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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
After the aliens who attacked the naval island retreated, Sengoku and Fujitora did not order a pursuit, but surrounded Garp and asked him how he felt after absorbing the power of luck.
” I feel like I’m a little younger … It doesn’t seem right, but that’s what it feels like! My strength seems to have increased a lot! ” Karp himself squeezed his fist in disbelief and said.
” What do you mean? ” Warring States and the others were a little dumbfounded, looking at Garp and asking: ” Having this power of luck also has the effect of rejuvenating youth? ”
Karp shook his head, frowned and said: ” It doesn’t seem to make me younger … but … how to say it? It seems to be a little different! ”
” Could it be that … is the lifespan increased? ” Suddenly, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel said.
” Increase lifespan? ” Karp was stunned for a moment, then after feeling it carefully, he nodded and said, ” It feels a bit like, I can feel that the vitality in the body is stronger, but it is not the kind of getting younger! ”
Everyone looked at Karp in shock. If the power of luck had such an effect, it was no wonder that BIGMOM also came to the North Sea in person, and even gave up the new world.
” It’s too early to come to a conclusion. Let’s find an opportunity to kill the opponent’s powerhouse once, and try to see if the power of luck obtained can also increase life ! ”
” But why don’t we feel this way when we kill those ordinary soldiers? ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel asked a little depressed.
” Because the amount is too small! ” Karp said directly: ” You should have seen it just now, a force of luck visible to the naked eye was absorbed by me, and I only had that obvious feeling, but it didn’t increase much. ! Killing those ordinary warriors should also have this effect, but it needs to add up to a lot! ”
After confirming that the power of luck really exists, all the senior navy officials became a little excited. Sure enough, the North Sea is the most important. No wonder the Whitebeard Pirates and the BIGMOM Pirates have invested a lot here. ‘s troops.
Looking at the aliens who had basically retreated in the distance, Garp said to Sengoku and Fujitora: “While BIGMOM is attacking , we will continue to attack, how about it? Reina will definitely not miss this time. chance! ”
When Warring States heard the words, his eyes lit up, and he asked Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel beside him, ” Is there any news from BIGMOM or the Whitebeard Pirates? ”
Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel shook his head and said to the messenger beside him: ” Go and ask if there is any news about BIGMOM and the Whitebeard Pirates! ”
” Yes! ” The messenger left immediately after saluting, but soon, the messenger returned with information.
” Sir, according to our intelligence reports, the BIGMOM Pirates are still fighting with each other at this time, and the top seems to be in a stalemate, and the Whitebeard Pirates are still resisting the enemy’s attack, Chi Tong · Reina and the captains don’t seem to be shooting! ”
” Huh? ” Sengoku and Fujitora were stunned when they heard the information from the messenger.
Judging from the battle situation on their side, neither the BIGMOM Pirates nor the Whitebeard Pirates should have left the battle unresolved for so long.
They joined the battle after them, but now the battle here is over.
” Maybe those outsiders know their strength, so there are more powerhouses dispatched in the past? ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel guessed.
After all, before Fujitora and the others came over, the strength displayed by the navy was not very strong, and the other party did not know about the arrival of Fujitora and Sengoku, so they did not let more powerhouses come over, and even gave Garp a one-hit kill. Opportunity.
” It’s possible! ” Sengoku nodded and said, ” That is to say, the enemy in our direction may not be strong! But Karp showed his strength just now, and the opponent is likely to ask their headquarters for help while retreating! ”
” Yes, if we urgently need to attack now, it is very likely that we will be blocked by the opponent’s real powerhouse! ” Fujitora nodded and said.
” So … what if we go to BIGMOM now , or the Whitebeard Pirates? ” Just when everyone was about to go back and rearrange the defense here, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel suddenly suggested.
” Huh? ” Everyone looked at Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, who was a little overwhelmed.
” Hold … I ‘m sorry! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel immediately said a little embarrassedly: ” I also know what to do with pirates, some of which are not in line with our navy’s position, but … I think we don’t have a common enemy now. What? And by killing the opponent’s strong, we can also gain benefits! In this way … instead of letting them kill, it is better for us to do it ourselves! ”
” Your idea is very good! ” Warring States walked to Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, patted his shoulder, and said, ” Although we are the navy, we have a common enemy now, and we are not helping the pirates. Instead, use those pirates! So this time we will only dispatch generals above the lieutenant general! ”
Sengoku said, looked at Fujitora and Garp, and continued:
” General Fujitora , you take a part of the lieutenant generals to the BIGMOM pirates, Garp, you take a part of the lieutenant generals to the Whitebeard Pirates, your purpose is to hunt down the strong enemy, As for the others, don’t worry about it, remember not to conflict with the pirates, on the surface we are still under the banner of helping them! As for me, and Ah He and the rest of the generals will re-arrange here Fortifications! ”
” Your Excellency Sengoku, why don’t I stay and defend! Are you taking someone to BIGMOM ? ” Fujitora said after thinking about it.
If the power of luck can really increase the vitality, then obviously, the effect on the Warring States is more than him, so he will propose to let the Warring States replace him and go to BIGMOM .
However, Sengoku shook his head and said: ” We have many enemies, so don’t worry about no enemies for us to kill, and we have not fully understood the specific role of the power of luck! Garp, go to Whitebeard’s side. , it’s best to ask Ace, if you can, exchange your secret of absorbing the power of luck just now in exchange for them, they should agree! ”
When Karp heard this, he nodded and didn’t say much.
” Okay, let’s follow the plan! ” Seeing this, the Warring States ordered directly.
” Yes! ” Everyone, including Fujitora, replied loudly.
This is also in Beihai, and when the principal is Fujitora, if it is in Marin Fando, it is impossible for the Warring States to have such great power.
Soon, Garp and Fujitora took several lieutenant generals and headed towards the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates and the BIGMOM Pirates.

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