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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Looking at the scene like a tea party, Reina suddenly became vigilant.
Because there are no representatives of the navy here, some leaders who resist the forces of the aliens from outside have already sat here.
” Well ~ Well ~ Reina! Your kid is finally here, hurry up, come and sit down! ” BIGMOM saw Reina, laughed and looked for his hand, and let him sit beside him.
” Sister Lingling, it’s not easy for you to attend this banquet! ” After Rainer’s expression changed, he nodded to Ace and Lakyo beside him without leaving a trace, and then walked towards BIGMOM with a smile on his face .
” Well … it’s not aimed at you! But I think … about the Beihai side, it’s time to make a decision! ” Although BIGMOM still had a smile on his face, his words were full of murderous intent. .
Reina immediately understood what BIGMOM meant. She wanted to run the North Sea as a new world.
” Sister Lingling … this is not the same as the new world … how different! Have you ever thought about how to resist those foreign visitors? ” Reina sat down and asked BIGMOM .
” Well , well … these are not problems. With the two of us, the four emperors, can’t we solve those clowns who jumped on the beam? ” BIGMOM said with a strange smile.
Reina heard the words, shook his head with a smile, got up and planned to leave.
Seeing that Reina got up and left without saying a word, BIGMOM ‘s smile froze directly on his face.
” Hey … Reina … what do you mean? ” BIGMOM said with a gloomy expression after Reina had walked a few steps .
“BIGMOM… If you hold such an idiot’s idea, then I don’t think it is necessary to talk to you any more! ” Reina shook his head and said: ” Don’t you want a territory? If you want, we Whitebeards I can give you the current site of the pirates, as long as you can hold it! I can guarantee that within a month, you will beg me to take back the site! ”
After Reina finished speaking, he left with Ace and the others.
” Deputy captain, if we leave like this, will we offend BIGMOM ? ” Ace said worriedly.
” Offend her? If we get together with her, we are afraid that we will not be far away from defeat, so if we offend, we will offend, it doesn’t matter! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
” That’s right, I really didn’t expect that BIGMOM would be so short-sighted, and still want to be the king here! ” Lakyo also chuckled and said with a bit of sarcasm: ” She hasn’t figured it out at all, those foreign guests How powerful is it! If those foreigners are willing to only target any of our forces, even the current navy, they have the ability to destroy them! ”
For Lakyo’s statement, both Reina and Ace agree.
The reason why the other party did not expand so madly is because there are many forces in the North Sea, and there are also many strong ones. If they are desperate, they will definitely give other people a chance. Their enemies are not just any power, but One Piece this world.
But even if, as a whole, those foreign visitors can still suppress them, and they continue to expand outwards during this period of time, and when they accumulate enough strength, that is when they really go to war, and then they will There is no way out but all united.
And Reina believes that for so long, those foreign visitors have definitely figured out their details, and also know that they are not monolithic, otherwise they would not choose to divide the area when they attack, and it happens that they are divided according to their sphere of influence. .
If BIGMOM wants to crowd out other forces and occupy the North Sea by itself, then Reina and the others will not be required to take action. Those outsiders will be ecstatic, and teach BIGMOM a lesson, telling her what it means to be truly powerful.
On BIGMOM ‘s side, Reina’s sudden departure cooled down the atmosphere of the entire banquet. The leaders of the major forces invited by BIGMOM did not dare to let out the air, for fear that they would annoy BIGMOM and become her punching bag.
” Well , well, well~~ Forget it , since they don’t want to join the Whitebeard Pirates, then we won’t take them, and in the future, they will naturally know what they have missed, that kid Reina, there is still no Newgate. Brilliant ! ” Seeing the cold scene of the banquet, BIGMOM suppressed the anger in his heart and pretended to be relaxed.
Seeing BIGMOM ‘s smiling face, the atmosphere at the banquet eased a little, and the leaders of the various forces breathed a sigh of relief and began to chat and laugh again with the activity of the food and drinks.
” Mom! If the Whitebeard Pirates don’t join, then it’s really hard for us to resist the attacks of those extraterrestrial visitors! Although they also occupy the territory of the forces that came over today, they are very reluctant to resist those extraterrestrial visitors. , once we annex them, it means that our defense area will become larger, so we may not be able to bear it! ” After the banquet was over, Smoothie said with a worried look.
BIGMOM had a gloomy face, slapped the cake next to him and said angrily, ” It’s all to blame for that idiot Reina, he really doesn’t know how to lift things up, does he think that he can live in peace with the navy’s thigh? ? The navy and the pirates … are inherently antagonistic, he has forgotten his identity! It seems that Newgate is indeed old …”
BIGMOM said, with anger and hatred flashing in his eyes.
Smoothie and others lowered their heads and did not speak.
At this time, no one dared to speak up, because the angry BIGMOM was not their mother, but their captain!
After a while, VC Ai slowly calmed down, and then directly said to Smoothie: ” Smooch, notify Katakuri, let him come to the North Sea, and hand over the cake island to Snug! ”
” Snag? ” Smoothie was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and replied, ” Yes, Mom! ”
Charlotte Snag, one of the original Dessert Four Stars, was removed from the position of the star by Snug after he was defeated by a monster that was one of Luffy’s supernovas .
Now that she has put Snug in charge of Cake Island, she obviously intends to restore Snug’s status as a general star.
However, if Katakuri is also transferred to the North Sea, then the three generals will all come to the North Sea, and the New World will probably be a little out of reach with a single Snag.
It’s just that Smoothie also knows that now is not the time to give opinions, so she can only do what her mother says first, and then give her opinions when her mother is in a good mood.
At most, I will let Katakuri run for a while, but for the site of the new world, it will not be so easy to have problems.

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