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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
“I really didn’t expect that the Navy would send Sengoku and Garp to the North Sea! But this is worth noting. Use our spy in the Navy to find out why the Navy sent people to the North Sea! ” Marko looked at the letter in the middle. Said to Frank beside him.
The letter in his hand was sent by Reina.
” Okay, I’ll arrange it right away! ” Frank nodded and said.
” Before this, there is still some news that must be known to Dad. See the original of the letter and send it to Liliana Island, and give it to Dad to see it in person! ” Marko repackaged the letter he had read and handed it to Frank , said.
Frank nodded and asked, ” Is it possible for Dad to come back? He has been out for a long time. According to the deputy captain, it seems very necessary for Dad to go to the North Sea to gain vitality! ”
” Let Daddy decide for himself! Anyway, Reina made it very clear in the letter, but I guess Daddy will probably go to Beihai! It’s not because of vitality, but because the new world is too calm and peaceful. It’s a bit boring, only going to the North Sea can make people’s blood rush! ” Marko said with a chuckle.
” That’s ok, just … If Dad also went to Beihai, what would we do in the New World? ” Frank said with a bit of melancholy.
He can’t bear to be in the new world.
” Hahaha … What kind of territory is there? We are pirates, and pirates should be free, not trapped to death by the territory! ” Marco laughed and said: ” As long as the people here believe us, then the territory here is us. Yes! ”
Frank was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, ” Captain Marko can see clearly! ”
” Maybe we really have to go to Beihai in the future! There are not many people who believe in the power of luck now. When it becomes public news in the future, it is estimated that there will be no place to go to Beihai! ” Mal Ke said with a smile.
” Speaking of which … what about Xuanyue Island? ” Frank asked suddenly.
After staying here for so long, he has long regarded this place as his home. If he wants to give up Xuanyue Island, it will be too reluctant to bear!
Marko’s face darkened and he said, ” Are you an idiot? How much resources did we invest in Xuanyue Island? How could we give up? ”
” But you can’t take it to Xuanyue Island! If you put it in the new world, if someone takes it away, it will be a big loss! ” Frank naturally knew the value of Xuanyue Island, but they all went to the North Sea. Left to guard Xuanyue Island?
There are too few people left behind to stop the vicious pirates in the new world, but if there are too many people left behind, what is the difference now?
” Have you forgotten? Xuanyue Island is capable of diving! When the time comes, you can find a location and sink directly to the bottom of the sea. Who else can find it? ” Marko said with a smile.
” But what about the residents of the island? They can’t stay at the bottom of the sea forever! And it’s unrealistic to send them away. Most of them are our own people, and many of them are our family members! ” Frank said worriedly.
” This …” Marco touched his chin, and there was no good way for a while. It would definitely be unrealistic to bring Xuanyue Island to the North Sea. First of all, it is too far away, and it needs to consume too much energy.
Secondly, even if you want to pass, you can only go through the windless belt, and the windless belt is not so easy to pass through as the lair of the sea kings. Even if the sea floor stone is installed on the bottom of the ship, it may be destroyed by the sea kings, let alone. It is said that there is no Xuanyue Island with Hailou stone installed.
So Marco and Frank discussed it for a while, but they didn’t come up with any solution at all, so they had to wait for Whitebeard to come back and deal with the matter here.
Unlike Marco, Sabo, who received the news from Ace, although he was the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army, let go of his work immediately and rushed to the North Sea at the fastest speed.
Although Ace had already said in the letter that he went to the North Sea in the hope that he could participate in the battle against the aliens, but in Sabo’s view, if there was no need for his help, Ace would definitely not speak.
Sabo has recovered his memory, but he knows his brother quite well, and Ace is not a character who will ask for help.
So he took it for granted that Ace had suffered some setbacks on the North Sea side, and hoped that Sabo would help in the past.
On the other hand, although he did not take advantage of the Whitebeard Pirates’ territory, Garp, who exchanged a lot of important information, brought the information back to the navy. Were studied.
When Reina went to BIGMOM to attend the banquet, the navy had already come to the conclusion that if BIGMOM was only looking for Reina to join forces, then they would not ignore the strength of the navy, especially after the three people from the Warring States came over, the navy was here. is already very powerful.
And if BIGMOM wanted to unify the North Sea, Reina would never agree.
But it’s not that the interests of the two sides are in conflict, but after their research, they found that the whole world underestimates the strength of those foreign visitors. If the other party is really serious, even the navy can’t resist it.
Only when the whole world unites can we truly defeat each other.
” Haha … as we guessed, after Reina went to the island, he immediately fell out with BIGMOM ! ” Sengoku looked at the information in his hand and said with a chuckle: ” That old woman has no idea what she is facing. enemy! ”
” Then do we need to contact Reina? ” Staff Officer Crane knocked on the table and said, ” With our strength alone, we cannot counterattack the other side. Unless Sakaski devotes all his naval forces to the North Sea, we will With the current strength, I can only protect myself! ”
” So you even joined Reina? ” Sengoku was stunned, looked at Staff Officer He, and asked: ” After I got the news from Karp, I think Whitebeard should have come to Beihai! With their strength, there is no It is necessary to unite us! ”
” It’s not a union, it’s just a set of rules, we don’t fight each other! ” Staff Officer He said with a smile: ” At present, we still need to further understand the power of luck and those outsiders. There is a BIGMOM here. Forget about making trouble, if the Whitebeard Pirates also target us, then our situation in the North Sea will not be good! ”
” So did you reach a non-interference treaty with them? ” Sengoku’s eyes flashed, and after thinking carefully for a while, he looked at Fujitora and asked, ” General Fujitora, what do you think, after all, you are the principal here. people! ”
A smile appeared on Fujitora’s face, and he said, “The two of you are much more capable than me, so it’s fine for you to discuss these matters, but if you make a decision, you need to notify me, and then I will implement it! “

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