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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Looking at the smiling captains, Sabo was stunned for a moment. He really didn’t understand what role those foreign visitors could have. Let the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates look like this.
” Sabo, this is very confidential information. When the Navy came to us to exchange, we extorted a lot of materials! ” Ace said with a smile: ” By the way, how much do you know about the power of luck? ”
” The power of luck? What is that? ” Sabo asked curiously.
” Eh? You don’t know the power of luck? I remember that it made a national headline in the News of the World, right? The navy also officially notified the world! ” Reina frowned and said.
” Yes … Is it? ” Sabo touched his head a little embarrassedly and said: ” We don’t pay attention to the country, and you also said that it was released by the Navy. It is estimated that even the leader just glanced at it. ! ”
Reina was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted. No wonder the news has been out for so long, but apart from the navy and BIGMOM who already knew the news , no one came to Beihai. Even the Beast Pirates saw them coming. Just sent some people over to occupy a pit.
If it weren’t for being beaten too badly, Kaido would not be able to hang on to his face. At this time, Kaido would probably have forgotten about the Beihai side.
” So it is! ” Reina nodded and said: ” Actually, the so-called power of luck is the ability that the planet we are on now gives us! ”
Reina briefly explained the power of luck to Sabo.
Then Sabo was shocked.
” In other words, the aliens we killed can absorb something called the power of luck? But why don’t I feel anything? ” Sabo didn’t know how to describe the shock in his heart for a while.
” That’s because the strength of the enemy is different! They came to our world to capture the power of our planet’s luck. The stronger the strength, the more they will capture after they come! In addition, they expand and occupy us. The site of the planet can also take the power of luck! So when we kill them, we can also get the power of luck, the stronger the strength, the more the power of luck! ”
” According to our observations, the power of luck released by the powerhouses above level 25 is already visible to the naked eye after being killed by us! Killing such an enemy, we can also feel the energy produced by our body. Change! But if you kill their ordinary soldiers, you will get too little power of luck, and the change to us can’t be noticed by us at all! ”
Reina explained in detail.
” But … if killing ordinary soldiers can also gain the power of luck, shouldn’t the long-term accumulation also make me feel the change? Although I haven’t been here for a long time, I have also killed a lot of people. Enemies! ” Sabo asked in confusion.
” Because every power of luck has already changed your body when you get it, but it’s too small and weak, so you can’t feel it at all! What’s more important is every piece of luck. The power of the power may cause different changes to your body, so it will be difficult for you to wipe your senses until you reach a qualitative change! ” Ace stood up and explained to his brother:
” Before I killed a powerhouse of about 30th level, and then absorbed a force of luck that was visible to the naked eye, which increased my resistance to the power of those who restrained the ability such as sea water and Hailoushi. ! ”
” It’s actually possible to increase such abilities? ” Sabo said in a stunned manner.
” There are even more exaggerated ones! ” Reina said with a smile: ” Cape, the hero of the navy, you should be familiar with it, right? ”
Sabo glanced at Ace, nodded and said, ” Well, Ace, Luffy, and I were taken care of by Mr. Garp when we were young! ”
” After he absorbed a force of luck, his vitality increased! Do you know what this means? It means that the peak period of that old bastard Karp has been extended! ” Reina said with a wry smile.
” Vitality? ” Sabo was taken aback. If this news got out, he could imagine that Beihai would definitely be overcrowded.
” That’s right, before you came here, I also killed two enemies above level 25, and the effect I got was … enhanced my abilities! ” Reina said with a smile.
” What? ” This time it wasn’t just Sabo, the captains all looked at Reina in amazement, they didn’t know about it.
Reina explained the matter with a smile, and after hearing that Reina had sneaked into the navy and used the navy to kill the alien from the sky, many captains were a little moved.
” This kind of thing depends on luck. I also ran a lot of places and just killed two enemies! ” Reina shrugged and said.
” Don’t say two, one is fine! I haven’t absorbed that kind of visible power of luck! ” Lakyo said with some envy.
” Anyway, Hardshell and Yoyo are nearby. If you want, go find them yourself and let them take you there! But our station can’t be lost, so we can only go with two people at a time. You can negotiate by yourself! If I make such a fuss, whether it is the Navy or BIGMOM , it is estimated that they will be on guard! So you may not be able to succeed. ” Reina said with a smile.
” That’s right, since you’ve already done this, then we have to prevent them from doing the same! Recently, everyone should not go out, and every time they go to the front line, at least one or two captains need to hide in the dark, if they really If you want to make trouble and steal people’s heads, let them steal chickens without losing money! ” Lakeyo said with a flash of light in his eyes.
” That’s right, maybe we can pick up the leaks instead! ” Reina nodded, agreeing with Lakeyo’s proposal.
” Anyway, everyone should be careful these days, but don’t be a stepping stone for others! ” Ace said with a smile.
The crowd was naturally hilarious.
However, Sabo did not participate, and he was still digesting the news he had just obtained from Reina.
After the captains all left, Sabo said to Reina: ” I don’t know Mr. Reina, what kind of news do you want me to send back? ”
During the time just now, he had already considered everything clearly. Although Ace invited him to come here, it should have been instructed by Reina, and it was indeed not harmful to him, so Ace invited him. Come by yourself.
Reina also sighed a little. It is not bad that he is the second-in-command of the revolutionary army. He has already seen things clearly in such a short time. In this regard, Ace is no match for him.
” I don’t mean to deceive, you just need to tell Drago what you have seen and heard! ” Reina shook his head and said, ” If he decides to come to Beihai, then we can cooperate, of course. How to cooperate, we need to discuss at that time! If he doesn’t want to come, there is no problem! “

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