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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Seeing Ace wanting to stop talking, Reina gave him a reassurance.
So after thinking about it, Ace said directly: ” Deputy captain, can I tell Sabo the information here? ”
” Sabo? Revolutionary Army? Have you been in contact recently? ” Reina asked in surprise.
Ace nodded and said: ” I have always communicated with Sabo, but the matter on the Beihai side has not been mentioned! But now the role of the power of luck has become more and more obvious! With Sabo’s strength, it should be There is a chance to kill those powerhouses around the thirtieth level! ”
” So you’re like having Sabo come over? ” Rayner asked, rubbing his chin.
Ace nodded and replied: ” Yes, but this is just my idea. I haven’t considered whether he is willing to come over, or in what way! ”
The corners of Reina’s mouth twitched slightly and said, ” Well, you can send a letter to Sabo and ask him to come to Beihai in person. If you have anything to say, you can talk to him face to face! As for whether we will come after we come here? Cooperation, or in what form, can be discussed later! ”
When Ace heard the words, his eyes lit up, he nodded immediately, and said, ” Okay! ”
It just so happens that their brothers have not seen each other for a long time. If there is no news of Luffy now, Ace also intends to bring Luffy to the North Sea, so that their brothers can fight side by side again.
A few days later, Reina didn’t wait for Whitebeard’s reply, and Ace didn’t wait for Sabo’s reply, but BIGMOM sent someone over to ask him to negotiate and cooperate.
” By the way, sister Lingling doesn’t want to cooperate with us? Why did you send you here again? ” Looking at the lion fur warrior in front of him, Reina asked with a light smile.
” Mom didn’t say that she didn’t want to cooperate with you, but she just came to Beihai, and she didn’t know much about the situation here. No … After understanding, she sent us over immediately to seek cooperation with the Whitebeard Pirates. ? ” Baron Dandan, one of BIGMOM ‘s subordinates, said with a smile.
Reina chuckled lightly, naturally he would not believe what the other party said.
It’s just that the other party saw that the navy suddenly dispatched reinforcements, so she was afraid that Reina would cooperate with the navy, especially when Fujitora of the navy had just arrived, and invited Reina to discuss, which naturally made her nervous.
You must know that in the North Sea, the enemy is not only the aliens, but also hatred between the pirates, not to mention the natural confrontation between the pirates and the navy.
But she also knew that if the navy would choose a force to cooperate, it would definitely choose the Whitebeard Pirates, not their BIGMOM Pirates, so she hurriedly launched the offensive, which not only interrupted the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy The negotiations also gave her time to contact Reina.
So after the battle, Reina will receive an invitation from BIGMOM .
As for the purpose of BIGMOM , Reina is clear, but whether it will agree or not, Reina needs to negotiate with the captains to know, so after dismissing the other party with a few words, Reina immediately called the captain and the captains under his command together.
” I think it can. Although BIGMOM ‘s reputation is not good, it is more reassuring than working with the Navy! ” Fossa, the captain of the fifteenth division, first expressed his opinion.
Many captains also nodded and cooperated with the navy, and the other party may attack them at any time. After all, the two sides have different positions. You have to trust the other party yourself, no one can blame others.
But cooperation with BIGMOM is different. They are both pirates and have the same interests. Although it is very likely that there will be uneven distribution of spoils, both parties will definitely be very vigilant and will not be easily fooled.
As for Ace, he is naturally more willing to cooperate with the Navy, not because of Karp, but in Ace’s view, the Navy’s reputation and reputation are obviously better than BIGMOM , and both parties can be more assured if they cooperate with the Navy.
Although there are not many people who support Ace’s point of view, many captains agree with it. They are an independent pirate group and have a lot of time dealing with the navy.
Although the navy is sometimes annoying, there are many guys who really have justice in their hearts, and it is more reassuring to work with them.
Both sides have their own reasons, and neither can convince the other.
” Okay, be quiet, I know what you mean, but BIGMOM is still planning to go there tomorrow! ” Reina listened for a long time, and finally said: ” Let’s not talk about who to cooperate with, at least what BIGMOM proposed. We can listen to the conditions first! And no one stipulates that we can only cooperate with one of the forces! Our opponents are getting stronger and stronger, maybe in the end, we need people from all over the world to cooperate, maybe! ”
When the captains and captains heard the words, they all nodded and said nothing more.
” Ace, Lakyo! Come with me tomorrow! The rest of the people are always paying attention to the situation on the front line. Recently, the navy has made such a move. Those outsiders will definitely not give up, but don’t be harvested as leeks by the other party. ! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Hahaha … Deputy Captain, stop joking, just rely on those guys? Besides giving us the power of luck, how much can we do!? ”
” That is, if they hadn’t run fast, dare I not kill them! ”
Listening to the rhetoric of the captains, Reina did not say anything to make them be careful. They are all pirates for many years. Which one did not become famous in the new world after various adventures?
They all understand this kind of thing carefully. The reason why they say this is to express their bravery and strength!
Early the next morning, Reina took Ace and Rakyo to the small island that BIGMOM had made an appointment with.
” Yo ~ Smoothie, you are actually here to welcome the guests in person? Sister Lingling is really saving face! ” Seeing that Smoothie, one of the three generals, was waiting for him at the port, Reina deliberately joked.
As the daughter who is most valued by BIGMOM among the many children of BIGMOM , Smoothie’s status is not much lower than that of the eldest son Perospero, and even the same as Katakuri!
” It’s also my honor to welcome Your Excellency Chitong here! ” Smooch smiled slightly, then handed a glass of wine and replied.
” Forget it, I have something to talk about with Sister Lingling later, so let’s stop drinking! ” Reina shook his head and refused.
After all, as a person who can squeeze fruit, you don’t even know what kind of creature the origin of the drink in Smoothie’s hands is.
Smoothie didn’t take it seriously, drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and then walked towards the center of the island with Reina and others, where BIGMOM had been waiting for a long time.
” Sister Lingling, aren’t you planning to have a tea party here? ” When Reina arrived, he found that the center of the island had been completely arranged into a garden, with food and drinks singing and dancing everywhere, just like BIGMOM on the cake island. The same as the tea party venue.

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