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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
When Kaido the Beasts and Edward Newgate the Whitebeard came to the North Sea one after another, the whole world felt a little crazy. Three of the Four Emperor Pirates actually gathered in the North Sea.
This time, even if the navy wants to block the news, it can’t do it.
And with the passage of time, rumors about the power of luck have also spread, and major forces around the world have begun to focus on the North Sea. The tourists from outside the North Sea are even more popular.
Moreover, because of the influx of a large number of foreign personnel, it was not easy to divide up the forces in the North Sea region, and ushered in a major purge, but these have nothing to do with the Whitebeard Pirates, as one of the four emperors. The forces, the general forces do not dare to conflict with them at all, even the other big forces are careful to avoid the area of talking.
Only those brats who have no fear will challenge the authority of the Whitebeard Pirates with confidence, and then be kneaded by the captains with a smile.
” Hahaha … It’s been so fun recently, it’s even more interesting than the new world! This has brought me back to the exciting life of adventure in the sea! ” After cleaning up a pirate group that came to snatch the territory, Lakyo said: said with a smile.
His current location is in a tavern. Originally, this small island was used as the temporary headquarters of the Whitebeard Pirates, and no one would come.
But because of the influx of foreign personnel, Reina simply moved the headquarters back to the Moby Dick , and the island was also opened to the outside world.
So a lot of businessmen came here one after another, plus the local residents of the island, which made the originally deserted island a lot more lively and became a typical pirate island.
In this tavern, the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates often come here, just like Lakyo. After the battle, it is a very good choice to come here to relax with a glass of wine.
” Wow ~ Captain Lakyo , are there any thieves who don’t have long eyes? Recently, there have been a lot of people in Beihai! ” The tavern owner handed the drink to Lakyo and said with a smile.
” There are always some people who can’t recognize their own position and strength! ” Lakyo shrugged and said with a chuckle.
As the world’s number one pirate group, countless people want to prove themselves by defeating them, but they have never considered their own strength.
As the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Whitebeard would definitely not come forward to deal with this kind of thing in person, so these captains became veritable tool people.
If they encounter a little guy with good character or strength, they will not take too much action, but if it is that kind of despicable guy, they will basically not keep it.
In addition to those pirates who came to the door, what they did the most was to fight those foreign visitors.
Also because a large number of people came to Beihai recently, it not only curbed the expansion of visitors from outside the sky, but even recaptured a lot of Beihai territory.
But just when they thought they could kill the aliens, Reina told them to stop the battle of the aliens.
At that time, many captains were extremely puzzled. Obviously, the situation is very good now, why should they stop the attack?
Reina did not explain, but just took out a piece of information, which said that the revolutionary army, the navy, the Beast Pirates, and the BIGMOM Pirates all chose to suspend the attack.
” Why is this? ” Some of the captains have already started to think, and some have even understood, but the rest of the captains are still at a loss.
” They don’t think that those outsiders are enough to be afraid of, and they even want to keep them in captivity as a cash machine for luck! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
” So are we going to do the same? ” Marko asked after a moment of silence.
” If there is no other force to attack together, it is just us … it is likely to suffer a big loss! In these days of battles, you should also feel the strength of the opponent! ” Reina shook his head and replied.
Everyone was silent, they were able to fight against so many of their forces at the same time, and the overall situation was only a slight retreat. They had to say that the aliens were powerful.
There was even a forty-level powerhouse on the other side. According to my father’s words, even if he was at his peak, he might not be able to beat the other side.
If it wasn’t for Reina Kap and the two joining forces, the other party alone would have wiped out a lot of their troops.
” What kind of confidence do they have? They actually say they want to keep aliens in captivity? ” Ace said angrily.
He understands the strength of the other party very well, and those outsiders do not accept any negotiation except killing. Under such conditions, why not eradicate the other party as soon as possible? Once the other party is given a chance, there may be more incidents in the future.
” Humph! What else? It’s just that they haven’t gotten more benefits from the aliens! ” Bista said disdainfully.
During this period of time, a lot of powerhouses have fallen among the foreign visitors, and the power of luck has also been acquired by many people, so there is no doubt about the power of luck now.
But it is precisely because of this that they treat those foreign visitors as if they were some kind of food, and they all want to go up and take advantage.
” Aren’t they afraid of backlash? With the strength of those outsiders, as long as an incident is given to them, it is likely to cause quite serious consequences! Moreover, our side is not monolithic. Once we let them figure out the situation on our side, the time will come. I’m afraid it will be quite bad! ” Saatchi frowned and said.
Reina also sighed and said, ” There’s no way, we can’t stop this kind of thing at all! Except for the revolutionary army who has the same idea as us, even the navy has stopped attacking. After all, they also need to obey the orders of the world government. ”
” This kind of thing … do n’t be in a hurry! ” Whitebeard, who was sitting in the first place, finally spoke up and said, ” Actually, they may not be unaware of the dangers of foreign visitors. You have been here for a long time, and they have not been here for a long time. It’s too short, what should be seen should have been seen long ago, otherwise why do you think they got their current status? ”
” But if they knew it, why did they stop at this time? ” Reina said inexplicably, ” Even if you want to keep each other in captivity, why not leave them an island? ”
” In that case … is it enough? ” Whitebeard asked with a slight twist at the corner of his mouth.
Reina was stunned for a moment, and understood the crux of the matter. In the end, it was a matter of interest. He was afraid that he would not be able to allocate it, so he simply left more space for visitors from outside the sky.

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