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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” According to you, the reason why those guys can keep resurrecting is because they didn’t come to this world with their original bodies? ” When Rayner returned to the Moby Dick and told Whitebeard what he had seen and heard , Whitebeard said immediately.
” It’s very possible! What I saw in their tent before may be what they made of the body! ” Reina nodded and said: ” Using some technology we don’t know, they can make energy continuously. The body of this standard soldier, and then descended from their soul into the body, becoming a warrior who will never really die! ”
” You say that … a bit like a clone of Germa! ” Marco touched his chin and said, ” But don’t they also have a strong man? Is the body of a strong man made separately? ”
” Let’s not talk about how they made their bodies. We speculated before that their arrival was prevented by our world. It is very likely that they are not complete, and they may not be able to make more powerful bodies, which is also the reason why they are restricted from coming. One! ” Reina nodded and said.
” Anyway, this may be good news for us, right? ” Lakyo smiled and said, ” The more conditions restricting them, the better for us, right? ”
” But we still have to figure it out, otherwise, we don’t know when they will come to more powerful powerhouses! ” Reina frowned and said, ” Only by knowing the conditions of their coming, we can accurately know, their current invasion. Progress! ”
” How about … let’s try sneak attack tonight? Reina, you should cooperate with us and take down their central tent, wouldn’t you know? ” Bista suggested.
Reina shook his head and said: ” It’s very difficult. If I show up, then they will probably know that I can pretend to be their person, which will cause great trouble for future actions. ”
” Then what should we do? If no one cooperates with the inside and the outside … We guess it will be difficult to snatch it away? After all, they will destroy the things the first time they find us! ” Saatchi said with a frown.
” Why not … another way? ” Ace suddenly suggested: ” Every time we show up, don’t they send the corresponding personnel to support immediately? Why don’t we show up on purpose, transfer their strong ones away, and then let people attack them? ? ”
Reina shook his head and said: ” The ratio of combat power on our side, the other party probably already knows it! And I suspect that the reason why their support is so fast is because they can create suitable bodies at any time! For example, our On the side, there are about ten strong men above level 30 who have been in town for a long time. Once we increase the strength of our side, they will create new bodies and let the strong men of their planet come, so that they can use the most powerful force. Quick support here! ”
” It’s very possible! That is to say, they usually don’t reach the limit of their arrival at all, but leave room for them! The more we fight to the end, maybe … the more difficult it will be! Because they are likely to have a steady stream of reinforcements! Unless we can destroy their body-making machines! ” Marko said, nodding.
” Brother, this time we probably need someone’s help! ” Reina sighed and said.
” Have you come up with a solution? ” Whitebeard asked, looking at Reina.
In fact, in the eyes of Whitebeard, this matter is really difficult to do. That kind of machine must be very important to the aliens. They have robbed the island from the aliens more than once, but there has never been anything about that. news of the machine.
Not only them, he can guarantee that none of the other forces in Beihai will know this news.
” Devil Fruit Ability! ” Reina said softly.
” Huh? ” Everyone looked at Reina in surprise.
” Our strength and the strength of the other party are on the bright side, but we have an uncertain factor, that is, the devil fruit! The ability of the devil fruit is tens of thousands, and no one knows if it has any ability. I can help! ” Reina explained with a smile: ” As far as I can think of right now, Charlotte Bray from the BIGMOM Pirates is likely to be able to help us! ”
” You mean … that Mirror Mirror Fruit Ability? ” Marco was stunned for a moment, and then said suddenly: ” But do they have mirrors over there? ”
” It’s because I’m not sure that I say it’s possible! ” Reina shook his head and continued: ” Besides Bree, Bruno, one of the CP9 members of the World Government, should also be able to help! ”
“CP9 ? What abilities does he have? ” Lakyo asked in surprise.
” He is the power of the door fruit. As long as his hand touches any object, it will become a door and can be opened, and he can open the door freely anywhere, including the air …” Reina said with a smile.
” Oh? What do you mean … he can open a door here and go out directly from the center tent of the other party? ” Marko’s eyes lit up and asked.
” I don’t know this, because I don’t know what his limit distance is! But no matter how much, if we cooperate with the navy … There is absolutely no problem in terms of the number of strong men, and the navy will attack frontally and attract the opponent. , and we used Bruno’s ability to directly appear in the tent, I think this way, the other party will definitely not be able to react, and we have a great chance of success! ” Reina nodded and said.
” That is to say … We are now either working with the World Government or with the BIGMOM Pirates? ” Ace said with a frown.
” This is all I can think of at the moment, and I know the ability to help us. Of course, you can also think about whether you have encountered any special ability before. If the other party is just a single pirate, it will be more effective for us. Good! ” Reina nodded and said.
” In other words, is it better to need that kind of space ability? ” Marco touched his chin and fell into contemplation. He vaguely felt that he seemed to have seen such a person with space ability, but he couldn’t remember it for a while.
“That ‘s right! ”
At this time, Ace and Marco suddenly said: ” The pirate in the alliance with Straw Hat (Luffy) seems to have the ability to move space! ”
Hearing the words of the two, Reina was stunned for a moment, and then he knew who they were talking about.
” You’re talking about the power user of the surgical fruit, Trafalgar Law , right? ” Reina said with a smile.
” Yes, I have seen his ability in Wano Country. As long as he is within a certain range, he can teleport any person or any object at will! ” Marko nodded and said.
” No! ” Reina shook his head and said, ” At least he can’t teleport me! The domineering arrogance on the surface of my body will block his ability. Once he uses his ability on me, it’s useless at all! “

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