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After Reina had dealt with the two enemies, the alien who was fighting Hirinmaru had long since disappeared.
The other party chose to retreat when Reina dealt with the first alien from the sky.
Although Reina appeared for a short time just now, and it didn’t take long to solve the opponent, it was enough for the opponent to escape.
If Reina chooses to pursue at this time, he can still catch up with the opponent, but the opponent has the kind of communication ability similar to the Internet. If he chases at this time, once he encounters reinforcements from the opponent, it will be very troublesome.
So this time, relying on the sneak attack, he was very satisfied that he could deal with two enemies who were close to level 30.
Don’t look at Reina’s defeat of two captain-level forces in a short period of time, but it’s actually not that simple.
First of all, the opponent’s strength, even if compared to the weakest captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, is definitely not as good, which means that the opponent’s level has not reached level 30.
The second is that when they just met, Reina was able to quickly solve the first enemy, thanks to the ability of the Black Emperor after the promotion.
After absorbing the impact of the second alien from the sky, he released it in an instant, and with his original strength, he directly hit the first alien from the sky, directly causing a fatal blow to the opponent. A fight.
That’s where the seemingly simple battle comes after.
If at the beginning, the first enemy cannot be quickly resolved, once they converge and start a battle, then Reina is really not easy to start, and the battle will definitely not be the one-sided situation it is now.
” Yes … it’s a pirate, Akahito Reina ! It’s the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, a big pirate … Akahito Reina! ”
At this time, the surrounding navy soldiers reacted, and the person who suddenly appeared on the battlefield was the great pirate, Chi Tong Reina .
However, Reina ignored the navy and looked around. After absorbing the power of luck that appeared from the two waves, he greeted Bing Lun Maru and left directly.
As for the remaining visitors from the sky, they will be handed over to the navy. Without the strong people sitting in the town, the navy of this small island should be easily recovered.
After Reina left, the lieutenant general of the headquarters in charge of the command asked someone to pass the information back with a livid face.
His mission was to come and train the newly arrived navy soldiers, firstly, to make them adapt to the fighting style of those foreigners, and secondly, to let them see blood and adapt to the battle here.
Unexpectedly, Reina suddenly jumped out and used them to kill two powerhouses who came from outside the sky in an instant, and in front of them, absorbed two powers of luck.
Regarding the importance of the power of luck, as a lieutenant general, he naturally understands.
Now that he was snatched by Reina, his face was naturally ugly.
And those navy soldiers thought it was Reina who stole the limelight from the lieutenant general, so he made the lieutenant general unhappy.
Reina, who absorbed the power of luck, returned to the back of the hard shell, and then let it carry him forward.
” This feeling … It seems that there is no enhancement! ” Reina lay on the reclining chair and carefully felt the situation in his body, but did not find any enhancement.
He is not an able person, there is no place to be restrained, nor is he an old man like Garp and Whitebeard, who has passed the peak of his body, so in these two aspects, he feels that he has not increased in any way.
But he also knew that the power of luck must have enhanced him in a certain way, but he didn’t know it yet.
With this harvest, Reina planned to carry out the sneak attack to the end. After leaving the sphere of influence of the navy, he went to the site of the BIGMOM Pirates again, but he never had the same opportunity as before.
Originally, the scope of the small island was not large, and the foreign visitors stationed on it were not strong, and the strength of the people sent by the navy was not strong, so it gave Reina a very good environment for sneak attacks.
However , the BIGMOM pirate group’s territory, the island where the battle is taking place, the smallest is more than four or five times larger than the previous island, and the number of powerhouses on it is more, which also makes Reina’s sneak attack more difficult. .
However, after spending some time turning around, Reina planned to go back. It wasn’t that there was no chance, but Sabo arrived, so Ace called Reina’s phone bug and asked him to go back. .
In the past few days of battle, although Reina did not absorb the power of luck again, it made him more proficient in mastering the ability of the black emperor after the promotion, and he seemed to know which power of luck gave him. enhancements.
The first is about ninjutsu. When he uses ninjutsu, his power is not comparable to that of Naruto, not even Robin.
But after absorbing the power of luck this time, he felt that his ninjutsu power seemed to have improved a little.
Moreover, when using Hirinwan Maru and Senbon Sakura, he felt that the power has also increased, but when using Domineering, there is no change.
So Reina guessed that the two powers of luck, did this world have some recognition of the power he possessed that did not belong to this world?
This allowed him to regain some of the abilities he should have had.
If nothing else, if the illusion brought by Sharinyan can really be used in the world of One Piece, Reina feels that he is invincible, at least no one can beat him one-on-one.
Besides, if all the power of Hingrenmaru in “The Grim Reaper” was released, Reina would freeze a small island, it would be an easy matter, not to mention Qianben Sakura.
If he can reach the level in “Death”, the final scene before him, the White Emperor Sword, is estimated to have disappeared long ago.
After figuring out what he had achieved, and also familiar with the abilities of the Black Emperor after he was promoted, Reina also felt that it was time to go back, because if he continued to sway like this, whether it was the Navy or BIGMOM , it was estimated that he would be in trouble.
Sabo was drinking and chatting with Ace when Rayner returned to the island controlled by Whitebeard.
Seeing Reina coming in, both of them got up and greeted Reina.
” Your Excellency Reina, long time no see, the leader asked me to take him to greet you! ” Sabo saluted Reina and said.
” Don’t be too polite, you and Ace are brothers, our family! And that kid Luffy is also Robin’s captain! ” Reina waved his hand and said with a smile.
Sabo smiled and said nothing more.
” By the way, Ace, did you tell Sabo what happened here? ” Reina asked after taking a seat and drinking a glass of ale.
” I’ve already said it, but this kid doesn’t seem to believe it! ” Ace replied with a smile.

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