States asked, frowning.
” Let’s increase our troops first to resist. If the opponent’s offensive is too violent, we will choose to retreat to the islands behind, so that with a buffer, we can block their offensive! When there is an opportunity, we will wait for the opportunity to lose. The island is taken back! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel said directly: ” Because once they launch an offensive, we can only use human lives to fill it up, which is too unfavorable for me! ”
” So it is! ” Suddenly, Lieutenant General Crane’s mind flashed and he said, ” I understand! Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, I ask you, when they launched the offensive, were most of them ordinary warriors and the number of strong ones? Not increasing, or even decreasing? ”
Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel’s expression froze, and after thinking about it carefully, he nodded and said, ” Although I haven’t counted it, but … we have also dispatched all lieutenant generals to be the one! The opponent really doesn’t have many strong ones. Come out to stop us! But there are too many ordinary warriors on the other side, and they are not afraid of death, even the lieutenant generals, they don’t dare to be too aggressive, after all, once they are entangled by the other side’s strong men, they are likely to fall! ”
Hearing the words, Warring States seemed to have thought of something, looked at Staff He and said, ” Ah He, what do you mean … they deliberately pulled us in through this kind of battle, and then sent the strong to the attacked position? ”
” That’s right! This should be their way of expanding! ” Lieutenant General Crane pointed to the map on the table and said, ” Look, this is the territory of visitors from outside the sky. They were attacked in this direction of BIGMOM , even if they were here. We lost our territory, but we can still make up for the loss from other places, and there is even excess! The next time we try to take back the lost land, they will concentrate the strong on our side, causing us to take back the lost territory. If they don’t return the lost land, they will lose their territory elsewhere! I think this is the reason why they can expand so quickly! ”
” That’s right! ” The Warring States also nodded and said, ” And after they gathered the strong men, they sent a large number of soldiers, so that they can hold us back and prevent us from reinforcing! ”
” Then from another angle … is this also an opportunity for us? ” Fujitora, who was sitting in the main seat, suddenly said, ” Before Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel and the others couldn’t take advantage of this opportunity because of the lack of high-end combat power, but now we have We have the ability to defeat the strong opponents! Take advantage of their offensive, let’s have a beheading operation. Your Excellency Sengoku and Mr. Garp have never shown their faces, and they don’t know our strength! Then it’s up to me and the flying squirrels in the future To resist their offensive, Sengoku Lord and Mr. Karp are mixed with ordinary soldiers. After approaching their strongmen, they launch a surprise attack, maybe they can kill each other in seconds! This will not only curb their offensive, but also gain luck. Power! ”
When everyone heard the words, they looked at each other and nodded in agreement.
” It’s not too late! Garp, you and I change into ordinary warrior clothes and go to the front together! ” Sengoku thought for a while, then nodded and said.
” This time is indeed an opportunity. Sengoku, you and Garp had better choose an opponent each and strive to achieve a one-hit kill! After they understand your strength, there won’t be such a good opportunity! ” Lieutenant General Crane thought After thinking about it, he said.
” Okay! ” Sengoku and Garp nodded and replied at the same time.

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