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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Reina stayed in the 11th Legion for several days in a row, and he could finally tell which armour these armors belonged to.
When he didn’t know, these armors looked the same, but when he discovered the secrets of these armors, it was very easy to distinguish.
Because these armors will have a mark on the left chest. Depending on the legion they belong to, the marks on them are different. If you don’t pay attention, you can’t tell them apart at all.
Originally, Reina was still a little puzzled about this so-called legion. It was clearly a team of about a few hundred people. Why was it called a legion? Only later did I find out that every time they went to the camp to rest, the people who came from outside the sky were actually different people.
So it seems that there are only a few hundred people here, but the inner soul, I don’t know how many.
And once they lose more than a certain amount, when they are resting, some soldiers in armor will automatically appear on the side of the middle tent to make up their numbers, and then when they go to the battlefield the next day, Their number is full.
This discovery also made Reina more curious about the center tent.
It’s not that he didn’t think about it. After he went back, he brought the captains to raid directly. Taking advantage of the night when he was resting, he directly controlled the center of gravity tent. In this way, he would know what secrets were there. .
But he didn’t dare to take the risk. If the other party reacts, or if there is any self-destruction device, then their actions will likely arouse the other party’s suspicion.
So he planned to end this inquiry, and after he went back and got enough points, he exchanged the ability to understand words and came back.
However, just when Reina was about to leave today’s battlefield, another order came from the helmet in the morning to let them belong to the 11th Legion and go to the transport ship by the sea.
At this moment, Reina took it off. The other party was planning to launch an attack from somewhere. Only in this way would foreigners mobilize their troops these days.
Soon Reina became anxious, because the armor on his body could only exist for one day. If he didn’t go to the battlefield now, once the armor on his body disappeared, he would be exposed to the eyes of visitors from outside the sky.
And the fact that he can disguise himself as a foreigner will definitely leak out.
But no matter how anxious he is, he definitely can’t show his guilt now. He can only hope that the journey will not be too far. If he participates in the battle earlier, he can get out in time.
It didn’t take long for Rayner to board the transport with the rest of the Eleventh Legion.
Originally, Reina wanted to find an opportunity to fall directly into the sea when no one was there, and then let Yoyo cooperate with him, pretending to be attacked by a sea beast.
But after he got on the boat, he found out that they were directly assigned to the cabin in groups of four.
And since entering the cabin, his other three companions sat there motionless, as if they were asleep.
This made Reina a little helpless for a moment, because he couldn’t move at all, and he couldn’t even kill these companions, because he knew that as long as he did it himself, the other party could immediately use the chat network in the helmet. message passed.
Just when Reina was at a loss, suddenly, he found that all the information in his helmet began to disappear, and the three companions who were with him also crooked and fell directly on the seat.
” This is … no signal? ” Reina looked at the scene in front of her, dumbfounded.
But Reina, who had never encountered such a situation, did not dare to act rashly at all, so he had to start shouting in his heart to let it attack the transport ship where he was.
” Bang! ”
Soon, a violent shaking sounded, and Reina knew that it was a slippery hand, but the other three companions in the room still looked like they had passed out, and there was no movement at all.
And soon, Reina felt that someone on board shot Yoyo.
” Sure enough … not all people belong to this … no signal state! ” Reina frowned and wrote it down in his heart.
Originally, Reina planned to use Yoyo’s attack to take the opportunity to fight and then die.
As a result, this unexpected situation occurred unexpectedly.
Just when Reina was thinking about what to do, various signals and news in the helmet began to appear, and the other three companions in the room also woke up one after another, took their weapons and rushed out towards the deck.
Reina naturally would not miss such a good opportunity, and rushed out with his companions.
After arriving on the deck, Reina immediately found out that the aliens who were fighting Yoyo were five soldiers of about 20th level.
Their strength is good, but they can’t help Yoyo, especially in the sea, for Yoyo, it is completely the home court.
However, Yoyo couldn’t do any damage to the transport ship at all, because five level 20 soldiers were enough to protect the transport ship.
But when Reina appeared, the situation became different, because he could command Yo.
So when Yoyo dived directly into the sea, the five 20th-level soldiers also seemed a little flustered, but at this time, Reina deliberately walked to the side of the ship.
” Boom! ”
The body has exceeded 50 meters, and it directly hit the bottom of the ship, almost knocking the entire transport ship over, and Reina also took the opportunity to pretend to fall into the sea from the side of the ship.
There were several other alien warriors with him, but they were faced with a direct attack from Yoyo.
After Yoyo directly killed several foreigners who fell into the water, Reina quickly shattered the armor on his body, looking like he was eaten by Yoyo.
After doing all this, Reina did not leave directly, but waved to Yoyo, cut him directly on Yoyo’s head, and you brought him to the surface.
Seeing Reina beheaded on Yoyo’s head, the aliens on the transport ship knew that they were finished.
Reina smiled slightly, Hing Lun Wan directly in the hands of the boat, since they met, then by the way, harvest all the people on this boat, after all, they are all points.
Those outsiders seemed to know that they could not escape, so they all launched attacks on Reina, but unfortunately they were all in vain.
After ten minutes, Reina ended the battle, and there was no need to stay here any longer.
Standing on Yoyo’s head, let it head towards the island controlled by the Whitebeard Pirates, while he himself fell into contemplation.
These days he has been in the local base camp, but it is not that he has gained nothing. At least he already knows why the strong people on their side will be discovered by visitors from outside the sky as soon as they appear.

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