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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Hehe … I haven’t been on the front line of the battlefield for many years! I really miss it! ” On the warship heading to the battlefield, Garp said to the Warring States beside him with a look of excitement.
” Don’t forget our mission, we haven’t been in contact with foreign visitors before, so don’t be careless! ” Warring States said with a serious look.
As veterans, they are all too familiar with the battlefield, but this time the opponent is a bit difficult, and since they have seen each other in the intelligence, they have never really fought against each other.
Soon, as the reinforcements of the navy, the large force led by Fujitora arrived at the front line of the battle, that is, the island where the navy and the aliens fought.
The entire island is very large, but now the navy has been completely suppressed by the opponent.
” Hey ~” Looking at the soldiers on the opposite side all dressed in the same way, even the former Admiral of the Warring States could not help but take a breath of air. For nothing else, the other party’s dresses that looked the same as the standard equipment, the Warring States Knowing their opponents is not easy.
But when he carefully observed it for a while, he found that the opponent’s attacking moves were not complicated, it could even be said to be a bit simple. There were just so many moves that came and went. If it was one-on-one, even the most common naval non-commissioned officers couldn’t compare to them. .
” They wear the same armor, how do you distinguish their strong ones? ” Warring States looked at Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel and asked directly.
” It’s very simple, their strong men wear different clothes, and if you look closely, you can find that they are not exactly the same. The more powerful the guy, the more complicated the armor on his body, and what appears in front of us now is only theirs. It’s just a cannon fodder-level soldier, the real powerhouse didn’t show up at all! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel shook his head and said.
” Then let their strong people show up first! ” Fujitora said softly.
” Yes, Your Excellency General! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel heard the words, nodded towards the surrounding lieutenant generals, and then those lieutenant generals jumped out at the same time and killed them in the crowd.
The actions of the lieutenant generals immediately stopped the disadvantage of the navy’s retreat, but soon, the opponent’s strong men also began to appear, even without the introduction of the flying squirrel, the first time Sengoku and Karp arrived at the front line. You can tell at a glance, because they are completely different from ordinary cannon fodder fighters.
” Those are our goals? There are quite a few! ” Sengoku said softly, looking at the sudden appearance of the enemy.
” That’s right! Their strength is similar to our lieutenant generals, but they are not afraid of death. We can’t fight with them at all! ” The flying squirrel lieutenant general said a little embarrassedly: ” So once they appear, it means that we have to Retreat, otherwise once they find an opportunity, they will probably drag our lieutenant general to death! ”
” It’s really tricky! ” Karp said with a frown.
The opponent’s strength is even worse than that of the lieutenant generals, but the middle of the navy is a little timid when fighting, and they don’t even dare to get too close to each other, because once they get close, the opponent is likely to be seriously injured. Kill a lieutenant general.
At first, the navy was very unaccustomed to it, and lost a lot of generals on the front line. Later, he gradually became familiar with the opponent’s fighting style and gradually reduced the losses.
But once there is the slightest carelessness, if they are caught by the other side, they will even kill a naval admiral with the two of them.
” How’s it going? Are we going to shoot directly … or Fujitora you come first? ” Garp asked, looking at Fujitora beside him.
They were new faces, and Garp felt a little worthless to waste on enemies of this level.
Once Fujitora makes a move, he believes that the other party will definitely follow the strong ones. When the two of them go to sneak attack, the effect may be better.
Obviously, Fujitora also understood what Karp meant, so he stepped forward, waved the bamboo sword in his hand, and a powerful slash went straight to the opponent’s strong man.
Fujitora’s attack appeared very suddenly, but the other party seemed to have known about Fujitora’s existence for a long time, so he was always guarding him.
” It’s really strange … Fujitora shouldn’t have appeared in the front-line countries for a long time, right? They still remember him! ” Sengoku said with a frown.
Logically speaking, with the suddenness of Fujitora’s attack just now, even ordinary pirates couldn’t avoid it, because even if they knew that Fujitora was an admiral of the navy, they would not believe that the admiral would take action so early.
But these days, the foreigners just avoided, which also made Karp and Sengoku’s heart sink.
” I’ll try it first! ” I originally planned to continue to wait for a stronger opponent to appear, but the performance of the opponent made Garp unable to sit still. If he made a sneak attack and the opponent could dodge it, then the problem would be very big. .
Therefore, Garp, who was wearing ordinary navy clothes, immediately mixed into the battlefield and began to approach the powerhouse on the opposite side.
With Garp’s strength, as long as you get close to the opponent and give him a little time, you can solve the opponent 100%, so when Garp moves, the surrounding lieutenants also immediately stepped forward and started to do things for Garp. cover.
On the other hand, Fujitora stepped back a little, but maintained an offensive stance. While reducing the opponent’s vigilance, he also put a certain amount of pressure on the opponent to make Garp’s sneak attack easier.
When Garp was in action, the rest of the navy cooperated skillfully without any verbal communication at all. This is the essence of the navy.
Soon, Garp unknowingly approached an extraterrestrial visitor who was fighting with the Vice Admiral.
The lieutenant general directly sold a flaw, and sure enough, the other party was fooled, and he punched the lieutenant general without fear of death, but at this moment, Garp suddenly appeared and punched the other party.
” Boom! ”
The aliens who were hit by Garp were directly knocked into the air, and at the same time, the lieutenant admirals of the navy also launched attacks, entangling their opponents and preventing them from sending reinforcements.
And the extraterrestrial visitor who was knocked away by Garp, before he could land, Garp appeared behind him again and punched him in the back.
” Kacha Kacha …” The sound of a broken sternum sounded, seeing that the other party could not survive.
Immediately after, a thin golden-yellow energy appeared from the opponent’s corpse, and then quickly entered Garp’s body.
Garp’s body was shocked, and his eyes widened, but before he could react, all the visitors from the sky began to retreat, including the strong ones who gathered together and slowly left.
” Kapp! How’s the situation? ” Although Karp’s actions broke their plan, they still saw the fact that Karp absorbed a force of luck, which was considered to have barely accomplished their goal.
” It’s weird …” Garp clenched his fists, looked at Sengoku, and said, ” I feel … I seem to be a little younger! ”
” What do you mean? ” Sengoku was a little dumbfounded, and Karp’s words made him a little confused for a while.

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