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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
In the end, after the Whitebeard Pirates negotiated, they still planned to cooperate with Bruno of CP9 , because his ability was the most convenient and safe.
Just cooperating with the world government is not easy.
First of all, they have the initiative, that is to say, they cannot go to the world government, they must be found by the world government, and then they will pick up the plane and make a request.
But under normal circumstances, it is difficult for the World Government to actively seek them, unless they have what the World Government needs, and even so, the World Government generally does not cooperate with their Whitebeard Pirates, because according to past experience , The attitude of the Whitebeard Pirates to them is very bad, and they are too lazy to stick their cold buttocks on their faces.
So if you want to attract the attention of the world government, you must come up with something.
” It’s a bit troublesome! We have never cooperated with the World Government at all, and we have no suitable channels at all! ” After Reina and the captains tried several times, they couldn’t contact the World Government at all.
” How about we go directly to the Five Old Stars to negotiate, or capture that CP9 member back? ” Lakyo scratched his head in annoyance and said.
” Forget it, I’m not in a hurry for the time being. How long will it take for the doctor to arrive? Have you contacted the person from Jamar? ” Reina shook his head and said.
“The Doctor is already on his way, and there will be no problem with Ace passing by, but are you sure that Germa’s people will be involved in this matter? ” Marco said with a frown.
They didn’t even notify the revolutionary army, but Reina planned to let Germa’s forces join in, which made him extremely puzzled.
” Don’t worry for now, everything will be discussed when the doctor comes! ” Reina shook his head and said, ” And you should also know that Germa has the technology of replicators in his hands, which is likely to be similar to the technology of aliens. , so just in case, let them follow us, even if we can’t bring the machine back, but if they are there, maybe we can see something! ”
” Okay then! It’s up to you to decide! ” Marko shrugged and replied: ” Maybe they can try to contact the World Government at that time, and save us wasting our energy here! ”
” If the doctor is sure he can handle it, we don’t have to look for Germa! ” Reina said with a smile, ” So the World Government can’t rely on others! ”
A few days later, Ace brought Dr. Ahsie to the North Sea. As for the defense task of Xuanyue Island, it was handed over to Olga and Perona. It was the first time that the two troublemakers accepted such an important task. Very happy on Xuanyue Island.
However, in order to prevent them from messing around, Ace passed Reina’s order to them, that is to obey Frank’s command. If they can’t do it, Ace will stay at Xuanyue Island and be in charge of Xuanyue Island. defense mission.
Naturally, the two of them made a promise in front of Ace that they would absolutely obey Frank’s orders.
But before Ace left, he still gave Frank a psychic scroll, let him use the psychic scroll when he had something to do, and let Hard Shell bring the news to him.
After the doctor arrived at Beihai, Reina immediately explained the matter here.
” You’re right. According to the technology of their communication equipment, it shouldn’t be a problem to have this technology! But one important thing is the material ! ” He pointed out the key points directly and said: ” They have produced such a large number of soldiers, obviously they can’t do it without materials! ”
” But … we haven’t seen them use or transport anything! ” Reina frowned and said.
” Maybe … their transportation is not missing, but it is not for us to discover! Didn’t you see a huge tent? Maybe they completed the transportation through some technical means in there! ” Ah Sière The doctor guessed.
” In other words … still have to go and see! ” Reina sighed and said.
” That’s right, everything we said means nothing if I don’t confirm it with my own eyes! ” Dr. Ahsie nodded and replied.
” So … maybe it would be better to cooperate with BIGMOM ! It’s just that I’m not sure whether there is a mirror in the other party’s tent! ” Reina said while rubbing his chin.
” Mirror? ” Dr. Sière was taken aback and asked in surprise.
He didn’t understand what the relationship between the detection of the enemy’s situation and the mirror had, but soon Rayner explained Charlotte Bray’s abilities to him .
” Haha … the devil fruit is really interesting, it even has such a strange ability! ” Dr. Ah Xiai said with a bright eye.
” By the way, Doctor, do you think it is necessary to involve Germa’s people? They have very powerful replicator methods! ” Reina asked again at this time.
” Replicants ? ” Dr. Sière was stunned and asked in surprise: ” Do you already have such technology? I wonder what step they have been able to achieve? ”
In desperation, Reina had to tell the doctor about Germa again.
” Tsk tsk tsk … It seems that the scientist named Jiazhi is also very powerful! ” After listening to the doctor, he said with a smile.
” It’s not Le ~ I heard that the technology belongs to Dr. Vega Punk. He was just an assistant of Dr. Vega Punk! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” If that’s the case … then don’t call him for now! Maybe we can go to his laboratory to see it! ” The doctor said with a strange smile when he heard the words.
Reina was stunned, and instantly understood what the doctor meant.
He wanted to see the technology of the aliens first, and then in exchange, go to see the technology of Germa, maybe he would find something by then.
” Then let’s work with BIGMOM for the time being ! After all, if you ask her to borrow someone, she should agree, and she will definitely get information from Brei at that time! But as long as we do a little trick to hide important information Just get up! ” Reina rubbed her chin and said thoughtfully.
” You decide this for yourself, I want to go to the scene to see it now! ” The doctor said with a smile.
Although Reina can’t guarantee that there is a mirror in the tent of the alien visitor, but it doesn’t matter if there is not, anyway, he has made up his mind, and he will cooperate with BIGMOM , and he will not say anything, how much Brei can understand. No matter how much, when the time comes to stimulate BIGMOM with words , you should be able to achieve your goal.
After thinking about the plan, Reina planned to execute it immediately, so on the same day, he went directly to the location of the BIGMOM Pirates.

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