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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
In the end, Reina stuck out his head from the mirror world and determined the location of the mirror.
” This should be the exhausted building of the central tent! ” Reina quickly knew where he was in his heart, and wondered if he could take down the contents of the tent immediately if he launched a raid from here.
In the end, he gave up, because he couldn’t penetrate the tent at all, so he couldn’t know how many people were inside.
” Let’s go, let’s retreat! ” Reina said, shaking his head.
” Is there nothing you need here? ” Smoothie asked, frowning.
” Yes! But the distance is too far, I’m not sure, so let’s go back first! ” Lei Nan shook his head and replied.
Through the previous mirror, Reina and others left the mirror world directly.
” How is it? ” Seeing Reina and the others coming out, Marco immediately stepped forward to ask.
” No, there is still some distance from the center point, there is no 100% certainty! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Then … what should I do? ” Marco frowned and said.
” Let’s try another island. This time I’ll go with Bree. After we find a suitable island, we’ll discuss what to do! If there are any here, I believe there should be other islands too! ” Reina thought for a while After that, he said.
Bree and Smoothie on the side looked at each other. Although they didn’t understand what Reina said, it was definitely different from what was said to them before.
But this time, they didn’t ask too much, because they knew that no matter what, Reina still needed Bray’s ability in the end, so as long as they figured it out before the final action.
In the next few days, with Brei’s cooperation, Reina took her to several small islands, and even the front-line islands on the revolutionary army’s side had sneaked in, but they couldn’t find a suitable place.
” It seems that these places don’t have what Mr. Rayner is looking for? ” Smoothie asked with a smile when he returned to the Whitebeard Pirates’ forehead station.
” No, I’ve found every island! But … I’m not sure to grab it back before they find it! Because once we let the other party know our purpose, it’s almost impossible to succeed in the future! ” Reina shook Shaking his head, he said.
” So … now Mr. Rayner can tell us, what exactly are you trying to do? ” Smoothie asked calmly.
” This … sorry, it’s a big deal. If we can’t act, then we can’t tell you! ” Reina shook his head and replied.
Because in his mind, he can finally find Bruno to implement his plan by cooperating with the world government. If the information is leaked to BIGMOM and let her know, it will be very prone to accidents.
So he has to make sure the plan goes smoothly, and then it doesn’t matter if he tells his partners.
But even if Reyna didn’t say it, Smoothie and Bree could be sure that what Reyna was looking for was in the tent controlled by the enemy.
Because Reina always asked Bree if they could reach the tent directly, but they didn’t know what was in the tent.
” Your Excellency Reina … why don’t you try it with us? Anyway, you haven’t found a suitable one in so many places, maybe we have one? ” Brei suggested with a smile.
But before Reina could agree, Smoothie took the lead and said, ” Sister Bray, this is not good, my mother won’t agree! ”
” Huh ? ” Bree looked at Smoothie in surprise, and after seeing the other party shaking his head very solemnly, she stopped talking.
Reina smiled and said nothing.
When it was time to rest, Bree found Smoothie and asked curiously, ” Smoochy, why did you stop me from letting Reina and the others go to our place!? If you go to our place, then you will be at Mommy. Under the surveillance, even if they get any benefit, they will definitely share it with us! ”
” Sister Bray, that’s not how things work! ” Smooch shook his head and said, ” The aliens on our side are our own resources, although we don’t know what Rayner is looking for now, but every time There are tents like this on every island, and we must have them there too! As long as we figure out what Reina is looking for, we can act on our own when we go back! ”
Bree suddenly realized, ” Thanks to you, Smoothie! I’d be wrong again! ”
” It’s okay, Sister Bray, this time we come out, we need to see more and talk less! Wait until we have mastered the secrets of the Whitebeard Pirates, and then go back! Otherwise, Mom will be angry! ” Smoothie said softly.
” Yeah! Don’t worry, no matter what Reina wants to do, he is under my watch! ” Brei nodded and replied.
On the other hand, Reina and the others are also negotiating what to do.
” Brother, judging from the current situation, Bray’s ability may not be able to play a role! ” Reina reiterated the intelligence of the past few days.
” Well! You are right that you didn’t do it, those guys are not easy characters to deal with! ” Whitebeard nodded and said, ” Our only advantage now is that you can understand each other’s words! If this is exposed, then There is no way it will work! ”
” Then what should we do? ” Marco frowned and said, ” It’s hard to get a piece of information that can go further, isn’t it a pity to leave it unused! ”
” Or let’s launch a surprise attack from the nearest place! With our strength and speed, it’s an instant thing! ” Bista suggested.
“The problem is that we don’t know what’s in the tent, and if we act rashly without knowing it, we’re likely to startle the snake! ” Reina shook his head and said, ” If it’s just the strong men and machines stationed there, our surprise attack shouldn’t be there. The problem, no matter how fast their machines are made, they shouldn’t be enough to resist us! But …”
” You are afraid that there is a prepared body in there, right!? ” Dr. Sière, who was on the side, suddenly said, ” According to my guess, there should be a prepared body in it, which can be released to the outside world at any time. It’s only right that the strong visitor comes! ”
Reina nodded and said: ” That’s right, otherwise, in every war we have, their support will not arrive so fast! ”
Reina’s words silenced everyone. If a surprise attack was launched directly from the tent, then they could destroy those bodies as soon as possible, so that the other party could not come, but from the outside, the other party might have a chance to come.

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