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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Your kid’s strength is growing very fast! ” Whitebeard said in surprise as he looked at Reina, who was not blushing or panting in front of him.
” Big brother, I’m still at the peak of my body! Although I haven’t used pure gold all the time, I used to wear it for a while! ” Reina said with a smile.
After Whitebeard came to Beihai, he was keenly aware that Reina’s strength had grown a lot, and that’s why the two of them were now sparring.
” Gu la la la … It’s so nice to be young! ” Whitebeard just laughed and sighed.
” How do you feel after absorbing the power of luck? ” Reina asked with a smile.
As the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, although he has passed his peak now, Reina and others still managed to create opportunities for Whitebeard and killed a level 30 alien from the sky.
Although it has been known that the increase in white beard is not vitality, Reina believes that the power of luck should still have some benefits to the body of white beard.
” Your guess is correct. Although the power of luck did not increase my vitality, it still made me feel a lot more comfortable! ” Whitebeard nodded and said.
” That’s good! ” Reina breathed a sigh of relief and said, ” Look for another opportunity to kill a few more powerful enemies, it should have a good effect! ”
” So ah ~ that’s why they stopped moving forward, even if it’s us … wouldn’t it be the same? ” Whitebeard sighed and said.
Reina was silent for a while, then suddenly said, ” Brother, I want to go and see! ”
Whitebeard frowned, although Reina wasn’t very clear, but Whitebeard knew what Reina meant, and he wanted to go deep into the island controlled by the aliens.
” You should know how dangerous it is in there. You are sure to deal with the forty-level powerhouse last time? ” Whitebeard was silent for a while, then asked.
Reina shook his head and said, ” I’m not sure, the scene was chaotic at the time, and I didn’t see it carefully, but even if he is a forty-level powerhouse, I’m sure to escape! ”
In fact, it is not without reason that Reina proposed to investigate further. Because of the arrival of Whitebeard these days, the matter on Beihai has been taken over by Whitebeard. Although Reina still has some things to deal with, it is easier than before. a lot of.
So in the extra time, Reina can kill some extraterrestrial visitors to earn points, and he has already earned enough ticket money at the Tower of Trials.
So after getting a lot of points, Reina exchanged for a very useful skill from the mall, that is – universal language.
Give Reyna the ability to understand the language of any intelligent race.
That’s why he had the idea to investigate further.
All the information now comes from their own guesses, but if they can understand each other’s language, then they can get more information.
But Whitebeard was quite hesitant about Reina’s request, because it was really too dangerous.
Even if it is Reina’s strength, once he is discovered by the enemy after going deep, then he is likely to be unable to break out, which is why Whitebeard hesitates.
His current body is not as good as before. If Reina had an accident, it would be a very big blow to the Whitebeard Pirates.
” Brother, don’t worry, I won’t mess around! And have you forgotten? I have another space for me to escape! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
He understood Whitebeard’s worries, but he really wanted to see what civilization the other party belonged to, and how it was different from the Earth where he lived in his previous life.
” Okay, be careful yourself, don’t be too impatient for the first time, it’s better to come back within ten days! On the tenth day, if you haven’t come back, I will launch a large-scale attack, you can seize the opportunity yourself ! ” Whitebeard hesitated, nodded, and said.
” Yes, thank you big brother! ” Reina nodded and said.
After leaving Whitebeard, Reina also went to the tavern, which is now basically the meeting point of the Whitebeard pirate team leaders.
Reina didn’t tell everyone about his next plan, but just told Marko that he would go out in the next few days and let him help Whitebeard with things here.
After leaving the island, Reina took the hard shell directly to the front line, and now he needs to get a set of armor for the aliens, so that he can better blend in with them.
Although all the things belonging to the aliens will gradually disappear within a day after the death of the other party’s body, disguise is the best way.
After arriving at the front line, Reina’s appearance naturally attracted the attention of the visitors from outside the sky, but he didn’t shoot directly, but let someone get a corpse over, and then left with the corpse.
After changing into the armor of the alien from the sky, Reina changed direction and moved towards the position of the revolutionary army next to him.
After he talked to Sabo last time, the revolutionary army soon sent people to Beihai, and it was Dorag himself who led it.
After meeting with Reina, the two sides soon reached an agreement on an offensive and defensive alliance, and the commander on the Beihai side was Sabo, the second-in-command of the general staff.
Therefore, it would be safer for Reina to choose to enter the territory of the aliens from here.
At that time, when Reina mixed into the alien camp, he immediately had a strange feeling, as if the armor on his body was linked to some kind of formation.
And the original ordinary helmet, rows of text appeared in the upper left corner of his line of sight.
” Zi … Zi ~”
“The seventh legion belongs to the all-out attack, those above level 20 don’t need to attack, those below level 20 are all-out attack! ” At this time, a strange voice suddenly appeared in Reina’s ear, and it seemed to be ringing in his ear. .
At the same time, he also found that among the Tianwailai around him, some people were retreating, while others were attacking forward.
He knew that those who attacked should be the so-called soldiers of the Seventh Legion.
As for the words on the left side of his line of sight, he couldn’t understand it, because his ability to exchange money was only listening, not including words, and he couldn’t speak at all, because he could understand it, it didn’t mean he would speak.
Although the other two ability malls can also be exchanged, but because he does not have enough points, the listening function is given priority.
The text in the upper left corner of the line of sight appeared very fast, like a chat window of some kind of online game in the previous life, with new text constantly appearing below, and the old text disappearing from the top.
Before Reina could understand the meaning of these words, he suddenly found that the aliens around him seemed to be deliberately keeping a distance from him, and he could also feel that there were some powerful forces. approach him.
” Exposed! ”
Although he didn’t understand why, Reina knew immediately that his identity should have been exposed.

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