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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Really … where is it exposed? ” Reina said with some annoyance as he rode on the back of the hard shell and looked at the alien visitors on the island not far away.
He approached from underwater in a hard shell, but when he emerged from the water, he found that the other party seemed to have been waiting here for a long time.
So he had no plans to land on the island at all.
With the speed of the opponent’s reinforcements, he is likely to be surrounded by the opponent after he goes ashore.
Circling around the island, Reina let the hard shell dive into the bottom of the sea again before the other party’s water troops arrived, disappearing from the eyes of those extraterrestrial visitors.
” How the hell did you find me? ” On the way back, Reina still felt puzzled. He confirmed with the sight and hearing that there was no other life force reaction around except those fishes, which made him a hundred times. Can’t figure it out.
Back on the island, Reina explained the matter again, but Ace and the others were a little surprised.
” They must have something we don’t know about! ” Fossa said with a serious look.
” Bullshit! ” Reina rolled his eyes and said, “The last time I heard such an idiot’s speech was the last time! ”
Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they all burst into laughter, such a wonderful nonsense.
Even Fossa himself, after reacting, laughed embarrassedly.
” In short, we have to figure out the other party’s ability, otherwise we will be too passive in the future! ” After everyone finished laughing, Reina continued.
” That’s right, no wonder they can always launch large-scale team battles, but it’s like knowing our arrangements. Once a strong person appears, their people will immediately reinforce! ” Ace also nodded and said.
This is also the reason why it is difficult for them to kill the opponent’s powerhouses above level 30, because they are rarely single, and they will not give them the opportunity to ambush. As long as the powerhouses appear in front of them, they will always pay attention to them. Same.
If they don’t know how they got the information, then their future battles will be quite passive, especially when their side is not monolithic.
” They don’t seem to have this kind of attention to people who haven’t appeared before, what if we try disguise? ” another captain suggested.
” Also, everyone thinks about a few more plans, and then try to test them one by one. We can always find a way. Maybe inadvertently, we can know what means they used! ” Reina nodded and replied.
” When it comes to intelligence capabilities, the BIGMOM Pirates are more powerful, but unfortunately the other party is not the same as us! ” Ace shook his head and said.
” It doesn’t make sense to say this now. We don’t need to care about BIGMOM , but the Navy. Have they been silent recently? The Navy couldn’t know what BIGMOM invited everyone to do! ” Reina said with a frown.
The captain of the sixth division, Bramanke, shook his head and said: “The navy has been very quiet recently. They don’t seem to be doing anything except to defend against the aliens as usual! ”
” Haha … If it was before, the navy’s behavior was normal, but after the Warring States and the others arrived, it’s still like this, it’s a bit abnormal! They should be planning something! ” Reina touched his chin and said: ” Go on, everyone has cheered up recently. Our enemies are not just visitors from heaven! ”
” Understood! ” The captains all nodded to show their understanding!
After the meeting was over, Reina returned to the room alone.
Opened his attribute interface, looked at his points, and finally had enough points to buy the trial roll.
After killing extraterrestrial visitors here to get points, he rarely climbed the Tower of Trials again, so some of the points he had accumulated were all spent on the Tower of Trials.
However, because he did not repeat the climbing, he climbed the tower much faster. Now that he has passed the forty-ninth floor, the next time he enters, he will face the gatekeeper on the fiftieth floor.
He intends to climb again after defeating the gatekeeper on the fiftieth floor. While gaining some points, it is also a kind of experience for himself.
“To buy the test roll, you need 10,000 points. Do you want to buy it? ”
Reina did not hesitate, and directly purchased a trial volume, which once again turned his points into double digits.
” Hu ~” Taking a deep breath, Reina directly opened the trial scroll.
” Huh! ”
Reina’s body disappeared directly from the place.
When he opened his eyes again, he had come to the trial ground.
After choosing to continue the challenge, Reina went directly to the fiftieth floor.
A gatekeeper who looked exactly like him appeared in front of him.
Seeing the other party open his eyes, the kaleidoscope in his eye sockets, Reina breathed a sigh of relief, but his body also began to tense.
Every time you meet a gatekeeper, you will gain an ability or improve an ability compared to the last encounter.
The gatekeeper on the 40th floor has a kaleidoscope. Now the other party is still a kaleidoscope, which also makes Reina relieved. If the other party evolves into an eternal kaleidoscope, then his own suppression of the kaleidoscope will be played. It works.
Just when Reina was trying to find out what kind of ability the other party evolved, the other party gave the answer directly!
” Swish! ” The Binglun Pill in the gatekeeper’s hand swung straight away, causing Reina’s mouth to twitch involuntarily.
The gatekeeper on the 40th floor has the abilities of kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, Shijie Binglun pill, six types of navy, three-color domineering, etc. But now the gatekeeper on the 50th floor has directly used the Swastika Binglun pill.
That is to say, the ability of the opponent’s ice wheel pill has been enhanced.
” If there is only this change … then I’m welcome! ” Reina’s eyes flashed, and the fine iron long sword in his hand pulled a sword flower, and attacked the opponent directly.
But as soon as the long sword in Reina’s hand came into contact with the opponent’s Hirinmaru, his expression changed and he immediately retreated.
” The ability of the Black Emperor! ” Reina said with a wry smile.
In the contact just now, he had already felt that the impact of his attack completely disappeared, and it was obviously absorbed by the other party.
For himself with the ability of the Black Emperor, he is all too familiar with this ability.
It was the ability of the Black Emperor that gave him the foundation of his standing, otherwise he would not have known how many times he would have died.
” Hu ~” He took a deep breath again, and he knew that the 50th level wasn’t so easy to pass, but now he wouldn’t back down.
” When! ”
When the two fought again, even though they both possessed the ability of the Black Emperor, the overflowing energy still swept across the entire 50th floor.

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