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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Sabo, what do you think about the visitors from the outside world? ” Reina asked after thinking about it.
Sabo was stunned for a moment, but did not answer directly, but thought for a while, and said: ” At present, those so-called aliens only appear on the Beihai side, and the area here has been blocked by the navy, so there is actually very little information leaked out! We have also had discussions internally, and we think it is necessary to contact each other, but there is no good way yet! ”
Sabo’s answer revealed a lot of information, which was also asked by Reina. If it was another person, he would not answer like this.
First of all, his words concealed the attitude of the revolutionary army towards foreigners. Don’t underestimate these. The revolutionary army is also a huge force, and some of their decisions can even affect the direction of the world.
Secondly, he also expressed his appeal to Reina. After all, the Whitebeard Pirates were among the forces blocking the North Sea.
” Alas …” Reina exhaled too much and said, “I didn’t expect that even your revolutionary army would have such an attitude! ”
” Huh? Uncle Reina, is there something wrong? ” Sabo looked at the other party in surprise.
He can guarantee that the other party will definitely understand the hidden information in his words.
But he couldn’t guarantee whether Reina’s words were a test to him or a rejection of him.
After all, before Reina came back, Ace had already told him a lot about the benefits of killing aliens.
If it was himself, if the revolutionary army discovered such a good place, he would not necessarily let others come and share the benefits.
Reina smiled, obviously, Sabo misunderstood what he meant.
But Reina was in no hurry, and planned to let Ace take Sabo to stay here for a few days first, and the other party would naturally understand without his explanation.
” Well, I won’t say anything to you now, you stay here for a few more days! Ace, Sabo will be with you these days, you can go to the front line if it’s all right, and Sabo has just arrived, those days outsiders don’t know. His strength, maybe you can still gain something! On the first day, call the captains and let them cover for Sabo! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
” Okay! The deputy captain is on guard, a big fish will be dropped by then! ” Ace said with a smile on his face.
Only Sabo was confused and didn’t understand the purpose of Reina’s arrangement.
” Don’t worry, Sabo! Take a good look these days, observe and feel carefully! ” Reina shook his head without explaining, but pointed to the map on the table and said, ” This red one is the one where the visitors from the sky are in the Beihai now. The distribution of forces, do you see anything? ”
” This …” Sabo had noticed the map on the table for a long time, but he didn’t understand many things, especially the red alien forces, which seemed to be expanding very strongly.
” After a few days, you will understand. When you look at this map again, you will understand what I want to say! After you understand the situation here, let’s talk! ” Reina said softly.
” Okay! ” Sabo nodded, he understood that Reina was taking care of him. If he talked to him when he didn’t know anything, obviously no matter what the other party’s purpose was, it would be easier to succeed.
A few days later, after following Ace to the front line a few times, Sabo finally understood the situation in the entire North Sea, and he was also ashamed of what he thought when he first arrived.
Now he doesn’t even need Reina to explain anything to him, he already understands a lot himself.
Because every time he went out to fight, Ace would be with him, even with the cover of the captains, but even so, except for the first time he stepped out, he severely injured a level 30 strong opponent. Neither has a good record.
However, the changes on the battlefield and the situation here, the captains will explain to him while fighting, and even a lot of information that the navy does not know, they have told Sabo.
As Sabo appeared on the battlefield for longer and longer, he also quickly integrated into the battle here. The revolutionary army was better at this kind of positional warfare than their pirates, so Sabo’s performance became more and more Two eyes, even through his command, almost left a 30-level powerhouse behind, which made the captains have a better sense of him.
On this day, Sabo followed Ace back to the station from the battlefield again. While drinking with the captains, Reina found him.
” Sabo, how are you feeling these days? ” Reina asked Sabo with a chuckle, handing the bottle to Sabo.
” It’s very fulfilling and very happy! The strength of those foreign visitors is somewhat beyond my expectations. I really didn’t expect that there would be so many strong people! ” Sabo nodded and replied.
” So now you understand the situation here? ” Reina asked with a smile.
” Of course, I’ll report back to the leader when I go back and ask him to send someone over to stay in Beihai for a long time! After all, we are the masters of this world! ” Sabo nodded and replied seriously.
This is no ordinary war. It is an exaggeration to say that if the North Sea is lost, the entire world will shake, and it may even lead to the destruction of the entire world. This is more important than the Tianlong people, the navy, and the world government.
” You can understand! Also, do you know why we keep trying to hunt down the opponent’s level 30 powerhouse? ” Reina asked, looking at the calm Sabo.
Compared with Ace, Sabo, who has always lived in the revolutionary army, is better in terms of the overall situation and the battlefield, and he is more stable in his actions.
Of course, these are all comparisons to Ace, compared to a truly calm person … he is a funny comparison!
” Huh? ” Sure enough, after hearing Reina’s question, Sabo looked puzzled and said, ” Isn’t it normal to kill the strong enemy? ”
Reina smiled slightly and asked back: ” It’s true, but don’t you feel that the captains are extraordinarily hard at killing the opponents? ”
Hearing Reina’s question, Sabo also fell into his thoughts. Naturally, he had already discovered this kind of thing, but because he had not been in contact with the captains, he did not know the reason. He thought that the Whitebeard Pirates were this atmosphere,
But now that Reyna is asking, it is clear that the answer must be something different.
” Is there any special reason? ” Sabo asked in surprise.
” Hey … yes, that’s why we’re so positive! ” Lakjoo said with a weird laugh.
Because Sabo is Ace’s brother, and the cooperation between Sabo and them has been very good these days, and Reina also said that there is no need to hide anything from him, so Lakjoo said this.

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