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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Because of the indiscriminate entry of the navy, the Whitebeard Pirates also ended the battle ahead of schedule.
However, although the battle was over, Garp did not leave, but found Ace and wanted to exchange it with Ace on the condition of the secret of the power of luck he absorbed.
Ace couldn’t make the decision, so he had to find Reina again and wait for Reina’s order.
” Hmph ~ What’s there to ask? That stinky boy is a little monster, a guy who always takes advantage! ” Garp didn’t like dealing with Reina, otherwise he wouldn’t go to Ace directly. , while avoiding Reina.
” Grandpa … I can’t promise you this kind of thing at all, so it must be approved by the deputy captain! ” Ace replied with a wry smile.
Karp smiled and dragged Ace to Reina, he would never make his grandson too embarrassed.
” I said old man Karp, don’t bully Ace, what do you want to know? In exchange for something, it’s not that I don’t tell you the information! ” Seeing Ace and Karp come in together, Reina knew that the other party had done it. what.
” Bastard! Is the old man that kind of person? Before coming here, our navy also killed an alien from the sky, and there was a golden luck, which was absorbed by the old man! ” Garp looked at Reina, face Said expressionlessly: ” And after absorbing the power of luck, I feel that I seem to be a little younger. Later, according to our guess, it should not be the ability to rejuvenate and rejuvenate, but to increase my vitality! ”
” Grandpa! ” After Ace heard this, he looked at Karp in surprise. The joyful expression on his face made Karp also slightly moved, and his heart was even more emotional.
“I really didn’t expect them to have the effect of increasing vitality! ” Unlike Ace, Reina thought of Whitebeard immediately.
” Deputy Captain, did we call Dad over too! ” Ace quickly responded and said to Reina.
Reina shook his head and said: ” This will be discussed in the future, you should tell Mr. Karp what kind of enhancements you have obtained! ”
” Okay! ” Ace nodded, looked at Karp, and said: ” Grandpa, I absorbed the power of luck, and I didn’t feel any enhancement, but my resistance to sea water, sea tower stone and armed color. Some enhancements! ”
Karp looked at Ace in astonishment and asked, ” What do you mean? You are no longer afraid of Hailou stone? ”
” No! ” Ace quickly shook his head and said, ” Before again, if I fell into the sea, although I wouldn’t be powerless immediately, I wouldn’t be able to use the strength at all, let alone save myself! But now … I can persist in the ocean for a while, and even if I am handcuffed by Hai Lou Shi, I can still use a little bit of power! ”
” In other words, Ace has a certain resistance to those things that restrain his ability, and he will not be like an ordinary ability person. Once he comes into contact with sea water or sea rock, he will lose his combat power completely! ” Reina He added: ” Like Aokiji, even if he touches sea water, he can still activate his abilities, and Ace is now too! ”
” That is to say … the so-called power of luck, what will increase is completely random? ” Garp said with a frown.
” It’s not completely random! ” Reina shook his head and said, ” Didn’t you find out? You are old now, and what you need most is vitality, and as an ability person, what Ace needs most is to resist those who restrain his ability. something? ”
” That is to say, these powers of luck will automatically identify what you need most, and then give you a boost? ” Karp said with a bright eye.
” Not necessarily! According to our research on the power of luck, every time this thing is obtained, the enhancements are not always the same! For example, next time you kill a 30th-level alien from the sky, the luck will be reduced. The part that the power gives you may not be vitality, but it is definitely what you need! ” Reina shook his head and replied.
” I see, so that’s what you said, no matter how many ordinary soldiers you kill, it’s hard to detect the reason for the power of luck? Because they strengthen each time in a different direction! So we can’t feel it at all. ! ” Karp said suddenly.
” That’s right! ” Reina nodded and said, ” We’ve lost a lot of money in this exchange of information. You should leave quickly. Every time I see you, there’s nothing good about it! ”
” Wow haha … stinky boy, you caused me a lot of trouble back then! ” Garp said with a big laugh.
The corners of Reina’s mouth twitched slightly, apparently referring to the past with Garp.
” By the way, since we’ve started talking, let’s talk about the level together! ” Garp said, sitting down in a careless position.
Reina had a look of helplessness and replied: ” This is you too, try someone else, and see if I can beat him! Don’t get in the way of me, Ace … hurry up and take it with you. Follow him, as long as you know what he wants to ask, you can tell him! Of course, only the information of those outsiders! ”
Seeing Reina say this, Garp didn’t talk nonsense, got up and left with Ace without saying a word.
After Karp left, Reina slowly became silent, and continued to think about the way to manage the future. The news that Karp gave just now was also very important to him. Now Whitebeard really needs vitality.
But who can guarantee that the power of luck obtained by Whitebeard must be vitality? So before he figured it out, he was not in a hurry to let Whitebeard come over. After all, only when Whitebeard appeared for the first time was the best time to kill the opponent.
And like Garp, killing an enemy is not his pursuit of Reina
He felt that it would be better to get the doctor first, because this kind of experimentation and thinking is really not what he is good at!
However, it is still a little too dangerous for the doctor, so after Reina carefully wrote down what happened here, he called the intelligence personnel and asked them to send the letter back to Xuanyue Island.
At this time, Rayner didn’t even know that Whitebeard took Dr. Sière out to relax.
After all, from the New World to the North Sea, but the sea area collapsed, even the phone bugs cultivated by the doctor did not have such a long communication distance, so he could only use the primitive method of writing letters.
It didn’t take long for Ace to come in, first to report to Reina about the conversation he had just had with Garp, and then he faltered, as if there was something he wanted to tell him.
” Just say whatever you want. We are partners, like family. I will not refuse if I can promise you, but if I can’t promise you, I will also not agree! ” Reina patted Ace on the shoulder, said with a light smile.

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